So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2258: Shocked and happy

"Ling Ling..." Chen Mengyu looked up at Lan Ling, and said hello to Lan Ling, and looked at Xia Xue and Huang Lele!

Huang Lele Chen Mengxi was a photo. She naturally knew her identity and knew that she was a woman of Yang Ming. So since she accepted other people, it was not bad for Huang Lele, so she nodded and said, "You It’s Lele!”

"Enn, nightmare...sister, hello!" Although Huang Lele is bigger than Chen Mengyao, she thinks she is getting started. She is not called Chen Mengxi’s sister. Moreover, Huang Lele doesn’t think much, and she doesn’t like it. Fight for these false names.

"Oh, hello! I wanted to contact you before, but I didn't have a contact with you. It's a pity that I didn't have contact." Chen Mengyu had already accepted Huang Lele in his heart. At this time, there would be nothing too big. The same reaction: "Before we want to call you to talk, let you move to the villa to live together, Yang Ming's woman, but they are here!"

"Ah...Thank you for your dreams, sister..." Huang Lele saw that Chen Mengyu not only did not dislike her, but also very close relatives, and was very happy, said: "Dream sister, I work in the aviation public servant division, Especially when Yang Ming left this period of time, I thought about learning a little more knowledge. I went to X Island to help my dream sister to take care of Yang Ming’s industry and help him manage the airport. So there is no fixed place for work! The public servant division, the branch office, and even the foreign cooperation public servant division have all studied internships, but they cannot come to live..."

After a period of experience, Huang Lele has not had any bad feelings as before, but he has become mature and smarter, and he has heard a lot in his speech. The words are mainly Yang Ming and Chen Mengyu. This makes Chen Mengxi very happy.

"It turned out to be like this. After that, it seems that for Yang Ming, you are busy!" Chen Mengyu nodded. "It’s hard work, I think so long, I haven’t thought about the time at X Island Airport. Right now, you are responsible for this piece..."

"Well, but I don't have any opinion. Yang Ming knows that it will be troublesome to have trouble with my sister-in-law for me!" Huang Lele said.

Yang Ming was a little surprised. He didn’t see it for a while, and Huang Lele’s performance really made him look good! Is this still the previous Huang Lele that does not understand anything? However, if you think about it carefully, Huang Lele’s character has not changed, but he has become more mature.

"Okay, X Island thing, what do you both have time to study, and then get to know Xia Xue? Nightmare?" Yang Ming pointed to the side of Xia Xue said.

"Xia Xue...sister..." Chen Mengyu took a deep breath and looked at Xia Xue. Finally, she spit out three words. Before, she had a hunch in her heart. Yang Ming and Xia Xue should have already had something. However, Chen Mengxi still didn't think so much before it was confirmed.

Now, Yang Ming introduced this, I am afraid that the two people already have a substantive relationship, otherwise Chen Mengyu had known Xia Xue before, why should he know to know Xia Xue again? Isn't this worth pondering?

Although, Chen Mengxi has accepted these women Yang Ming now has, but she is not numb, but there is no way! If it increases, she will definitely be right the first time!

Yang Ming did not have any relationship with Xia Xue before going to Miaojiang, but after returning, it turned into this kind of appearance, and Chen Mengxi could feel comfortable in his heart!

However, Xia Xue is the father's former men, and her relationship has always been good, and ... even though Chen Mengqi is angry, a little blame Yang Ming, but it is not good to look at Xia Xue face! After all, she has already had a relationship with Yang Ming, that is to say, she is also in the heart, and she can only be with Yang Ming in the future. How could Chen Mengyu drive her away?

Therefore, Chen Mengxi has anger, can only resent the head of Yang Ming, think about it, before the inexplicable hit Yang Ming a slap in the face, Yang Ming is not annoyed, Chen Mengxi is somewhat awkward, heart, forget, just Punish him in advance, let out a sigh of relief!

When I thought of playing Yang Ming’s slap in the face, Chen Meng’s heart’s annoyed thought subsided. He smiled slightly: “Xia Xuejie, you are also coming into the door. Is it like Lele, what is my sister?”

" can I call it..." Xia Xue is a very hot temper, but in Chen Mengyu, there is no temper, and Yang Ming’s business is broken, she just wants to find It’s shameful to be ashamed and shy.

She used to be Chen Fei’s men! Actually, the daughter of the boss grabs the man? This spread, how can she have a face in summer snow? Fortunately, I am not working at Chen Fei now. I went to the mysterious investigation and investigation. It is estimated that Yang Ming will leave soon, but it will make her feel better.

Therefore, Xia Xue faced Chen Mengxi, naturally did not dare to put on the shelf of her sister, and Huang Lele was called Mengxiu sister. If she didn't follow her, didn't she seem to be independent? So Xia Xue twisted and kneaded, said: "Dream sister..."

"Oh, Xia Xuejie don't care, in fact, I just talked about it..." Chen Mengxi actually made a joke, but did not expect Xia Xue to be so, the heart is more comfortable, but also accepted Xia Xue... ...

"Or... outside, in front of others, you call me Xia Xuejie, at home, I call you a dream sister..." Xia Xue thought of a compromise.

"Well, it doesn't matter." Chen Mengxi smiled and turned to look at Liu Tianqi and Chen Xiaojing. He asked Yang Ming: "The two brothers and sisters are? Yang Ming, don't you introduce?"

The relationship between the man and the woman is obviously very close, so Chen Mengyu naturally does not think that Chen Xiaojing and Yang Ming have a relationship. So, is Liu Tianqi not the same as Yang Ming’s friend? Isn't that messy?

"I have forgotten this..." Yang Ming smiled bitterly: "Dream, this is Liu Tianqi's eldest brother. This is Chen Xiaojing's nephew. Liu Tianqi is the son of Liu Weishan, so it is almost the same with my brother. We In Miaojiang, I also worshipped my brother. Liu Tianqi is the second brother. There is also a big brother called Lin Dongfang. I have the opportunity to take you to see him again. He is not here now!"

"Ah, it’s the son of Cognac,..." Chen Mengyu was very surprised. I didn’t expect Yang Ming to find the son-in-law of the cognac. He was shocked and happy. Chen Mengyu also recognized Liu Weishan as a dear, so Naturally, I also know the suffering of Liu Weishan and his wife.

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