So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2250: Parting sadness

"They are not my opponents, but they are not necessarily, but according to Feng Tianlong, they can't help me!" Yang Ming nodded.

"I didn't expect it, Yang Ming, you are blessed by misfortune. As a result, your strength is enough to repair the refining world, but you want to retreat. Otherwise, you must have a big deal!" Xia Bingzhen is not without Said envious.

Yang Ming was blessed in disguise, and he trained Jin Gang to be a bad body. This opportunity is enough to make Yang Ming go to a higher level.

"There is a heaven outside, there are people outside." Yang Ming said very calmly: "On the top of the squatter, there may be more powerful existence! And on the more powerful existence, there may be alien technology... ...but these things have little to do with me. I consciously use my abilities and do what I do. Those higher-level things are not my concern! Not to mention those cultivators are not available. Things, I don't have to provoke them!"

"That is also true! This is a balance. For thousands of years, the same is true. Maintaining this balance and owning the balance!" Xia Bingyan nodded. "So I am not reluctant to be with you. This mission is over." After that, you can do what you want to do, unless there is something I can't solve, I will invite you!"

"Haha, don't talk about friendship, even from the perspective of family, I will help!" Yang Ming laughed.

"Yeah, you have become my sister coward, then I will not be polite with you in the future!" Xia Bingyan said.

"Nature is welcome!" Yang Ming said.

Yang Ming and Xia Bingyan’s words made Xia Xue a little embarrassed: “Brother... Now we are paying the task, what do you say?”

"Haha, there are no outsiders here, they are all themselves. Are you embarrassed between you?" Xia Bingyan smiled and said: "You and Yang Ming are living together under the eyes of other teammates, but also afraid of people saying ?"

"We...we didn't think we couldn't come back, we just let it go... Who knows that I can come back?" Xia Xue said with a blush.

"Xia Xue, this is not like your style? You used to dare to be a dare, how can you become a little woman now?" Xia Bingyan did not miss this opportunity to continue to tease Xia Xue.

"I... I can't do it well..." Xia Xuebai said with his brother.

"Hey, this time the family wanted to let you go through the experience, stay with me, do things in the mysterious investigation, but now it seems impossible!" Xia Bingxiao smiled: "You Also, go with Yang Ming and go to X Island to live in seclusion?"

"Well..." Xia Xue nodded. "Brother, sorry, live up to your expectations!"

"Don't say that, in fact, you can stay with Yang Ming, and it is also a help to me!" Xia Bingxiao said with a smile: "At the very least, my relationship with Yang Ming is a step closer. I will ask him for help later. I will be sorry!"

"I said Xia Ge, what you said, it seems that I am not with Xia Xue, I will not help..." Yang Ming said depressedly.

"Haha, this is not to say that you are not helping, but I am sorry to ask you!" Xia Bing said: "But now, my sister has given you, you said I am still embarrassed?"

"Okay!" Yang Ming nodded. "If there is anything that can't be solved, you can find me!"

"What you want is your sentence!" Xia Bingyan said to Yang Ming, and turned to look at Liu Ye, said: "Liu Ye, you have to go back this time... Hey, you and Yang Ming, yes. We have mysteriously ridiculed the two trump cards in the bureau, and now they are gone, which makes me a little uncomfortable!"

"No way, Xia captain, you know, I came here, I have already talked with you, just experience, it is impossible to stay here for a long time." Liu Ye is actually a bit sad, after all, working together for many years. Colleagues, now they are going to separate, he is naturally sad.

"I naturally know that only some are not suitable!" Xia Bing said: "There are also Tianlong and!"

"Summer captain, you can rest assured, I will come back!" Feng Tianlong said: "At that time, Susu's things may still be bothering you, and only our mysterious investigations can provide the kind of placement. The ice is frozen!"

“Ice?” Xia Bingyan gave a slight glimpse and asked, “What is it for?”

"This is the case..." Feng Tianlong said the words that Lin Dongfang had said before, and Xia Bingyan said it again.

After listening to Xia Bingyan, he suddenly realized that "you can't come back, I will do my best to help. Susu is a member of our company. I have a glimmer of hope. I will fight for it! Honeymoon, the hail thing will be handed over to me, I will find someone to study the system tomorrow!"

"That is to thank Xia Ge!" Feng Tianlong heard Xia Bingyan promised to come down, very happy to say.

"Don't thank, this is what I should do!" Xia Bingyu said: "Xiao Susu, not only your wife, but also a teammate under my Xia Bingyan, so anyway, I have to do my best to help her! ”

The right long-haired old thing is over, so the handover of the mysterious investigation and investigation bureau is simple. Everyone just talked about the family.

The next day, with you, everyone must part ways!

Liu Ye, to return to Miaojiang Medicine Valley, to find Yiyi, waiting for the child of Yiyi to be born, and then return to his planet with Yiyi, this time, I am afraid it is forever separated!

Yang Ming does not know if there is any chance to see you again in the future, but this time is really true to each other...

"Leaves, take care!" Yang Ming didn't have much words, just patted his shoulder and yelled at him.

"Boss, rest assured, we will meet again, must!" Liu Ye also cherished this day with Yang Ming, he did not admire anyone, but Yang Ming is still admired.

"Oh, then I am looking forward to such a day!" Yang Ming nodded.

"Boss, Xia Xuezizi, Lan Lingzizi, will meet again!" Liu Yeh hugged his fist and turned away. He went to the airport with a mysterious investigation and investigation.

After leaving Liu Ye, Yang Ming turned and looked at Feng Tianlong and Xiao Susu. They were always sad. They just sent Liu Ye, and Feng Tianlong and Xiao Susu are here!

Compared with these two people, Liu Ye’s is that Yang Ming is not so sad. After all, although Liu Ye’s long distance can be said to be one side of the sky, but each other is alive, there is always the opportunity and hope to meet again...

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