So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2252: Someone is looking for trouble

Therefore, now I have returned to the empty sister, then there is only one possibility, that is, Yang Ming returned safely!

Thinking of this possibility, Huang Lele suddenly became surprised and happy. After receiving the order from the public servant, he hurriedly exchanged the clothes of the former empty sister and went to the new job report of the airport.

Yang Ming and his party boarded the plane, but what made Yang Ming strange was that there were no flight attendants in the first class of the plane!

Even if Xia Bingyu wants to keep some secrets, he doesn’t need to let First Class even have a service staff. Before these people flew back to Yanjing City from Miaojiang, they also took the first class, but there are also flight attendants to serve!

Of course, these flight attendants quit the first class after arranging the seats and luggage, and told Yang Ming and others that if necessary, press the call button above the seat and they will be served.

But this time, even this step was omitted. After getting on the plane, I sat in the first class and I didn’t see it! This makes Yang Ming somewhat speechless!

Yang Ming and his party did not bring drinks. They also wanted to send some drinks to the empty sister. Now they can be poured, no one!

In desperation, when Yang Ming stood up and was ready to go to self-sufficiency, there was an empty sister who walked into the first class. When he saw this familiar and intimate figure, Yang Ming suddenly stunned and surprised: "Lele? How are you..."

"Sure enough, Yang Ming, I said how I was arranged by the public servant to be a flight attendant. It seems that you are really on this plane!" Huang Lele saw Yang Ming and knew that his guess was not wrong. It is really Yang Ming who returned safely!

"Oh? It looks like it was arranged by Xia Ge!" Yang Ming nodded, and happily pulled Huang Lele's hand: "I haven't seen you for a long time, have you missed me?"

"Of course, but the happiest thing is that you finally returned safely! Your mission has been successfully completed?" Huang Lele also vaguely remembered the scene when Yang Ming left, when Yang Ming seemed to be very Happy, but it is a strong smile, there is a heart to press on the body, but now Yang Ming, but can not tell the light and loose.

"Yen is finished!" Yang Ming nodded and said: "However, you didn't tell me that you were going to quit the job of the empty sister last time, are you ready to take a break?"

"Yeah, I originally planned this, but then I thought about X Island. I am your woman. I can't do anything to make a vase." Huang Lele said: "I want to be in aviation." The public servant learns more things. Anyway, X Island will definitely build the airport in the future. At that time, I can help, manage it, '...,"

"Oh, you have a heart!" After listening to Huang Lele's words, Yang Ming nodded: "That... you are still short-selling sisters during this time? Just listening to your words, it seems that I just came back to be a short sister?" Not before?"

"Well, I have been internship and study in various departments of the public servant department before!" Huang Lele nodded and said: "After you left, Xia Ge gave me a message, asked my plan, asked me to think. Resigning or staying in the public money department, so I told my thoughts to him, the latter thing is what he arranged..."

"Oh, it seems that my big sister is quite interesting!" Yang Ming smiled.

"Big scorpion?" Huang Lele glimpsed a little, but soon understood it. Some surprised to see Xia Xue in the seat: "You..."

Xia Xue was embarrassed to be seen by Huang Lele. After all, she and Yang Ming were not on the plane before going to Miaojiang. I was a little happy with the feeling of being at home. The two people struggled and quarreled along the way! But now that I am back, it is better, which makes Xia Xue feel a little embarrassed.

However, Huang Lele is also a woman of Yang Ming. Since she asked her, she did not say anything. She only nodded and said: "Well... we are together..."

"Oh, that's it!" Huang Lele said: "I thought you should be together when you left!"

"And this is Blue Ling, Lele, I mentioned it to you before, but you have never seen it." Yang Ming also introduced Lan Ling to Huang Lele.

"Hello!" Huang Lele smiled and said hello to Lan Ling and Xia Xue.

"Lele sister is so good!" Lan Ling smiled and waved at Huang Lele.

Lan Lingben is such an easy-going character. It is not jealous at all, and Huang Lele is also this kind of character, so the two people are very kind when they meet, and there is no hostility at all! Xia Xue, because she met Huang Lele when she came, and she was still with Yang Ming, Huang Lele does not care about her, she will not care about Huang Lele!

As for Lan Ling, Xia Xue was like her sister when she was in Medicine Valley. She lived under one roof for so long every day. Where is the unfamiliar feeling?

So, it is easy for three people to get along together.

"Right, Lele, you will talk later, we want to drink something, have not found a flight attendant? No first class, you alone?" Yang Ming asked.

"I am alone!" Huang Lele nodded and said: "You wait, I will give you!"

"Well, do you want to help?" Yang Ming asked.

"No, I will go by myself. I am familiar with it. Otherwise, if someone else sees you and I go to pick things up, I will definitely feel weird! This plane only knows the situation of the captain." Huang Lele said.

"That's good, go." Yang Ming nodded and said.

Waiting for a while, but not seeing Huang Lele back, Yang Ming was a little anxious, and said with Xia Xue, got up and went out, but just went to the door of the first class, I heard a quarrel!

In this voice, there is a person who is actually Huang Lele, which can't help but make Yang Ming frown, and suddenly there is some fire!

Originally, Yang Ming completed the task and was very comfortable. He wanted to go back to Songshan City and reunite with his family, wife and friends for a few days. However, he did not expect that he would have trouble on the way back!

"What happened?" Yang Ming walked out of the first class and saw what Huang Lele was explaining with the two young men...

"Hey, is the Lord finally willing to come out? I thought that the people inside are shrinking turtles, only let an empty sister come out to negotiate with us!" One of the two young men was obviously the leader of the sneer. .

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