So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 904: Lovely summer snow

Chapter 904 Cute Summer Snow

"No, I just want to know, do you have any contact with the people at the night dance bar?" Yang Ming asked in a low voice.

"The contact can't be said, the understanding is very stubborn, and I can only say that I have passed the photo." Violence said: "The night dance bar belongs to the north of the city. It was originally from the site of Xiangde. After I took over, I also did some investigations. The night dance bar is said to be opened after the washing of the boss in the foreign road, but he never participated in the Songjiang Road, but only in his own one-acre three-point land, I am because everyone is all mixed. They didn't bother to find them, but they were also very low-key and didn't dare to make trouble."

"That's it." Yang Ming said faintly: "He doesn't dare to provoke you, but he is getting me now."

"Ah?" The violent three stood up and immediately shouted: "Mother's, I thought he was quite honest. I didn't expect even Yang Ge to dare to move... use me..."

"I have said no, the Jia brothers are expected to be sent to prison tomorrow, but the location of his bar is good, you want to find a way down, these things do not need to teach you?" Yang Ming said.

"Do not worry, Yang Ge, this is a small matter." Now, the violent three-legged walk between black and white, although it is very powerful, but it is not easy to engage in some illegal activities, and will not leave any handle, of course, this is also under the influence of Hou Zhenduo, San Li has become so cautious.

However, in this way, the violent San Li is very open in both the official level of Songjiang and other aspects.

Not long after, the police rushed to the night dance bar, the door of the bar was opened, and more than a dozen police officers rushed in and held the pistol.

"Xia team!" is talking about a squadron leader in the criminal investigation team, Ye Qiang: "The five squadrons have surrounded the entire bar."

Xia Xue pointed to Jia Siwen who had been scared of urinating on the ground and Jia Zhengjing, who was covered in blood and fainted in the past: "The two men will be controlled first, and the rest will be sent to the hospital for hospitalization. I doubt Someone here is a murderer."

After receiving instructions, Ye Qiang quickly followed the instructions of Xia Xue and began to clean and clean the scene. The arrested, the hospital was sent to the hospital, and soon, the night dance bar quickly recovered the silence, leaving In addition to Yang Ming, the people are all police. Even the waiters in the bar were asked to go back to assist in the investigation.

However, because of Xia Xue’s relationship, Yang Ming’s transcript was directly made at the scene.

"The matter of the trial will be handed over to you, and I will not go back." Xia Xue said to Ye Qiang.

"Do not worry, Xia team." Ye Qiang also knows that Xia Xue is now responsible for the haunted case, may be just after the evening shift, the body is tired, not to mention, the summer team is also a normal girl, also have to date with her boyfriend after work of……

Ye Qiang is a criminal investigation squadron. He usually does not work in the city bureau building, but is in the duty room next to him. So Yang Ming went to the city bureau several times to find Chen Fei, but Ye Qiang did not see it. At this moment, he subconsciously thought that Yang Ming was Xia Xue’s girlfriend.

Hearing Yang Ming, he alone put a group of black bodyguards down, and he admired his heart. The heart of the summer team was terrible. The boyfriend was not awkward. It was so strong, the bit policemen were fierce, and they didn’t know what to do. What kind of work, have the opportunity to learn if you can.

However, even if Xia Xue is not present, the first merit of this case is not Xia Xue. Chen Fei is not a person who likes to take credit. He does not have to take any credit for his age. On the qualifications, he should be able to take over smoothly in a few years, so Chen Fei gave credit to young people. After all, their The road is still long.

Out of the bar, Xia Xue took the co-pilot position of the Dongfeng truck in the eyes of Ye Qiang’s horror...

No, right? Xia team's boyfriend is a truck driver? How do you feel different? If the truck driver can have this skill, then there will be no more cars and roads!

However, after thinking about it, the summer team is investigating the haunted case in the past few days. Maybe they deliberately asked the boyfriend to drive such a big truck to come out and see the unannounced visit.

Corona's bottle was originally small, and the measurement of the five bottles was really nothing for Yang Ming. When I was fighting, all the wines were already awake, so there is no problem driving a car now.

However, Xia Xue is somewhat worried: "Do you do it? Do you want to take a taxi back?"

"Oh, you think that my car parked on the side of the road for a night, will not be posted a ticket tomorrow?" Yang Ming smiled bitterly.

"Paste me to help you revoke." Xia Xue is very indifferent.

"Forget it, I am fine." Yang Ming smiled and said: "I didn't expect this to come to the bar, but it helped you break a big case."

