So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2249: Return journey

The second two hundred and forty-nine chapters return

"This mind is originally a longevity, you have to repair it all the time, naturally!" Ink said: "And, you, the **** of strength, according to my research, as long as your inner home is repaired to Dacheng, you can be self-sufficient, no longer need that spring water as a nutrient solution, of course, this is only a speculation and hypothesis of me, the specific feasibility is not feasible, or you want to try Mr. Lin Dongfang personally!"

"Haha, good! Hope is better than no hope!" Lin Dongfang laughed and nodded. "Old ink, I remember this kindness. If I can really be self-sufficient, then this repair has also I don’t want to practice it in the village. I don’t think it’s meaningful to repair and refine it.”

"Word... can't say that, the son of the little master still wants to stay here. I have to build a base quenching body since I was a child. I want you to take care of it here!" Ink Kongwen is still very respectful to Lin Dongfang. After all, Lin Dongfang is the righteous father of Yiyi, the Yuelu father of Liu Ye, so Mo Kongwen is very good at speaking to Lin Dongfang.

“That’s also true!” Lin Dongfang nodded after listening to the words of Mo Kongwen: “For my grandson, I have to hurry up and repair, or how to teach him?”

"Speaking of teachings... In fact, we really can't help anything... After all, this is the old master who took it out, but the old master did not repair it, everything. All of them need to explore for themselves, so Mr. Lin Dongfang, you can only supervise on the side, others, you have to rely on him to realize!" Ink said.

"Self-enlightenment? Well, but this is not a bit pit, nothing will make him realize..." Lin Dongfang said with a smile: "If he asks me, I am not asking if I don't know?"

"This is true, but in order to avoid the time when you ask three questions, it is difficult to explain, I discussed with Dr. Sun, and I am going to change the current cave hole into a cave. At that time, you help the little master build it. After the completion of the quenching body, pretending that he came to the cave under the coincidence of the opportunity, he got this repairing method, so that this thing was purely accidental, how he repaired it, relying on his Obsessed, and has nothing to do with you." Ink said.

"This is not bad, but also can give me some face!" Lin Dongfang nodded: "Otherwise, I don't know if I ask, I have too much face!"

Early the next morning, Yang Ming, Liu Ye, Feng Tianlong, Xia Xue, Lan Ling, Liu Tianqi, and Chen Xiaojing embarked on the road of returning home. As for Yiyi, they stayed here and stayed with Lin Dongfang for some time. After Liu Ye came back, there was no suspense. They had to go back to the planet where Liu Ye was on...

(Recommended a book, the fisherman's finished book "very pure and very prequel", about the life of Liu Ye and others, you can find the answer in this book! About the follow-up of Yang Ming, Liu Ye and others The story can be read "The master of the school flowers")

Yanjing, the base of the mysterious investigation and investigation bureau.

Lan Ling, Liu Tianqi and Chen Xiaojing were not members of the action team of the Mystery Investigation Bureau, so they were arranged to rest in the room after arriving at the base of the Mystery Investigation Bureau.

Yang Ming, with other people, saw Xia Bingyan together.

"Yang Ming, congratulations! I successfully completed this mission, I am very pleased!" Xia Bingyan said.

"Oh, Xia Ge, although the task is difficult, but fortunately, it is not insulting, and finally completed!" Yang Ming smiled and said: "Where the hardships have finally come over!"

"Yeah, the difficulty of this mission is far beyond my expectations. I didn't expect that the right long man was so strong! With his tyrannical skill, if I knew it, I would not send you. It is a letter sent to the ancient level for help. After all, this kind of evil, the ancient level knows, and will not let him go." Xia Bingyan said.

"The ancient level? Is it the ancient cultivating and refining the martial art and the ancient cultivating family?" Yang Ming gave a slight glimpse, did not expect to hear the term again between the two days.

"Oh? Do you know?" Xia Bingyan asked with some surprise.

"Feng Tianlong told me." Yang Ming said.

"Feng Tianlong... Hey, that is, Feng Tianlong's family is the ancient family of repairing and refining the family. It is not surprising to know these secrets." Xia Bingyu nodded.

"Xia Ge, we are mysteriously investigating the bureau, can we send the ancient family to do things for us?" Yang Ming asked curiously.

"This is naturally impossible." Xia Bingyan immediately shook his head and said: "The ancient cultivating and refining the martial art and the ancient cultivating and refining family are the kind of martial art and family that are dedicated to the pursuit of meditation, and generally do not get involved in the world. We are just asking for help. After all, the emergence of the right-handed old man has reached a point of great harm. We ask the people at the ancient level to kill it, and the ancient level should not refuse!"

"It turns out that." Yang Ming heard this and nodded. "However, I am afraid that if you know the true strength of the old man, you will shrink back..."

“Oh?” Xia Bingzhen was a little surprised: “On the ancient level, isn’t it the right old rival?”

"Whether the right long man can do the old people, this is not clear, but the ancient level is absolutely impossible to grow the right long!" Yang Ming smiled and said: "Right long and old It’s beyond imagination! I didn’t elaborate on the e-mail before...”

"Yang Ming, listen to what you mean, right long 垩 old seems to have been so powerful to the point of incredible?" Xia Bing asked.

"Not bad!" Yang Ming nodded, and said the situation at the time, and Feng Tianlong judged the strength of the repairing smelter...

After listening to Yang Ming’s words, Xia Bingyan could not help but fall into meditation!

If, as Yang Ming said, the right-handed old man is an almost invincible existence, and the knife and the gun are not invaded by water and fire. What is this concept? Such a person is almost the same as the legendary Superman. The people on the ancient level, even if they are masters of the heavenly ranks, may not be able to get good!

And Yang Ming, these people, can actually turn the right long 垩 old into a white idiot, although there are elements of luck and luck, but the most important thing is the embodiment of strength! Wisdom, sometimes it is also a strength!

If Yang Ming is not a sincere cooperation, step by step, it is impossible to deal with the right long! And today's victory is not accidental!

"Yang Ming, if this is the case, then your strength has not reached a very high level, even the ancient level masters, is not your opponent?" Xia Bingyan looked at Yang Ming, it is incredible Said.

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