So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 905: Encountering a haunted case

Chapter 905 of the encounter with the haunted case

At this time, Xia Xue was also woken up, staggered and got up, saw the traffic police outside the car, and suddenly understood what was going on, so he took out the documents from the body and handed it to the traffic police outside: "I am the Interpol team. I am going to handle the case at night. I am a little sleepy. I have a rest here."

The traffic police saw the title on Xia Xue’s certificate and learned that she was the deputy captain of the criminal police team. Immediately afterwards, she immediately thought that the continuous traffic roads in the past few days were the responsibility of the summer captain of the Municipal Bureau of Criminal Police. !

Their traffic police team naturally understands the recent cases. It can be said that they are the first to arrive at the scene. These days, the leaders of the team also emphasized the situation and encountered more suspicious traffic accidents. Be sure to inform the summer captain of the Interpol team immediately and cooperate with the captain of the summer team!

I want to come, the summer captain should be looking for clues in the haunting case at this moment! When I thought of it, I couldn’t help but be awe-inspiring. I felt a little embarrassed. People worked so hard, but they bothered people to rest! I quickly paid a courtesy: "Summer captain, I am really embarrassed, disturbing your rest, but this road is a commuting section, traffic will be relatively large after six o'clock, so..."

Xia Xue is also a little embarrassed. After all, he used his excuses to handle the case, but he attracted the traffic police to respect himself so much. He said: "We will drive the car away!"

"Okay, thank you for working with us!" The traffic police returned the documents to Xia Xue, and said quickly. In my heart, I admire Xia Xue even more. If I look at people, I am working on a case. I should enjoy the privilege, but I am also law-abiding.

Yang Ming looked a little blushing, heart, these two... really...

So I quickly started the car and slowly turned to the side road.

"How do I fall asleep?" Xia Xue blinked, but his heart was a little unwilling. Just dreaming of it, dreaming that Grandma had fried a large bowl of fried cake for himself, how can he eat it? It’s so delicious... the result is so woken up...

"You are saying that you want to eat fried cakes, and you fall asleep." Yang Ming laughed while driving.

"Ah?" Xia Xue said, my heart, have you said that you want to eat fried cakes?

"Yeah, maybe you went to sleep in the future..." Yang Ming continued: "Then you fell asleep."

"I... I didn't have it!" Xia Xue suddenly turned red, and he couldn't. However, when Yang Ming said this, his stomach was called up again, and he couldn’t make a number in his dreams!

"Oh, but now it is estimated that the stalls that sold earlier have not yet opened, let's just turn around and drive." Yang Ming said: "You can't just stop, but there is no problem driving."

Xia Xue was not sleepy at the moment, so she was sober, so she nodded. "Okay, then turn around. Maybe you can find the clues of the haunted case!"

"You really want to make a contribution to the fire, this thing, how can you find clues to find clues?" Yang Ming turned off the warm air inside the car, some too hot, hot uncomfortable.

Yang Ming has no purpose to drive the car back and forth at the intersection of Songjiang. At four o'clock in the morning, it is the least time on the street. Occasionally, I can see a few large trucks like the ones that Yang Ming has driven, but they are all on the road.

Yep? Yang Ming suddenly stunned! Some incredible eyes blinked, is it just that I just dazzled? Yang Ming looked up and looked forward with some doubts. It was still a straight road!

However, in the moment just now, what Yang Ming saw was not the case! What Yang Ming sees is that there is no road in the distance, but a wall, and a road in the right front of the wall!

Do you have an illusion? Yang Ming frowned. It is reasonable to say that his will should be more determined than the average person, and his eyesight is much better than others. How can the possibility of dazzling appear?

Just thinking about it, I heard the scream of Xia Xue: "Yang Ming! What are you doing! Stop parking!"

"What's wrong?" Yang Ming came back and asked with a look of confusion.

"What's wrong! Turn right! You didn't see the front is the wall!" Xia Xue screamed in horror, and the hand was not willing to grab Yang Ming's steering wheel and wanted to turn the rudder to the right.

Yang Ming listened to Xia Xue’s words, some are inexplicable, what is the front wall? turn right? What nonsense does Xia Xue say?

Suddenly, Yang Ming was shocked! I thought of the situation I saw in a flash! In this way, what I have just seen is not an illusion...or an illusion, but Xia Xue also has the same illusion!

