So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2272: Visit again

And Yang Ming is closing his eyes and thinking about rushing to the next step... After the treatment of the raindrops, Yang Ming and Dong Jun will study and deal with Dr. Benjamin.

Dong Jun took a step forward and did not know if Dong Jun had found a way to deal with Dr. Benjamin.

If Dr. Benjamin is acquainted with him, then it is best. If you don’t know each other, you can’t talk about it for a while...

"Yang Ge, we are here!" Xiao Wang’s voice sounded, Yang Ming returned, and found that he had already arrived at the Medical College of Medicine in Songshan City.

Yang Ming asked Xiao Wang to park the car at the door of Guan Xuemin's villa, and then said: "You are waiting for me here. If I don't come out at noon, you will go to eat nearby."

"Nothing, Yang Ge, don't care about me, I am here waiting for you, I am hungry and called KFC's takeaway." Xiao Wang laughed.

This time as a driver, Xiao Wang also has the rules and enlightenment of being a driver. Yang Dahai takes him out to do things. He usually does not leave the car. He eats nearby snacks and eats snacks without snacks.

Yang Ming nodded and didn't say anything more. He couldn't control his father's weight for Xiao Wang. It seems that there is a reason. Xiao Wang is a very good person.

Pressing the doorbell, Liu Mo was opened, and Liu Ma knew Yang Ming, so she did not ask more and let Yang Ming enter the house.

Guan Xuemin is reading a book in the study room upstairs at the moment. When he hears the doorbell, he knows that a guest has come. He has come downstairs and just saw Yang Ming coming in.

"Da Ming, you are here!" Guan Xuemin saw Yang Ming, very happy and enthusiastic. After all, through Yang Ming, he contacted Lin Dongfang again, and heard from Lin Dongfang about the treatment of Shen Yu Xia’s legs. Let him benefit a lot.

"Well, Uncle Guan, Xiaoxiang is not there?" Yang Ming asked.

"Xiaoxiang ah...", Guan Xuemin mentioned Guan Xiaoxiang, smiled and shook his head, said: "You don't know, because I didn't support his business, I was awkward and didn't come back. !"

"Ah?" Yang Ming said: "No, then what about his pharmaceutical company?"

"It's very good. With your support, you get the wind and water. From the money and the connections, your people are very caring for him." Guan Xuemin said with a smile: "Now, I am afraid that what he listens to is yours." It...".

"Then I will call him and let him come back." Yang Ming decided to talk with Guan Xiaoxiang. Guan Xuemin did not support him for a reason. He was afraid that he could not do a good job, and he would also smash the name of Guan Xuemin. In the end, Nothing can be obtained.

"Alright, if you are not back, I guess it is difficult to see him!" Guan Xuemin shook his head.

"This kid, I said back to him!" Yang Ming said this, he dialed the phone of Guan Xiaoxiang, although Yang Ming and Guan Xiaoxiang are almost the same age, but in front of Guan Xiaoxiang, it is the appearance of a big brother.

"Boss?" Guan Xiaoxiang has always had Yang Ming's mobile phone number, but he also knows that Yang Ming is going to perform a very important task and cannot contact the outside world. So at this time, when he received a call from Yang Ming, Guan Xiaoxiang was shocked and happy. .

"It's me, where are you?" Yang Ming asked faintly.

"I... I am in the company." Guan Xiaoxiang heard Yang Ming's tone is not very good, suddenly some doubts and concerns, and quickly asked: "Boss, what happened?"

"Your kid is amazing now, his wings are hard? Don't come back to see Uncle Shu? Now, immediately, take your girlfriend back!" Yang Ming said: "Don't think that you make a little business is your own credit." If there is no connection between violent San Li and Hou Zhenduo, what can you do? Guan Shushu was also for you, afraid of your failure, you have achievements now, I thought your choice is right? I tell you, Your own ability is there, but do you believe it or not, I will let you have nothing tomorrow?"

"Well...", Guan Xiaoxiang did not expect Yang Ming to be so angry, some stunned: "Old morning... I...".

"Don't you and me, I am waiting at your house." Yang Ming finished, he hang up the phone directly.

Yang Ming sighed. He had more things than Guan Xiaoxiang, and he was more mature than Guan Xiaoxiang. He deeply understood his parents’ expectations and concerns about their children. So he knew that Guan Xuemin was not stingy at first, and he would not let Guan Xiaoxiang use his name to open. The company is afraid that Guan Xiaoxiang will be deceived.

But now the people who walked Yang Ming helped him pave the way, the funds are ready, and the company can't do it without it! But all this, but it is not Guan Xiaoxiang's own merits. It can be said that without Yang Ming's help, even if he can succeed, he will also work ten times as much as 100 times, and he has to go a lot of detours!

Guan Xuemin did not expect Yang Ming to get angry on the phone, but he felt very refreshed and very relieved. His son, he and he said, he did not listen, he felt that he was jealous of his estimation, but now Yang Ming said so, it is estimated that he I will understand that I am actually really good for him.

"Oh, Shu Shushu, let you laugh, if I am not strict, this kid is easy to float." Yang Ming smiled: "The career is successful, rich, I like self-confidence, I also passed this At the stage, I understand Guan Xiaoxiang's mind, but I adjusted it myself."

"I understand that you are good, but I also want to be embarrassed, but I glimpse, it is Guan Xiaoxiang, this little rabbit scorpion actively hangs my phone, and now you yell at him, you hang up your phone, he still dare not hang you The phone is really a thing to drop a thing!" Guan Xuemin said.

"Oh, no way, I can only be a wicked person!" Yang Ming shrugged, and some said helplessly.

"Right, the rainshake is resting upstairs, are you going to see?" Guan Xuemin said.

"Wait a minute, don't worry, wait for Xiaoxiang to come back and say." Since Yang Ming came, he is not in a hurry. Lin Dongfang’s medical skills have all been learned. The rest is proficiency and experience, but healing Yang Ming is still very confident in the legs of the rainshake. When Lin Dongfang was in the medicine valley, he helped him to prepare a liquid medicine that can stimulate and restore the nervous system. With acupuncture, the legs of the rain can be restored. .

As for acupuncture, Yang Ming is not afraid, although Yang Ming's acupuncture skills are not as skilled as Lin Dongfang, but Yang Ming's ability to recognize acupoints is not worse than Lin Dongfang! Let's not say that Yang Ming has perspective eye assistance, just say that he recognizes acupoints. Yang Ming is very skilled in learning when Fang Tian first carried out killer training.

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