So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2243: One more person

"But if I know the truth, this way, my death and the blue Miaozhai are closely related. Although you have a temporary peace of mind here, but you have to worry about me every day, I am afraid that I will be found by the right long man. Once I am dead, Lan Miao Village is in danger..." Blue Ocean continued: "So I finally did not say these secrets. It seems that I am not right to say that it is true!"

“Not bad!” Blue Grandma nodded and said: “If you say it in advance, we will be distracted to worry about your safety, and after knowing that you are hiding in a safe place, you will not study it day and night. The right way is old!"

"However, after all, Yang Ming and Ling Ling have made great contributions. We, these people, have not played any role!" Zuo Changjun said with a bitter smile: "It’s really the waves after the Yangtze River, the generation is stronger than the first generation. !"

"Right, the right long-haired old man was caught in our Miao Village. After a long time, he was unconscious and the pulse was chaotic. Mr. Lin said that it was because of the unsatisfactory nature of the water, because it was because of the mysterious power of the sacrifice hall, which made him unconscious. In the past?” Blue Grandma suddenly remembered the right thing about the old man, so he asked.

"Yes, it should be like this!" Blue Ocean nodded and said: "There is evil and viciousness in the old body of the right-handedness - the incomplete version of King Kong, so after coming here, it will be sanctioned by the mysterious force. So I fainted in the past.

"It seems that I am still lucky. The incomplete version of King Kong in my body has been merged by the full version of King Kong, and it has become a super-powerful King Kong." Yang Ming said: "I am afraid I will also receive That is a little cut of the mysterious power in the temple!"

"Otherwise, although you are evil and poisonous in your body, you have not sacrificed the blood of your own body to smear the poison in your body, so you have not been infected with evil, so you will not be affected by the mysterious power." The blue sea waved his hand and said: "Fortunately, there is a complete version of the vajra in your body for integration. Otherwise, where do you go to find the blood of the dead person to go to the sacrifice? Say you must not go on the road to crime, then At the time, you will become the public enemy of everyone!"

"Yeah, this right long and old is bad enough!" Yang Ming nodded. "That is right, so long, I am so unconscious, will I wake up later?"

"No!" Blue Sea shook his head and said: "He has been sanctioned by the mysterious force. As long as he does not wake up in the blue Miao Village, he is no different from the vegetative!"

"Yes? It turned out to be like this. I knew this before. It would be better for Grandpa Sun to force him to catch the blue Miao Village with a flying saucer. It was directly fainted here. We are in trouble in the province!" Liu Ye listened to the blue sea. After some regrets said.

"Halo...", Yang Ming smiled bitterly: "If you don't want the UFO to be destroyed by him, you should catch him! Just on the UFO, I am now forced to retire, if you never want to go back to your planet." Can give it a try!"

"Khan! That loss has not been tested, or it is really finished." Liu Ye will not realize Yang Ming's current strength, but Yang Ming himself, but can deeply understand how powerful the right long man is!

"But the right long squat is old here, and it becomes a vegetative person. If the province returns to normal, he will make waves again." Yang Ming said: "Let the vegetatives raise it first!"

"Yeah, after all, he is also my right arm, for so many years, there are also feelings, recalling the young days, vivid in sight, as if it was yesterday morning.", the blue sea is also a sigh: "I did not expect him to fall So the end...".

"Right, Grandpa Ma, I suddenly remembered a very important question. The right-handed old man, in the blue Miao Village, did not have the blood of the newly-dead person to give him a sacrifice, then he can still live. What?” Yang Ming thought of his own situation and thought about the situation of the right long man, so he asked.

"Nature does not, I have not said before? He is in the blue Miao Village, subject to the mysterious power of the Sacrifice Church, here will always be a state of coma, just like the vegetative people, naturally do not need any blood to sacrifice "Blue Sea said: "But if he woke up in other places, there would be no blood to sacred the poison in his body, then he would die."

"It turned out!" Yang Ming nodded and said: "It seems that here is the best destination for the old man!"

"You can say that!" Blue Ocean also nodded.

In the evening, after everyone had a rich dinner together, Yang Ming and others should also leave!

Everyone was ready to go back to the drug valley again, and made a goodbye with Sun Sikong. Then he went back to pay the task, and the right long-haired old thing finally came to a paragraph!

After the end of the mission, Yang Ming, as the captain of the entire team, called Xia Bingyan’s phone.

"Xia Ge, it is me!" After Yang Ming connected the phone, he said directly: "The mission has been completed, and the right long man is finished!"

"Oh? Yang Ming, have you succeeded?" Xia Bingyan heard Yang Ming's report, and was shocked and happy: "It's so good, are your team safe? A lot?"

"In the morning. - A lot of them, just, there may be one more...", Yang Ming is in a good mood, so he made a joke.

"One more? You have smashed the right old man? You want to bring it back?, 1 Xia Bingyi."

"It is Feng Tianlong and Xiao Susu, who have the crystallization of love." Yang Ming smiled and said: "The two guys have already become friends in Yaogu!"

When I called Xia Bingyan last time, because of the time constraints, I didn’t say so much. Naturally, it’s impossible to say that Feng Tianlong and Xiao Susu’s children are so long-lived. Now, it’s free, Yang Ming naturally doesn’t mind ridiculing. .

"They are two? Is it already good? Even the children have it?" Xia Bingyu said in amazement.

"Yeah, they both have children!" Yang Ming smiled and said: "So I said one more...".

As for Yiyi, it is not the team of this action team, so Yiyi’s pregnancy is not related to the one who went back. Because when he handed in the task, Yang Ming’s team was not going to follow suit.

"They got married in the medicine valley, then what about you?" Xia Bingyan suddenly asked narrowly: "Yang Ming, you and Xia Xue, is there anything happening?"

"We...", Yang Ming said here, suddenly a little embarrassed: "Xia Ge, I think I have to call you a big brother in the future...".

"Haha, I know, you two must be better, how, you don't have one more back?" Xia Bingyan said.

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