Yang Ming did not pay attention to Xia Xue, holding the steering wheel and not letting her move! This road, Yang Ming is very sure, because when you lost the little Dolce before, this is the way! Therefore, Yang clearly believes that the front is indeed the road, not the wall, and the right is the wall!

"Ah--" Xia Xue screamed, watching Yang Ming drive into the wall when he was driving... Although Xia Xue is a policeman, it is also a girl. Although he is more courageous than usual, this moment is bold. What is the use?

It’s not about watching science fiction movies, but really driving a big wall! Xia Xue closed his eyes desperately, he was still very young, there were many things that had not been done, many things have not been eaten, many places have not been visited, and the enjoyment has not been enjoyed...

Is it so dead? I haven’t talked about love, I have never done love... I don’t know what it feels like... I knew that it was better to do it with Yang Ming last time...

Yep? Xia Xue is a glimpse, why haven't you died yet? According to the speed just now, at most one second, the car will be destroyed. However, it has been several seconds. Why haven’t you died yet?

Is Yang Ming at the last moment, stepping on the brakes or turning to the right? Xia Xue opened her eyes in confusion and looked back, but she saw a scene that surprised her!

The whole body passed through the wall she saw, but it was intact, and continued to move forward, while the wall behind it still existed!

"What is going on here?" Xia Xueyu had big glasses, and his face was incredible. He looked at Yang Ming and gasped.

Yang Ming is also very puzzled. Since Xia Xue also said that he saw the "wall", Yang Ming began to wonder. Could it be that I have encountered a haunted case?

Yang Ming slowly parked the car on the side of the road, carefully recalling the moment when he saw the appearance and disappearance of the "wall". Is there any difference?

At that time, I saw the road ahead, the wall, but after seeing the wall, there seemed to be something in my body. Under the urging of this kind of thing, my mind was suddenly clear. The front wall will no longer exist!

Could it be that there is something abnormal about his physique? I still think too much about my nerves. Is it all about the power of the power? Yang Ming is not very clear. If it is the merit of the power, then it is also said, because the ability can pass through any object and see the front!

However, I really felt it at the time, and there was something in the body that seemed to have something to do... I heard Xia Xue’s question, Yang Ming took a deep breath and calmed down his emotions and asked: “You just really Seeing, our front is not the road, but the wall?"

"Yeah! It’s not just now, it’s now!" He said, Xia Xue went back and just wanted to say something, but he stopped, and he said with a sigh of relief: "Hey? The wall behind?"

Yang Ming shook his head and said one word at a time: "There is no wall behind us! Just now, now is also!"

"The one I just saw is... Is it that I am sleepy?" Xia Xue was very puzzled. How did the wall disappear?

Yang Ming suddenly got a little embarrassed and didn't know how to answer Xia Xue's words, but he couldn't say that Xia Xue was sleepy! The things just happened are very complicated, and it is probably an important clue to the haunted case! Yang Ming didn't want to get a clue that he couldn't easily get it.

However, how should Yang Ming go to Xia Xue? If Yang Ming said that he did not see it, then Xia Xue would have thought that she had an illusion and would not think deeply. But what if you saw it? Xia Xue will definitely ask, since I saw it, why should I hit the car against the wall? Yang Ming certainly can't explain the power with Xia Xue. I can't say that I just returned to normal in an instant. I can only express my meaning in another way.

After a sigh of relief, Yang Ming said: "You have not slept, I just saw the wall!"

"Ah! You said that you also saw it?" Xia Xue clearly glimpsed, then said: "You saw, why do you have to drive into the car?"

Sure enough, Xia Xue still asked this question. However, Yang Ming just thought about it: "I am familiar with this road. I have not ran this road twice, so there is nothing on this road. Nothing is clear to me! For example, this road is the way. In the shanty town, there is only one main road leading to the shanty town in the whole Songjiang River! Then, may it be blocked by the wall? Not to mention that I passed here yesterday! How did I repair the wall within one day? I thought I was confused. Then, I thought of opening the past without thinking..."

"Isn't it? It's OK..." After Xia Xue listened, the heart was stunned and afraid of the chest: "If you remember correctly, then we are not dead now... No, I reminded you before. To hit the wall, how are you still so sure? Is there no hesitation?"

Yang Ming is not good, Xia Xue is not engaged in criminal investigation, a little loopholes are not let go, yeah, Xia Xue also said at the time to remind himself... How can this be explained?

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