So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2275: Healed!

Moreover, as time goes by, the pain in the legs of Shen Yuxi is getting stronger and stronger!

"Ah..." Shen Yuxi finally couldn't help but scream, and she felt her legs regained consciousness, and the nerves on her legs became more and more painful, as if they were going to break!

Although Yang Ming saw the pain of Shen Yuxi, but there is no way. At this time, the treatment is not over yet. If the silver needle is pulled out, the expected effect will not be achieved, so Yang Ming can only comfort: "Strong Some, rainshake, think about how you can stand up today, what is this pain?"

"Well..." Shen Yuxi bit his teeth and smiled reluctantly...

However, the severe pain still caused a thin sweat on her forehead!

"That's forbearance, it's exercise, maybe it's even more painful tonight!" Yang Ming smiled and made a joke.

"Well?" Shen Yuxi glimpsed, but looked at Yang Ming's unhappy smile, finally understand that Yang Ming said that there is something more painful at night, can't help but look red, said: "Hate... ...this time I still think about those messy things..."

"You have promised to be my woman, why can't you think about it?" Yang Ming also deliberately distracted the raindrops: "Do you want to go back?"

"I... I have no regrets!" Shen Yuxi naturally will not repent, although she is a little shy, but my heart is still a thousand ten thousand willing! Isn't that what I have been looking forward to? Yang Ming truly accepted himself and could be with Yang Ming forever.

"No regrets, if you regret it, you can't do it!" Yang Ming said: "You have received all your gifts. If you have a good leg, you want to avoid me. That can't be done."

"No, I am so ungrateful." Shen Yuxi said.

"Oh, there is no, it will be proved in a moment." Yang Ming said.

"Well..." Shen Yuxi and Yang Ming played for a while, but he was surprised to find the pain in his leg. It is gradually decreasing or even disappearing! She was surprised and surprised: "My legs... seems to have no feeling at the beginning?"

“Oh?” Yang Ming said slightly: “No? Is there no effect? ​​Why didn’t you feel it?”

"It is not as painful as before..." Shen Yuxi was also shocked and said quickly.

"Is it? You put your legs out and look at me." Yang Ming said.

"Well..." Shen Yuxi subconsciously extended his leg to Yang Ming, but after she stretched her leg to Yang Ming, she suddenly realized that her legs could be controlled, that is, there were legs. Perceived! This situation makes the Shen Yuxi surprised and happy, and the excited words are a bit unsatisfactory: "I... my legs... my legs are good..."

"Oh. Oh, your legs are good, the natural pain is less, and it won't hurt for a while, then I can pull out the silver needle." Yang Ming smiled, she just tried to test the sinking rain, no I think it really works.

"Enn!" Shen Yuxi was very excited, Yang Ming did not lie to her, this is really the best gift she received, more than a thousand times stronger than anything!

Yang Ming saw that time is almost up. I reached out and collected all the silver needles from the sinker, and said, "Okay. Rain, your legs should be fully recovered!"

“Really?” Shen Yuxi was shocked and happy. She squeezed her leg with her hand and found that she felt. Then, Shen Yuxi couldn’t wait to get out of bed and try it!

Thinking, Shen Yuxi got out of bed. Then I wanted to walk on the ground when I lifted my leg, but it was too long to lie on the bed. I haven't exercised for a long time, so I just got out of bed when I was in the rain, and I was unstable. I leaned forward and turned over...

Yang Ming’s subconscious mind reached out and took the raindrops in his arms...

"Ah..." Shen Yuxi was also subconsciously exclaimed, and he plunged into a warm embrace. This feeling made the Shen Yuxi shy and sweet! However, it is the feeling she has been waiting for for a long time...

Yang Ming was also polite, and took advantage of the sinking rain, and put her in her arms. He laughed and said: "The rainshake, this can be regarded as your initiative to send your arms!"

"Nothing... people... people are just a little bit less flexible..." Shen Yuxi said with a blush.

"Oh, is that? Why don't you break free now?" Yang Ming snarled.

"I... I... you say..." Shen Yuxi is even more blushing.

"Well, I won't say it." Yang Ming said: "This way, I am holding you behind, we try to do some restorative training! The muscles in your legs have not shrunk. This time, Uncle Shu has been helping you. Doing conservation measures, so your legs are not flexible. This is because you have to exercise for a long time. Just wait for a while and you have an advantage over other patients."

"Yes? That's great, I thought, I have to do long-term leg recovery training!" Shen Yuxi said happily.

"No, it will be fine in a minute!" Yang Ming said, hugging her from behind Shen Yuxi, her hands around her waist, and then said: "Now, I am holding you, you try to go forward. Don't worry, there is me, I won't fall!"

"Well..." Shen Yuxi nodded and tried to take a step, and Yang Ming’s balance was better than others. At this time, it was easier to help Shen Yuxi to do restorative training.

Shen Yuxi took two steps forward. At the beginning, the steps were not too stable, and there was a feeling of crumbling, but when I walked more, my legs became more flexible, but I was able to move forward smoothly... ...

Yang Ming’s strength on his arm also completely controlled the focus of the raindrop from the very beginning. Now, part of the weight is given to the sinking rain, let her control it!

Gradually, Yang Ming’s strength is getting smaller and smaller, and the steps of the raindrops are getting more flexible, but the two people also walked from the bed to the edge of the wall of the house. Child, the result is a center of gravity, directly falling forward...

This can be done well, the body of the sinking rain is low, and the white rabbit on the chest is suddenly pressed on Yang Ming’s arm!

This sudden change made the sinking rains a surprise, and let Yang Ming see it!

It’s so big, it’s so soft... Yang Ming’s mind is coming out of these four words.

Shen Yuxi rested in bed all the year round, and it is impossible to wear a bra. After her legs are good, it is impossible to wear it in front of Yang Ming, so it has caused the situation now, and Yang Ming has taken a big profit...

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