So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 897: Blocking event

The 879th chapter of the car accident

Xiaobai face took a deep breath and then raised his pistol and pointed it at Yang Ming!

Yan Shoubao also saw the movement of Xiaobai face at this moment. I don't know why, he suddenly had an urge to stop Xiaobai's face! He just thinks that Yang Ming can't be killed by this little white face!

The next thing, it really was squandered! Moreover, Yan Shoubao is very fortunate that his choice is correct. He did not act rashly when Yang Ming turned back! Otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable...

Xiaobai face just wanted to lift the pistol, a key was in the middle of his eyebrows, completely immersed in his brain, leaving only the key cake outside! Xiaobai’s body twitched twice, and slowly fell to the ground, no life...

"I hate someone who sneaked behind in the back..." Yang Ming turned back and said coldly.

Just now, Yang Ming did not insert the key into the safe, just want to use that key as a murder weapon. The bullet in the lipstick pistol can only hold two hairs at a time. It has already been used up. Yang Ming has no other weapons, so Yang Ming decided to use the key of the safe as a dart.

"Brother...not what I meant, it was his own meaning..." Yan Shoubao hated the little white face at this moment. Although you are not so powerful, you are still thinking about going to sneak up on others. It is simply stupid! Lao Tzu **** your mother! You want to commit suicide, don't pull on the back of Laozi!

It’s no wonder that Yan Baobao will marry the little white-faced mother, because he is really angry at the moment! I just prayed for the understanding of Yang Ming, the great god. Are you going to anger this god?

"I know." Yang Ming said faintly.

However, Yang Ming's faint words made the Yan Baobao suddenly feel like a spring breeze, just like returning from **** to the world, and he took a lot of cold sweat: "Come, you are wise, brother, you can rest assured In a while, I will throw this sneak attack into your universe, the invincible big sb, into the sulfuric acid, let him die without a whole body!"

"Don't say those ones are useless, the keys are bloody, I don't want to take them, forget it, I don't want tolls." Yang Ming waved his hand and said: "But I hope you don't let me make the road toll." After-sales service, otherwise, oh..." Yang Ming sneered two times, did not continue to say, but the meaning is self-evident, it is definitely more serious than this time.

" can rest assured..." Yan Shoubao has been utterly disillusioned, especially Yang Ming has been carrying his body, he can detect that someone wants to attack him, and even let Yan Shoubao secretly stunned, the heart of this person belongs to What kind of organization, how can you be so agile?

Yang Ming concentrated his spirit, staring at Yan Bao, and did not speak.

Yan Shoubao was stared at by Yang Ming, and suddenly he was nervous and scared. He didn't know what Yang Ming wanted to do: "Brother... I said everything is true..."

...... "I rely on it. I knew that the famous heavy industry had found such awesome people. I didn't ask them to be killed if I killed them. What is the difference between playing with fire and self-immolation? I will log off the company soon, and I will change it early. Do something else, otherwise, do heavy machinery, even if you do not find the trouble of the famous company, it is inevitable that there will be conflicts of interest, 10,000 a person to use this as an excuse to let this guy come back to the after-sales service That's not a normal fuck!"

"Looking" to the voice of Yan Shoubao, Yang Ming just nodded slowly, completely believe in the strict hand treasure, and will not find the trouble of famous heavy work in the future.

Before, Yang Ming had found the embarrassment of this ability use, that is, when the target is extremely nervous, as long as you concentrate, you can see the idea of ​​the goal.

After this test, Yang Ming mastered the skill of using the ability more skillfully. It's just that the limitations of this ability are too big to be used at any time. Yang Ming also considered why he can only see their thoughts when others are nervous.

However, even after considering it for a long time, Yang Ming did not find the exact reason. However, it should probably be because when a person is nervous, his thought will be weak. At this time, he can sneak into it. Will see his true thoughts. However, this is also Yang Ming’s guess. There is no way to confirm it.

"I believe you for the time being." Yang Ming nodded. "You will deal with the body?"

"Don't worry, brother, I will handle it well." Yan Handbao heard Yang Ming say so, knowing that his life is coming back. When I was really stupid, I still thought about confronting the "brother" in front of me. Isn't that looking for a dead end?

"You won't call the police, right?" Yang Ming guessed that this guy should not call the police, but still asked. If he has an intention to call the police, then continue to beat him.

"Brother, they are people who have committed murders in the South. I am going to the police. I am not asking for trouble. What if I am involved in it?" Yan Qiaobao explained with a smile and he did not take Yang Ming. Now is what to say.

