So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2283: I am in trouble

If the U port is not the case, Batton will have to dump his office. mouth

Of course, if he is allowed to pour out of the office, he is also happy. He would rather move to the corridor to work, and Yang Ming will serve well.

"Well, there is nothing wrong with it for a while, I will find you again after something." Yang Ming nodded.

The VIP President’s Room No. 1 was the room that Yang Ming once lived in. After that, after being cleaned, no one had ever lived, including members of the Douglas family’s senior elders’ club, and even Keck. I, who came here, only lived in the VIP room of President No. 2, and did not dare to stay in Suite One.

Still the last room, after Yang Ming entered the room, he did not go to the Dongjun first, because Dong Jun said that he had to change the number, so even if Yang Ming called now, it is estimated that Dong Jun could not be found. It caused trouble for him, so Yang Ming patiently waited for Dong Jun to contact him actively.

However, Yang Minghao can first call Chu Peng Exhibition and Nightingale to call.

Thinking of this, Yang Ming dialed the phone that Chu Sanwa gave to his Chu Peng exhibition.

However, the phone dialed in the past, but the other party came the sound of the shutdown, which could not help but make Yang Ming feel amazed!

In theory, Chu Sanwa should have told Hu Peng that they have come to help them, how can they shut down?

However, in order to eliminate the possibility that the phone has no electricity, Yang Ming dialed the mobile phone of the nightingale again. The voice that was turned off was still there, which made Yang Ming somewhat suspicious, and this happened again. whats the matter?

Yang Ming had no choice but to call the phone to Liu Weishan. He did not have a call from Chu Sanwa, but he wanted to come here. Chu Sanwa should still be waiting for news at Liu Weishan’s home.

"Da Ming!" Chu Yuer, who answered the phone, the state picked up the phone, and Chu Yuer said in a hurry: "Da Ming, I just want to call you, something is wrong!"

"What happened? What happened?" Yang Ming was sinking in his heart. Sure enough, the last thing he wanted to see should have happened!

"Before, Chu Peng Exhibition gave us a call and said that those people seem to find them. They are fleeing. They must turn off their mobile phones. Those people should already know their mobile numbers... they have to Shut down!" Chu Yuer said:

"Chu Yuer, but I haven't got in touch with them yet? What can I do?" Yang Ming frowned. Although he has a perspective, he wants to find someone in Las Vegas. It is a very difficult thing, and Chu Peng Exhibition is not necessarily in the city of Vegas! ”

"Right, I just wanted to talk to Chu Pengzhe about this to help you, but I haven't had time to tell him, but just hurriedly said what Xiaolanger is protecting them, and the column is broken. ......" Chu Yuer thought and said: "I want to ask more and talk more, the phone will not go back."

"Small readings..." Yang Ming stunned, suddenly thought of something, said: "Well, Chu Yuer, I should know how to find them! Not to mention, the situation should be urgent!"

"Okay." Chu Yuer did not say anything more. She also knew the seriousness of the situation and did not dare to delay time.

When the phone was cut off, Yang Ming dialed the phone directly from Batton.

Yang Ming remembers that the last time he helped Chu Peng and the nightingales settle the old Lange and the small Lange, Yang Ming seems to remember that Xiao Lange went to the school to do the bodyguards of Chu Peng Exhibition and Nightingale. If this is the case, then this time the Chu Peng exhibition is in trouble, the small Lange should be by their side!

Therefore, what Yang Ming is going to do now is to get the contact information of Xiao Lange.

"Mr. Yang, do you need me to ask you for your service?" In the office, Battton was waiting for Yang Ming’s call. At this time, he picked up the phone and asked sincerely and sincerely.

"Do you have a phone call from Little Lange?" Yang Ming did not talk nonsense with Barton because of the urgency.

"Little Lange? Hey, no, but I have the old Lange phone line?" Batton asked:

"Give me," Yang Ming said.

"Okay, the old Lange's phone is..." Saying, Batton reported a set of numbers.

"Good." After Yang Ming wrote down, the column was broken.

But Barton is somewhat inexplicable. I don’t know what Yang Ming is looking for in the small Lange. However, since Yang Ming does not say it, he will not ask:

After Yang Ming got the number, he dialed the phone number of the old Lange.

"Hello...", Old Lange looked at the strange number on the phone. Ben did not want to answer the call, but he was afraid to miss the important call or answer the work.

Because, the small Lange is asking for help, he has sent a large number of gang members to support, so he must keep in touch with Xiao Lange!

"Old Lange? I am Yang Ming." Yang Ming said directly to the door: "I am looking for something small Lange, you give me his call."

"Yang Ming... You are the one of Yang Dashen Yang..." Old Lange heard Yang Ming’s name, and there was no excitement for no reason! Yang Ming is coming, then everything is solved. As long as Yang Ming appears, then everything is not a problem!

"I am Yang Ming, but it is not what Yang Da Shen." Yang Ming said: "Your son and Chu 1. Chen Fa, they are likely to be dangerous, you will give me his contact information!"

"Ah, yes!" Old Lange had wanted to explain it, let Yang Ming help out, but I didn't expect that Yang Ming had already known that his son and Chen Fa had encountered danger and were ready to help. That cut is to save the time for the old Lange to go nonsense!

Thinking of this, the old Lange quickly told Xiao Ming's phone number to Yang Ming, and told Yang Ming where they are currently: "Mr. Yang, Little Lange, called for help, they are in the eastern suburbs. The abandoned garbage disposal plant was under siege and blocked. I have sent people to help. But it is said that the other party is very powerful..."

"Okay, I know." Yang Ming, no more F Lang Lange to explain how powerful the blockers are, can the practitioners not be powerful?

Yang Ming naturally knows how powerful the cultivators are, so Yang Ming’s top priority is to get there as soon as possible. Going late, it is very likely that there will be a big danger!

In order to save time and cut off the phone, Yang Ming opened the door of the balcony of the room and jumped directly from the window of the hotel balcony of twenty floors!

There is Jinzhou in the body, Yang Ming is not afraid of falling to the cross will cause any damage!

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