So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 896: After sales service

Chapter 896 Service

"Gun?" Yan Baobao stunned, but did not think that the things in Yang Ming's hands would be guns.

"Well, want to try?" Yang Ming nodded.

"Are you swearing?" Yan Shoubao thought that Yang Ming was alarming. Having said that, Yan Shoubao is mixed with the cows in the city of Phoenix, but he lacks knowledge of the guns.

The domestic gun control is quite strict, and Yan Shoubao also spent a lot of effort to buy a May Fourth Black Star pistol from a southerner. In his opinion, the pistols should be very big. Yang Ming, which is similar to lipstick, how could it be a pistol?

Therefore, since Yan Handu believes that Yang Ming is deceiving, he is no longer afraid, and his hands continue to touch his gun.

"砰", a soft bang, the little white face around Yan Shoubao licking the thigh on the left, sweating and smashing down.

Because this lipstick pistol has a good sound-absorbing function, the gunshot sound is not too big, and it will not be noticed if you don't listen carefully.

And Yan Bao, who is nervously shooting, so obviously he did not hear. Seeing the little white face around me suddenly fell to the ground, some inexplicable: "What happened to you?"

The little white face was very depressed, and I was shot. Didn't you see it? You are a universe invincible super big sb, if you are always there to doubt the authenticity of people's guns, can people take me to experiment?

At this time, Yan Shoubao also saw the blood hole on the little white face, and suddenly he was shocked! In other words, the gun in Yang Ming’s hand is real!

"You really are a gun?" Yan Baobao suddenly shocked.

"Well, do you want to try it too?" Yang Ming nodded and said in a plain tone.

"I... forget it, I won't try it." After Yan Zhibao knew that Yang Ming's gun was real, he was so scared that he didn't dare to shoot again.

When he saw Yang Ming’s unequivocal shooting, he realized that Yang Ming was definitely a murderer who would not blink. If such a person provokes him, it is death and there is no other result.

"砰", it is a light shot, if you don't listen carefully, you think it is the same thing that fell to the ground.

"Ah--" Yan Shoubao screamed and almost didn't roll his eyes. He grabbed his left shoulder with his hand, and blood flowed out of his fingers. He suddenly dyed his suit half.

Yan Shoubao is angry and afraid, he has said no to try, how is this guy still shooting? What are you doing? Biting his teeth and enduring the pain on his shoulders, Yan Shoubao asked: "You... how are you still hitting me?"

"Because you are in Phoenix, you can't do it in a famous heavy industry. So, if you die, there will be no problem." Yang Ming said without hesitation: "Okay, now you can choose a method of death. I want to die at the foot of a broken child, or to be killed by a bullet, or is it a kind of death that you prefer? I can see if I can kill it and satisfy a small wish before your death."

Yan Shoubao is in the heart of her mother, what is the preferred method of death? I haven't died yet, how do I know how to die? And that breaks the grandchildren's feet, I don't want to think about it, I was kicked, it wasn't a joke. When Yan Zhenbao remembered the black-headed bodyguard, he shuddered. It seems that being killed by bullets is still the most refreshing way to die!

But who wants to die? No matter how cool the death is, then it is dead in the end, good, go to death, it is not sick!

"Hurry up, have you thought about it? I have to go to which China Merchants Construction Company to deliver after you have killed you. I have delayed the time and people have to pay me a breach of contract. You pay me?" Yang Ming smashed the hand treasure. I didn’t say anything at a glance.

After Yan Mingbao heard Yang Ming’s words, he almost didn’t cry. He said, how much is the breach of contract? That is compared to my life, count a bird egg! However, he did not dare to say this, he could only think about it in his heart. However, I thought that I was about to die soon. All the lines of defense in my heart collapsed. Tears and noses came out together: "Brother, I don't want to die... Don't you kill me?"

"Don't kill you?" Yang Ming blinked: "I have already got the famous money, and said to help them get things done! Have you ever heard of saying that people are spending money to replace people? I am with others. Guaranteed, in the future, the famous heavy industry must be unimpeded in Phoenix!"

"Brother, it must be unimpeded in the future, it must be unimpeded... You don't kill me, I am definitely no longer looking for the trouble of famous heavy work..." Yan Handbao listened to Yang Ming's reason to kill him just this, and suddenly Silent, my life is really worthless! But what is the solution? The strength of people is obviously stronger than their own, and even the pistol is several times more advanced than their own. It is professional at first glance.

Listening to Yang Ming’s words, I suddenly understood that people are the kind of professionals who collect money and work. How can these own bodyguards be opponents of professional people?

