So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2259: Happy

"Yes, they are also in Miaojiang. When they disappeared, they were taken away by the right-handed old man!" Yang Ming said: "Right long-haired old people let them help to refine!"

"It turned out to be like this!" Chen Mengyu nodded and said: "The second brother is good, the second is good!"

"Oh, nightmare, hello!" Liu Tianqi said with a smile: "When Yang Ming was in Miaojiang, he always mentioned you!"

"Yes...", Chen Mengyu was very happy. Yang Ming was accompanied by Lan Ling and Xia Xue in Miaojiang. He was left and right, and he often remembered himself. Chen Mengyu was satisfied. The previous one was annoyed. Also turned into nothing, I have already gone to Jiuyunyun.

"Nature, what he misses most is you and his family, of course, and my father and mother of Tianqi!" Chen Xiaojing said with a smile.

"Oh... I talked and said, I forgot to open the door!" Chen Mengyu quickly took out the key and opened the door of the villa. He took everyone into the room and said, "Sorry, let everyone wait!"

"Haha, nothing!" Yang Ming said with a smile: "Not all outsiders, all of them are family members. How can there be so many constitutions?"

"Yeah!" Liu Tianqi said: "I am with Yang Ming, I don't know how to have my father's relationship. I came to be a brother, so I really have no difference with my family. My dream sister is not too polite!"

"Hah, fat man, I have been in trouble with Yang Ming's younger brother, and we have nothing to pay attention to." The fat man also laughed.

"I and Xia Xuejie, there is nothing to say." Blue Ling also laughed.

When the family was happy, Chen Mengxi took a sigh of relief and suddenly thought of Wang Xiaoying and Lin Yuyun. Before they talked about themselves, these two people are still behind!

Wang Xiaoxuan is the kind of cold personality. Usually you don't talk to her, she basically does not take the initiative to talk to you, and Lin sister is even the kind of shameful character!

"Hey, Lin sister, you come to know everyone!" Chen Mengyu quickly greeted.

Wang Xiaoyu and Lin Yuyun, also--have seen Xia Xue, Huang Lele, Liu Tianqi and Chen Xiaojing. As for Lan Ling, they have already known each other, but they don’t need to introduce them!

"Dream, what about other people?" Yang Ming asked.

"They... I will call them and let them come back!" Chen Mengyu said quickly.

"Okay, let's have a reunion dinner together. This is the first time we have had dinner together!" Yang Ming said with some fascination.

In the past, Yang Ming had great hopes. One day, he could gather with all his women and eat together. But for Yang Ming, it was just a dream. Before Yang Ming did not go to Miaojiang, he never dreamed of having such a dream. one day!

However, what Yang Ming did not think was that this dream actually realized, and it was Chen Mengyu who helped him achieve it!

It seems that this task is really not going to go, not only let Yang Ming gain absolute strength, standing on the peak of the martial arts, let Yang Ming have the life he had dreamed of before!

"Spoken, you are beautiful, if you are not afraid of distraction in Miaojiang, do you think I will let you go so easily?" Chen Mengxi whispered, but also afraid that others would not hear well.

"Hey...", Yang Ming smiled and said: "I know that my family dreams are the best!"

"Minimum...", Chen Mengxi smiled a bit: "How can you do it? With you along the way, it has been going through a lot of things, and I have seen many things... I am no longer the one." When I was in high school, I was not sensible. I stood at a certain height. If I don’t follow my heart and keep up with your steps, I want to tie you like a little woman. I’m afraid we will finally The result is to break up... Sun Jie is very open. After a while, I have learned a lot with her, and I understand a lot of truths. If you have more women, it may not be a bad thing. Open, everything is fine! At least, during these days when you are not there, there are so many people accompanying me, it is very interesting! And everyone has this common lover and goal, and there is not so much scruples and defenses. I can live together with each other. This kind of friendship also envied and fascinated many people!"

Yang Ming looked at Chen Mengxi with amazement. She didn't expect her to say something like this! Huang Lele’s surprise to Yang Ming was enough, but compared with Chen Mengyu, it’s just a small witch. The years that I left, the women around me have matured!

There is no previous Qing dynasty, which makes Yang Ming feel moved and regrets. In fact, Yang Ming still misses the time when he and Chen Mengxi fell in love with each other... It seems that the past is yesterday, but blink of an eye, but It has been many years.

"Dream, thank you for thinking so, no matter what, your position in my heart is very special." Yang Ming said.

"Actually, in your heart, every woman's status is very special?" Chen Mengxi is a slight smile: "I am not a child now, needless to say that these sweet words lie to me, I know, oh... ".

"I...", Yang Mingyi, he really thought so, but did not expect that Chen Mengyu directly smashed the lie, if replaced with the previous Chen Mengxi, it will be very happy, but now it is very different.

"Oh, don't explain, I grew up." Chen Mengxi said with a smile: "Don't care about this, what is the first place, the second place, it doesn't make sense, what I am in your heart, I know very well, too Do not fight for those."

However, the more Chen Mengxuan said, the more moved Yang Ming’s heart was, the more pity he had for Chen Mengxi, and he hugged Chen Mengyu gently. In her ear: “Tonight, go to you, let’s both... ...".

Chen Mengxi said before, some are from the heart, but some are also deliberate, how can make Yang Ming like it, Chen Mengyu also understand a lot of time, these are Sun Jie teach her.

"That can't be done, so many people, I am the last one, if you don't have physical strength, don't come!" Chen Mengyan white Yang Ming glanced.

"Hey, physical strength is not up?" Yang Ming thought of his own vajra and incomplete version of the Hercules, with these two kinds, coupled with the role of the heart and the physical fitness, Yang Ming really can not appear physically weak. The situation is!

Only Yang Ming’s existence can cope with so many wives. This trip to Miaojiang is really the creation of Yang Ming!

"Right, what women are you outside? Come with them?" Chen Mengxi said: "I don't want them to move to X Island, and some people will come back after a few years...", (Monday update)

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