So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2276: Unfavorable news

"You... don't let me go?" Shen Yuxi saw Yang Ming's very enjoyable look, some shy.

"I can't let go!" Yang Ming smiled bitterly.

"Why not?" The sinking rain is a glimpse.

"When I let go, don't you fall to the ground?" Yang Ming explained with some helplessness.

"Ah...", Shen Yuxi thinks, it is indeed the case, Yang Mingyi let go, she is not going to fall? Thinking of this, Shen Yuxi can only be blushing, holding the wall with his hands, and then slowly standing still...

However, this process has made Yang Ming take advantage of it.

However, Shen Yuxi also wants to open a bit. Anyway, he has to become a person of Yang Ming. He is also a cheaper person. It is no big deal. Moreover, this feeling is not suitable at first, and it is used to it. Ok, very excited.

So, in the next half hour, Yang Ming and Shen Yuxi have been in the awkward atmosphere, and began to resume walking training. Both people seem to enjoy this warm feeling, and the raindrops gradually When I was tired, I dared to take the initiative to rely on Yang Ming’s body.

An hour later, the Shen Yushu can basically get out of Yang Ming’s arms and walk on his own. Although it is still somewhat unstable, at least he can walk on his own!

This situation makes Yang Ming and Shen Yuxi both surprised and happy!

"Congratulations, rainshake!" said Yang Ming.

"Enn!" Shen Yuxi is also happy and nodded: "Yang Ming, thank you, today is the happiest day of my life, all my dreams and wishes have been realized, God is very good to me. It!"

"You change clothes, let's go downstairs together, have a meal here, and go back with me at night."

Yang Ming said.

"Thinking...", Shen Yuxi nodded, but there was no action.

"What's wrong?" Yang Ming asked strangely.

"I... I changed clothes, why are you still looking at me here...", Shen Yuxi said something embarrassed.

"Well...the rainshake, are you changing your clothes now, are you still guarding me?" Yang Ming spread his hand and said: "Moreover, haven't you seen it before?"

"That... then I am embarrassed...", Shen Yuxi blushing, some overwhelmed.

"Anyway, I have to look at it right and down sooner or later. Is it better to practice now?" Yang Ming said.

"This... well...", Shen Yuxi hesitated, or nodded and agreed.

Yang Ming’s heart was overjoyed. I didn’t expect Shen Yuxi to promise! In fact, Yang Ming wants to see the sun and rain, and it doesn't take such a lot of effort. Yang Ming has the ability to see through. He can completely see what he wants to see, and he can do it anytime, anywhere, but in that case, he does not sink. The stimulus that the rainshake volunteered.

For a time, there was no spring in the room...

In the face of Yang Ming, Shen Yuxi put on a set of his most beautiful new clothes. This is what she bought online during this time. It is also a fantasy that one day, she can stand up and meet Yang Ming. Wear it for him, but I didn’t think that he would wear it in front of him...

However, since Shen Yuxi wants to open, there is nothing.

"Rainshake, you are so beautiful..." Yang Ming said, he couldn't help himself.

"Is it?...", Shen Yuxi was a little shy and bowed his head.

Yang Ming took the hand of Shen Yuxi, and Shen Yuxi went downstairs.

Looking at the sinking rain that can walk on his own, Guan Xuemin was shocked, and Guan Xiaoxiang was very surprised! Because this has subverted their knowledge of medicine, I did not expect that a person's leg nerves have been hurt, and can recover so quickly, this situation is a medical miracle!

However, I thought that Yang Ming’s medical skills came from the magical person, and Guan Xuemin was relieved.

"Rainshake, Yang Ming, congratulations to you!" Guan Xuemin said with a smile, sincerely said.

"Thank you." Yang Ming smiled and said: "Guan Shushu, this time, it is really trouble you!"

"Yang Ming, I will see you outside. I will not talk about my relationship with Liu Weishan. It is that you have helped Xiaoxiang so much, and it is enough to take care of them!" Guan Xuemin waved his hand and said: "I do this, but I have done some due diligence, and your photo to Xiaoxiang... is true...".

"Guan Xiaoxiang, have you heard it? Guan Shushu still cares about you." Yang Ming said: "So I will give your daughter a name called care, but also let you always remember, care more about your family! Your career, in fact Not your credit."

"Thinking... I know..." Guan Xiaoxiang nodded. "Boss, in fact, I just have some knots, but it is not really hating my father...".

"That's good." Yang Ming knows that Guan Xiaoxiang wants to start slowly, and he will not persuade him more. Instead, he turns his head and looks at Guan Xuemin: "Uncle Shu, today, I will pick up the rain. Go, I am with the rainshake, and come to say goodbye to you!"

"I know that if the legs are good, I will naturally go back!" Guan Xuemin did not have much accident: "But, have you eaten lunch and then go? I have already let Liu Ma prepare."

"This is definitely, you will not say, I will stay here to eat!" Yang Ming said.

At noon, Yang Ming ate a Fengwei lunch at Guan Xuemin's home. In the afternoon, he gave up Guan Xiaoxiang and took a break with Shen Yuxi.

Yang Ming does not want to go so rushed, but Yang Ming really has a lot of things to do, can not delay time.

Sure enough, Xiao Wang called KFC take-out, has already finished eating in the car, Yang Ming and Shen Yuxi got on the car, Xiao Wang also left two chicken legs and two cups of cola, handed Yang Ming and Shen Yuxi, said: "Yang Brother, you and your nephew are hungry on the road."

"Good." Yang Ming was not polite, and picked it up.

"Yang Ge, where are we going now? Go back to Songjiang City?" Xiao Wang asked.

"Well, go back now." Yang Ming nodded.

When Xiao Wang nodded, he started the car and went straight back to the direction of Songjiang City.

These two days were the most leisurely two days of Yang Ming. They met with Zhang Bin, Tian Donghua, Tien Sanli and Hou Zhenyu respectively, and accompanied the wife and wife to play at home for a few days. They received a call from Dong Jun. !

"Yang Ming, it is me, Dong Jun." Dong Jun's tone is a little short, and some are low.

"Dong Jun, where are you? How have you not contacted me when I came back these days?" Yang Ming knew that Dong Jun would call in the morning and evening, but he did not expect that Dong Jun’s phone would be so late...

"Don't say this first, Yang Ming, I am exposed!"

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