So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2253: Ancient Feng family

"What do you mean by both of you?" Yang Ming was somewhat inexplicably confused by the man's words, not knowing what he was saying.

"What do you mean? The meaning is very simple!" The man looked at Yang Ming coldly and said: "I said how can we not get the first class ticket, it was originally given by you! Brothers, I went to Donghai City to do things. You let the first class out, wait for the next flight! I will not bully you, give you 100,000 yuan! And I don't have to bear the charter fee, you can still charter the next plane!"

100,000 yuan, and do not have to bear the charter fee, this condition can be said to be very open! And these two young men are not a good talker at first glance, can do this step, it is already good!

However, Yang Ming is not lacking in money, and he is also very uncomfortable with the high-spirited attitude of the two men! If they really have the difficulty and talk well, Yang Ming may give them, but now it seems that the two people obviously have no difficulty. Come here to force them, then Yang Ming can still be used to them. What?

At this time, the passengers in the ordinary economy class have not yet started to register. Yang Ming and others are naturally the first to go through the special channels, and the two people may have a way, so they can get on the plane at this time!

“No interest.” Yang Ming said faintly: “With money, you can go and pack a plane!”

"Hey, I am so good to talk about it, don't toasting and not eating fine wine!" The young man sneered at the class and said to Yang Ming: "Don't think that I don't know what you are doing, not mystery." Is there a member of the bureau? My boss is giving you a face of the summer captain. If you don’t clear the field directly, you can talk to you and talk about it. Don’t think I don’t dare to move you!”

When Yang Ming listened to the words of this class, he was a little surprised. This person actually knows the mysterious investigation. It seems that he should have checked and found out that this first class is where the package is, but dare to speak with Yang Ming in this tone, which means that their background is absolutely not easy!

However, Yang Ming is such a character, eating soft and not eating hard, the more you are, the more Yang Ming will not give in, the faint saying: "Sorry, I have already withdrawn from the mysterious investigation, even if you know Xia Ge Also useless!"

"Hey, kid, have you quit? That's better! Before I was a little jealous, now that it is not, then I don't blame me for not reminding you, don't want to die, let the position of the first class come!" said the class sneer.

"You are quite arrogant? But I am in a good mood today, I don't want to do it. If you force me, then I can't do anything!" Yang Ming looked at the two people in front of him, said coldly: "I tell you, I am not summer." Brother’s hand, the meaning is very obvious, that is, you should not provoke me, if you provoke me, then don’t blame me!”

"You're welcome? If that's the case, then I will be welcome!" The young man who led the leader said, slaps a palm to Yang Ming and wants to give Yang Ming a lesson!

"Hey!" A crackling sound, but this slap was not hit on Yang Ming's face, but on the face of the hands-on leader's man, suddenly his face was swollen!

The leading man looked at Yang Ming with some disbelief. He did not seem to believe that Yang Ming had the ability to escape his slap and hit him! Therefore, the leading man is somewhat hysterical: "Do you know who I am? Do you dare to hit me?"

"I don't know, I don't want to know!" Yang Ming said: "If you don't want to die, you will get out!"

"Two handles! Kill me for him!" The leading man told the man: "Since this kid is not the captain of the summer captain, then you don't have to give him any face!"

"Yes, Boss!" The man who called the second handle just fell, and it was a fierce punch that came to Yang Ming!

Yang Ming didn't think that the speed of the man called the second handle was so fast, and he said that he started to do it, so it made Yang Ming somewhat embarrassed!

With Yang Ming’s current skill, it’s not difficult to escape the attack of the man named the second handle, but the attack on the two handles is extremely hot. If Yang Ming hides, the two handles will surely be empty. It is very likely that I will accidentally injure Huang Lele behind Yang Ming!

Therefore, Yang Ming thought of this, simply did not hide, just stood there, waiting for the two handles hit him on the body, issued a loud bang!

"Hey..." a scream, not Yang Ming, but the man who called the second handle. At this moment, he felt his hand seems to be abolished. The entire right-handed fist used by Yang Ming has become swollen. Highly incomparably, it is obviously already cracked...

The role of force and reaction force are mutual, Yang Ming is the body of King Kong is not bad, the second handle is hit with the giant force, then you can get better? He thought he couldn’t take the Hercules?

" are you in the end? You are not Xia Bingyan's men, and his men can't have such a powerful person. You can hardly pick up the two handles of this mysterious master!" The man looked at Yang Ming incredulously, and his speech was somewhat unfavorable!

It was not until now that he knew what it was to be afraid! Originally, in his capacity, this time the family was sent out to work in Donghai City. He came out with such a high-spirited attitude. In his opinion, with his status and his ability to follow the class, that It was an invincible existence, but I didn't expect it to be a hard-handed one in the first class of an airplane!

"Before asking others, it is best to introduce yourself first." Yang Ming said faintly.

"Hey, how about self-introduction? I am not afraid to tell you, I am the younger brother of the ancient Feng family. You hurt me, don't think about it in the future!" said the lead man arrogantly.

"The ancient Feng family?" Yang Ming suddenly stunned, did not expect Feng Tianlong and Xia Bingyan just finished the ancient level of things, this encountered a person of the ancient Feng family, this is really coincidental!

"Yes! How are you, are you afraid?" said the lead man with a cold sigh.

"Afraid?" Yang Ming snorted: "What is Feng Tianlong's relationship with you?"

" know Feng Tianlong?" The leading man stunned, but suddenly remembered Feng Tianlong's whereabouts, but it is not surprising: "Tell you anyway, I am Feng Tianlong's younger brother Feng Tianhu, don't think You know my big brother, you are fine!"

"Oh..." Yang Ming looked at the man named Feng Tianhu in front of him. He said faintly: "I am looking at Feng Tianlong's face. I don't care with you! The ancient Feng family? Is it very powerful?"

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