"Well, I hope I will not see you again later, otherwise it will be the last side of the trick." After Yang Ming finished, he turned and walked to the door of Yan Shoubao's office.

Yan Shoubao’s heart stunned and watched Yang Ming’s back leave his office, and he was soft on the boss’s chair. After a while, I took out my mobile phone and connected a number.

"Second son, come to my office, and deal with something for me... Don't ask anything, hurry up!" This "two sons" in Yan Shoubao is his younger brother, and now he can only take these Things tell the closest people.

Soon, the second son came to the office of Yan Shoubao. When he saw the dead body on the ground and the big brother who was covered in blood, he was shocked and angry: "Which king is so bold? Sankun Saye?"

Yan Shoubao was shocked. He was afraid that Yang Ming had the words of the second son who could hear the second son. He quickly said: "The second son can't talk nonsense!"

"What's wrong? Big Brother, what are you?" The second son listened to the words of Yan Shoubao and suddenly stunned. This is not like the big brother in peace. Nowadays, it has become like this, but there is nothing at all, but instead Still with some fear.

Yan Shoubao gave the second son the thing that happened, and after the second son listened, he also silenced. Carefully looked at the appearance of a few bodyguards on the ground, the second son also knows that the big brother got into a person who can not afford it.

The brothers packed the bodies in woven bags with two hands and feet, and then transported them to the warehouse where the sulfuric acid was stored in the basement with a special freight elevator. They were directly thrown into the pool of concentrated sulfuric acid, and then a thick smoke appeared. After a few days, nothing will be left.

This warehouse has only the key to the hand, he is not afraid that others will come in and discover, and the second son returned to the office, Yan Shoubao began to discuss with the second son to cancel the company, this is a top priority, Yan Shoubao I don't want the next person to die to be him.

As for what to do after canceling the company, these Yan Baobao have not thought about it, but even if they don’t do anything, the money they have earned in these years is enough for him to spend a few years.

At this moment, Yang Ming was nothing to do. He drove the Dongfeng truck and drove out the Sankun Machinery Factory and drove to the China Merchants Engineering and Construction Company.

Successfully handed over the goods and got the full amount of the goods. The engineers of China Merchants Construction Co., Ltd. were very satisfied with the construction machinery produced by Mingyang Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., and agreed to cooperate for a long time.

However, they also seem to know the things of Sankun Machinery's strict hand treasure. How can some of them be surprised by how to take some measures?

“The people of Sankun Machinery did not find your troubles?” The people of the Phoenix China Merchants Construction Company asked Yang Mingdao very differently.

"Looking for trouble? No, but I heard that Sankun Machinery has to change course." Yang Ming said with a smile.

"Changes?" These people certainly won't believe Yang Ming's words. Sankun Machinery has also been doing construction machinery for many years. Although the quality is not well-known, it is also marketable. It is impossible to say that it will be diverted. what? So they thought that Yang Ming’s only a joke was not taken seriously.

I don't want to, on the second day, a shocking news came out in the newspaper, Sankun Machinery Company declared bankruptcy! This makes everyone stunned! Of course, these are all words.

After Yang Ming successfully handed over the goods and received the payment, he returned to Songjiang. Although there has been no rest, Yang Ming has no interest in staying in Phoenix. It is better to rush back as soon as possible. What's more, Yang Ming's physical strength is very human, so it is not very tired.

Go slow, go back fast. This seems to be the illusion that most people have. Yang Ming is no exception. On the same journey, Yang Ming feels that it is a lot faster when he returns to Songjiang.

Just after leaving the expressway and passing the toll booth, Yang Ming saw a row of police cars parked not far away. The police lights flashed and were indicating the passing of vehicles.

Yang Ming did not care, he was not overloaded, and did not violate the rules. He should have nothing to do with himself, but he did not expect that he was stopped!

"The car number is 9100's big car, stop by the side." Yang Ming's license plate number came from the megaphone.

Yang Ming had no choice but to stop the car and then took the driver's license and got off the bus.

However, the police did not seem to have the meaning of Yang Ming’s driver’s license. Instead, he led Yang Ming to the front of an Iveco police car not far away and said, “Let’s go in.”

Yang Ming was somewhat inexplicable, but he got on the bus according to the instructions of the police. The reason why Yang Ming is very obedient is because Yang Ming has carefully observed the uniforms of the police and the license plates of the standard police cars. After they were all true, they got on the bus.

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