"I rely on you, do you believe that I believe you?" Yang Ming said in a blink of an eye: "Our organization is to be credible. If you wait for me to go back and repent, the reputation of our organization will be paralyzed!" ”

Yan Shoubao was shocked. What kind of organization is this guy really? Before him, he really thought that he had to leave Yang Ming and then plan to do it. But now, it is a little shaken.

The most important thing about this kind of organization is reputation. If this mission fails, then maybe no one will look for them next time! Is this guy going to kill himself?

"I... I can give you money! How much they give you, I will give you double, as long as you don't kill me!" Yan Shoubao said quickly. However, after he finished speaking, he realized that he had said something stupid.

The organization of the people must be reputable. If there is such a situation of eating at both ends, who will dare to find them in the future?

Sure enough, Yang Ming frowned and said: "Do you have any problems? We have regulations on the organization. If the task is taken over, it will be responsible to the victim. It is useless to bribe me."

"Can't you not die?" Yan Shoubao completely collapsed: "Brother, you don't kill me, other cockroaches will do..."

"How can I guarantee that you will not find the trouble of famous heavy workers in the future?" Yang Ming sneered after listening: "We are all performing tasks in one place, I hate the task of rework, in case you repent, Then I have to take a look, do you reimburse me for the fare?"

Yan Shoubao has been vulnerable by Yang Ming, and he doesn't care. One's own life is not worth a car...

"I am the most annoying task of after-sales service. Hurry up, don't talk nonsense anymore. If you don't choose to die, I will give you a random!" Yang Ming waved and said: "But the chances of breaking the feet are bigger. This trick was just practiced by me and I found it quite easy to use."

"Don't... don't break your son's feet, brother, I really don't want to die, you don't kill me, I promise you won't have any after-sales... I... I will, tomorrow, no, I will cancel the company in a while. I still can't do it. I am going to change the line and change the hotel to open the bath. In short, I don't do the business now..." Yan Shoubao is really afraid of death, otherwise he can't be so desperate.

"Is it?" Yang Ming heard the words of Yan Shoubao as if hesitated.

Yan Baobao was overjoyed. When he looked at Yang Ming’s appearance, he knew that things seemed to have a chance to turn around. He quickly said, “I swear, I will go to the company for a while, then give you a toll, if I If you have trouble finding a famous company, you can always use my toll to pay for my after-sales..."

"Oh, it seems a bit reasonable," Yang Ming nodded after listening. Then he said, "Let's do it, then it's just like this. It just saves a bullet. My bullet is specially made, a dozen. What about the money?"

"..." Yan Shoubao is a little crazy, dozens of dollars... that is his life! However, he did not dare to show the slightest mistake. He said to Yang Ming: "Brother, I have the key to the safe here. There are 500,000 yuan in cash. I will pay for the toll. I can’t lift this hand. You can take it yourself, the password is 32, 11, 20.5."

Yang Ming took the key of the safe. To be honest, he didn't want to get rid of the strict hand treasure. After all, Yan Shoubao is a person with a face in Phoenix. If he kills him, I am afraid it is not so easy to settle. After all, check it. Next, it will be found that there are contradictions between Sankun Machinery of Mingyang Heavy Industry and Yanshoubao, but the small scorpion under Yan’s hands does not matter. Even if Yang Ming does not deal with it, Yan Shoubao will certainly treat their bodies. Lost. It is estimated that this black-headed bodyguard and Xiaobai face are both people who have murders on their hands. Yan Shoubao does not want people to check their identity at that time.

In fact, 500,000 is really a small number for Yang Ming, and even a little insignificant. However, the reason why Yang Ming took over the key of the safe is actually trying to test the Yan Bao.

Therefore, Yang Ming took the key and squatted in front of the safe, exposing his entire back to the front of Yan Bao. However, Yang Ming is now closed with glasses, using his ability to monitor the movement of Yan Bao.

Yang Ming deliberately pretended to be unfamiliar with the safe. The key was inserted several times and was not inserted into the safe. Let Yang Ming feel at ease, Yan Handbao did not have any movements at the moment, still sitting there with sincerity and fear, watching Yang Ming open the safe.

However, Yan Shoubao did not move, and the little white face bodyguard who had been lying on the ground near Yan Shoubao was moving! He slowly touched the gun under the Yan Shoubao table with his hand, and touched it, staring at Yang Ming’s movement with vigilance!

Ok! Xiaobai’s face was relieved. When he held the gun in his hand, Yang Ming’s key was not inserted into the safe! Xiaobai suddenly felt that the opportunity came.

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