"Yeah!" Xia Xue thought of these is also a little excited: "Yang Ming, I found that you seem to be my lucky star, the last time I was with you, I broke the smuggling case inexplicably!"

Although Xia Xue has already woken up the wine, her immunity to alcohol is obviously not as good as that of Yang Ming, or she is slightly drunk, and she is particularly excited when she speaks: "Hey, Yang Ming, you said that if I am with you often." Together, isn’t the throne of the Secretary just around the corner?”

After Yang Ming listened, he could not help but shook his head: "How do I listen to your words, as if I am not a lucky star but a disaster star? You describe what I described as a detective Conan? Where did the case occur?"

"Or, Yang Ming, you will come to accompany me more in the future. Maybe this haunted case will be solved." Xia Xue originally said this is embarrassing, but after drinking, people also become Bold, it’s not that embarrassing to say this.

"I don't have anything, but if you have a boyfriend in the future, then he is not jealous?" Yang Ming teased Xia Xuedao. I don't know why, Yang Ming thinks that it is a bit sad to marry after Xia Xue. After all, something will happen between the two people.

It's like something that should have belonged to you. Suddenly cheaper than others, there is a feeling of being lost.

"Cut, I don't want to find a boyfriend." Xia Xue did not hear the meaning implied in Yang Ming's words, but waved his hand in confusion: "Why are you looking for a boyfriend, I can support myself? And there is your long-term meal ticket. If you are unemployed, then go and eat what you drink. But...haha, the police should not be unemployed? When are there bad guys..."

Yang Ming listened to Xia Xue’s words. I don’t know if I should be happy, or should I smile. Who does Xiashue think of himself as a person? Big head? Still silly?

However, it is obvious that Xia Xue should not be such a person. She always asks her to invite her to eat. Most of them are also more jokes. Although I don’t know what Xia Xue’s family is doing, there are indications that it should not be simple.

Moreover, Xia Xue is not like a lack of money, wages and bonuses are many, how can it not even eat can not afford it?

"Yang Ming? How come I am hungry?" Xia Xue frowned and touched his little belly: "Did you seem to have just eaten food?"

"That just had a drink, where did you eat?" Yang Ming listened to Xia Xue's words and turned his head, but he saw that Xia Xue's face was reddish and his eyes were somewhat blurred.

No, right? Is this also brought back to the strength? I thought that Xia Xue was already waking up. I didn't expect this to be confused.

Yang Ming guessed it right, Xia Xue is indeed confused, Xia Xue has a good amount of alcohol, but because of the pressure of work, I am interested in getting drunk and relaxing, so the five bottles are not very strong Corona, but also let her have Some drunk.

It was because of the tension in the situation that Xia Xue’s conditional reflection drove the body’s drunkenness to the side, but now, because of relaxation and excitement, the wine is back!

"Oh? Right, I didn't eat it just now." Xia Xue nodded and said, "Where are we going to eat?"

"What do you want to eat?" Yang Ming was a little dumbfounded. Xia Xue was really cute at this time, and couldn't help but think of Huang Lele. I want to be a good sister for two people.

"I want to eat fried cakes..." Xia Xue has already had some tiredness at the moment. On the edge of half-sleeping and half-awake, when she said the three words of fried cake, Xia Xue followed her and licked her mouth, as if The same as in the throat.

"Fried cake?" Yang Mingyi, this big night where to go to make fried cakes, is trying to call Xia Xue to change something, but turned around but saw that Xia Xue has fallen asleep.

The eyes are slightly closed, the seductive little mouths are one by one, and it seems that they are eating fried cakes in their dreams.

Yang Ming shook his head, parked the car on the side of the road, locked the door, and opened the warm air in the car. Yang Ming was also a little tired. Not eating for one day is not a big deal for Yang Ming.

When I was training in Europe, I didn’t eat or sleep for a few days. Yang Ming put down the seat for Xia Xue, so that she can sleep more comfortably. After doing this, Yang Ming also put his seat down and prepared to take a break in the car.

I don't know how long I slept, and there was a fierce knock on the window. From the first moment when the window was knocked, Yang Ming woke up, sat up, watched out the window with vigilance, but saw a traffic policeman, and there was a police car with a police light flashing beside him. .

Yang Ming pressed the glass of the window and asked, "What's the matter?"

"No parking is allowed here, please show your driving license." The traffic police said politely.

Yang Ming remembered this. Before I saw that Xia Xue was asleep, she stopped the car on the side of the road, but did not expect to actually patrol the traffic police on duty at night.

At this time, Xia Xue was also woken up, stumbled and got up...

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