So Pure, So Flirtatious

Chapter 2284: will

It is said that the super-powerful **** of Yang Ming’s body was bombarded by the meteorite bomb and it was not killed. Let’s not jump off the building. Sure enough, Yang Ming did not fall on the ground, nothing happened, and with the superb light footwork, he did not fall even if he fell!

Yang Ming’s jump is more eye-catching than the stunts in the movies. However, when Yang Ming jumped down, no one noticed it. After Yang Ming landed, no one else knew where he jumped from. So there is no one to pay attention!

While giving Xiaolange a big arc, Yang Ming went to a taxi that stopped at the door of the Douglas Hotel and said to the driver: "Go to the abandoned garbage disposal factory on the outskirts of the east side!"

There is an old garbage disposal factory on the outskirts of the east side. Although it has been suspended for a long time, it is no stranger to the taxi driver. So after listening to Yang Ming’s instructions, he directly started the car and drove to the destination. .

"Hey?" Little Lange took the phone and sweated. He, as well as Chu Pengzhan and Nightingale, was hiding in the dirty and stinky garbage heap! But there is no way, this place is the safest hiding place for the moment.

Fortunately, the small Lange is a flying car party, the car technology driving in the city is one-to-one, only to open the tracker, came to a garbage dump here to hide.

In the city, the other person's person may also be scrupulously affected, did not dare to be too openly shot, just driving to track, this is to give a small Lange a chance!

The advantage of terrain and the advantages of car technology, another is that he knows this garbage dump, which used to be the site of their flying party.

But the car is still in the distance, but the other person will definitely find it one by one!

Although Little Lange has already notified the old Lange by phone, he sent his elite reinforcements, but at this junkyard, hiding in the garbage, Chu Peng exhibition will be the identity and strength of the other person, as well as their own identity. And the strength is confessed to the small Lange after the small Lange suddenly wow cool in the heart!

Chu Peng exhibition and nightingale, what level of existence! These people are actually martial arts masters? I am afraid that the elites sent by my father, holding a handgun are not the opposite of these people!

But now Lang Lang has been on the same line with Chu Peng Exhibition and Nightingale, and since then, their relationship has been getting along well, so Lang Lange does not regret that they are in such a dangerous situation. !

He is just thinking about how to get out of trouble?

If the father’s men are not the opponents of those people, then those people will come here sooner or later, and he is not the opponent of those people. The Chu Peng exhibition and the nightingale are dangerous...

At this time, the small Lange's cell phone shook, and the small Lange did not appear to be electrically displayed in the garbage dump, and directly picked up the phone.

"Little Lange, I am Yang Ming, where are you? I am going to your side, but the hotel I live in is somewhere far from your location...", Yang Ming’s Douglas Hotel and the waste disposal in the eastern suburbs Factory, a little bit of the meaning of the South, the two directions.

"Ah, it’s Mr. Yang! Great, we are in the garbage disposal plant. There are three piles of garbage in it. We are hiding in the middle of the pile of garbage. It’s great that you came... You are there, you can Deal with those people!" Little Lange heard Yang Ming's voice, and suddenly overjoyed!

With the help of Yang Ming, it is safe to deal with those people! Yang Ming’s power, he saw it with his own eyes...

“What?” Seeing the excitement of Little Lange, Chu Peng’s exhibition could not help but ask: “Is there a good way?”

"Yes, Mr. Yang, Mr. Yang is coming, we are saved!" said Little Lange excitedly.

“Mr. Yang?” Chu Peng’s exhibition was a glimpse. He did not respond to Mr. Yang’s.

"Yang Ming, Mr. Yang, at the beginning, you and I also met because of Mr. Yang..." Xiao Lange explained quickly.

"Ah! It's him!" Chu Pengzhan said this by Xiaolange. He immediately got on the number and knew who Mr. Yang was: "How did he come? Did he come to help us? His skill is very powerful. If he is willing to take it, we may have hope!"

I heard that Yang Ming came, and Chu Peng’s exhibition was very excited. The expression of the original frowning face also became more expectant.

However, this expectation has just appeared, and it was drenched by a cold water from the nightingale!

"He is coming... I am afraid it is not an opponent..." The nightingale smiled bitterly and said: "Peng exhibition, you don't know how powerful they are, not what ordinary warriors can compare! They are not born, So, no matter how I describe it, you can't understand how powerful they are! Mr. Yang, when I helped us, I also knew that he was very good, but in the morning... although he is very powerful, he is limited to the secular In the world, on his level, his efforts can only be very shallow and very shallow...".

Speaking of this, the nightingale sighed, she did not want to fight the confidence of Chu Peng Exhibition and Xiao Lange, but the fact is that, otherwise the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment! As for her name for the Chu Peng exhibition, since her identity has been confessed to Xiao Lange, she will no longer hide it, no longer use the identity of Chen Ze and Tao Linfang to show people...

"Ah?" Chu Peng Exhibition and Xiao Lange listened to the words of the nightingale, suddenly shocked and said: "Really, it will not be... Is there no way for Mr. Yang, then we are not in the morning ...".

"Mr. Yang's morning." The nightingale shook his head with some helplessness: "I haven't had my kung fu before it was sealed. This time, it should be too long to lead the team, although there is Li Changchun. The old man and I are better to follow, but he has not had much right to speak in front of the elders and elders... and it’s too long and older, much more than me. ...Mr. Yang, how can he be his opponent?"

"That...", after the Chu Peng exhibition, he was very disappointed and worried. "When Mr. Yang came, wouldn’t it mean that he was harmed?"

"This is the case... We should inform him in advance, let him not come, and it is futile to come, maybe he will send it again...", the night owl sighed.

"Then I will call him..." Little Lange disappointedly picked up the phone and was about to call. Suddenly there was a car noise near the garbage dump...

The three people heard the sound of the car, they all had a glimpse!

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