So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2271: ready to go out

After the meal, the ladies and Yangmu were also familiar with it, and now he has changed his mouth, from "Auntie" to "Mom," which makes Yangmu laugh, and after calculating to go to X Island, It’s a pleasure to build a super kindergarten and then personally serve as the headmaster!

I have been talking until 11 o'clock in the evening, and the time is almost the same. Although there are still many things in Yang Dahai that are not confirmed with Sun Jie and Jing Xiaoyou, Yang Yang still has many questions and does not ask the women, but she also knows that her son just Come back, I must be intimate with the girls at night, how can I delay them when I am a mother-in-law?

As the saying goes, Xiaobie wins a new marriage. Spring is worth a thousand dollars, so Yang Dahai and Yang Mu saw that time is almost up, and they stood up and prepared to leave.

Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu sent Yang Dahai and Yang Mu to the villa next door.

"Dad, Mom, this is a villa, but I will definitely stay with me later, so this villa will be empty. You will live here when you are." Yang Ming said: "Look at you. See what you need, I will buy it for you."

"Da Ming, you don't have to worry about it. I think it's good here. There is no shortage of anything. If you have a faulty kitchen utensil, I will let the driver Xiao Wang go to buy it tomorrow. You have more things, how can you trouble you?" Looking at the villa, I was very satisfied.

It was originally a place where Wang Xiaoying lived as a girl. It was clean and tidy. Many of the furniture were new. The electrical appliances were new. They were not used. The room had a gym in addition to the second floor of Wang Xiaoying. Most of the other rooms are empty, just a simple arrangement.

"Xiao Wang? You said Wang Lin?" Yang Ming heard the name, but he remembered his former driver. After he left, he introduced him to his father and drove. I didn't expect his father to use him all the time. .

"Well, Xiao Wang is a good person. The technology of driving is also good. The legs and feet are diligent, but I usually drive to work by myself. Xiao Wang is just carrying me out when I am at the company." Yang Dahai said.

Yang Dahai now has two cars, one is the Audi that he is driving himself now, one is the newly bought Mercedes-Benz C Wang I, and the two mouths are Xiao Wang.

"I haven't seen him for a long time. Let him carry me to Songshan City tomorrow." Yang Ming said with some emotion.

"Yes, I will tell him tomorrow." Yang Dao nodded.

"The room here, you and your sister will not move and your practice room will not move. After the return of the province, there is no place to live." Yangmu has turned the villa into a circle, very satisfied, this big house I don’t know, the more I look at it, the more I like it. I just have some concerns: “Da Ming, how is the security here? Can’t there be any bad guys at night?”

"Well...", Yang Ming listened to her mother's words, and suddenly she was crying and laughing.

"Mom, don't worry, don't talk about the security guards here, they are all under the leadership of Xiaoyan Company. They will focus on patrolling nearby." Wang Xiaoyu explained: "But don't say this first, my house, when Yang Ming was afraid Unsafe, the security system has been completely remodeled, unless the killer of this level and me and Yang Ming can sneak in, and change to an ordinary person, can not come in."

"Ah, then I am relieved!" After Yang Yang listened, she nodded and said: "Other than this big house, it is really a little scared."

"Oh, even if there is none of them, you live in the next door, and the alertness is not generally high. It is estimated that the bad guys have not been close to you, and they have been killed." Yang Ming said.

"It’s so scary, I’m still dying...” Yang’s mother said here, thinking about it, which task of her son is not scary than these little thieves? So I shook my head and said: "Okay, go back first, don't have to accompany me and your dad, we both enjoy the life of two people. This villa is very good, we have to visit and visit!"

"Well, then we will go back." Yang Ming smiled and said: "Right, there are candles in the kitchen, you can play the candlelight night."

"Haha, good!" Yang Hai laughed.

Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoxuan returned to the villa, but found that the living room was empty and there was no one. This situation made Yang Ming somewhat strange: "What about people?"

"What do you say?" Wang Xiaoxiao said with a smile: "All are waiting for you upstairs."

"Well... no?" Yang Ming did not expect Chen Mengxi to be like this, but he was surprised and happy.

"But I didn't call me, really." Wang Xiaoying said with some dissatisfaction: "Forget it, I will go to the bath, you go upstairs first...".

"Wash it together." Yang Ming smiled.

"Thinking...", Wang Xiaoyu hesitated for a moment, still nodded, and said, let you not wait for me, but it is still late to eat incense...

Early the next morning, only Yang Ming got out of bed alone. Others, including professionally trained Wang Xiaoyan and Victoria, slept lazy, but Yang Ming was fascinated. I don’t know if I took the simplified version. The reason for the gods is still anyway. Anyway, Yang Ming’s energy seems to be very abundant.

This is still the case where there is no cultivation of ink and empty text to his own mind. Yang Ming thinks that if he cultivates the empty mind to give his own heart and mouth, can he be more energetic?

Yang Ming made a phone call to Xiao Wang. What he didn't expect was that Xiao Wang had already drove waiting at the door of Yang Ming Villa.

"Xiao Wang, I haven't seen you for a long time, how are you, and your girlfriend is okay?" Yang Ming smiled and nodded to Xiao Wang.

Xiao Wang opened the Mercedes ant D today, saw Yang Ming, and quickly got off to help Yang Ming open the door of the co-pilot: "Yang Ge, you are back! My girlfriend and I are married, this thing, still I really appreciate Yang Ge. If Yang Ge gave me this opportunity, I estimate that my old mother-in-law had already split up for us, don’t mention the marriage!”

"Oh, my dad can always use you, on behalf of you this person is still very good, do it!" Yang Ming nodded and said: "Let's go, we go to Songshan City, Songshan City Medical University."

"Is it the Songshan Medical and Medical University? Ok, Yang Ge." Xiao Wang nodded and used the navigation to get the place where Yang Ming went.

"Well." Yang Ming nodded.

Because Yang Ming had already said to Chen Mengqi and others last night to see the rain, so I didn’t say hello in the morning, which affected them to rest.

Xiao Wang’s driving skills have grown a lot, and he has been flexible in the traffic flow. He quickly got on the highway and went straight to the direction of Songshan City.

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