So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 967: Tracking arsonists

The ninth-seventy-seventh chapter tracks arsonists

“芷韵!” Yang Ming shouted Lin Yuyun’s name: “Where are you?”

Lin Yiyun just drank a bowl of instant noodles as a dinner. Today she downloaded a lot of cases about the company's business. I am ready to study. If I study too late, I live in the company.

I was preparing to eat noodles, but I heard Yang Ming’s voice. At first, Lin Yuyun thought that he had got it wrong. After all, at this time, Yang Ming is unlikely to come to the company. Moreover, Yang Ming has never been so yelling.

However, when Yang Ming pushed open the glass door and rushed in, Lin Yuyun looked up in a wrong way: "Yang Ming? How come you?"

"Yu Yun! Come with me!" Yang Ming stepped forward and grabbed Lin Shuyun's hand and took her to run outside.

"Yang Ming, what the **** is going on, I just had a face, and it will not be good for a while." Lin Yuyun was inexplicably fascinated by Yang Ming.

What happened to Yang Ming today? I had a phone call inexplicably before, and now I am running out.

"The fire is on! The company is on fire!" Yang Ming took Lin Yiyun and ran to the downstairs, and said as he ran.

"Ah!" Lin Yuyun was shocked: "What, the company is on fire?"

"Yes, otherwise I can be so anxious!" Yang Ming said: "But it's okay, you have nothing!"

Pulling Lin Yuyun, the two men ran out of the company door, Yang Ming was relieved.

On the right side of the company, there has been a burst of fire, and several security guards are struggling to fight the fire, but obviously it is not effective. The fire has already been sprinkled with gasoline, and relying on two fire extinguishers and several mops alone will not help.

"Is it a fire alarm?" Yang Ming shouted at the security guards.

"Yang Ge, has already reported, the fire brigade said that it will arrive soon." The security guard on duty immediately replied.

Yang Ming nodded and sighed. Obviously, it was good to find out early, and the fire alarm was also early. The damage caused this time should be small.

Lin Yuyun looked at the flames of Shangyu, feared in his heart, and tightened Yang Ming’s arm: "Yang Ming, what to do, how can it catch fire..."

"It's okay, the fire brigade will feel it after a while," Yang Ming said comfortably. "Are we not already running out!"

"Oh!" Lin Yuyun suddenly exclaimed: "Yang Ming, not good!"

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Yang Ming asked strangely.

I saw Lin Yuyun anxiously looked up and looked at the second floor of the company. "The company's accounts and some cash are still upstairs. What should I do? I am going up now, can I still have time?"

"What account, cash," Yang Ming listened to Lin Yuyun's words and then laughed and laughed. "People are all right, everything is done, worry about what those things do? If you burn it, it doesn't matter."

"But..." Lin Yiyun still has some disappointment. After all, if the company's accounts are gone, it will have a great impact on the company's operation.

"There is nothing." Yang Ming took Lin Xiaoyun's face and said: "Xiao Yun, obedient, her husband has money, is to burn another ten times eight times, for my husband, I am also a cow! You have nothing to do, it is the best."

Lin Yiyun nodded obediently, and his heart was full of sweetness. He gave up the idea of ​​going upstairs to get the books.

Yang Ming’s Yu Guang swept the alley that was not far from the company, and suddenly saw a familiar figure, which was actually the bald head that set fire! I saw the bald head looking at this side, and there was a hint of twilight on my face. However, he apparently found the fire on the inside, and some of them were uncomfortable. After licking a mother in his mouth, he turned and walked away quickly. .

"Yu Yun, you stay here at the company, and the security guards are responsible for some matters on the spot, I have something to do! You must protect your own safety!" Yang Ming told.

"Well, okay, go, I don't care." Lin Yiyun nodded and said.

Although Yang Ming also has some reluctance to let Lin Yuyun stay here, but Yang Ming now has more important things to do, to figure out who the bald head is, why should I burn my company!

However, when Yang Ming chased the past, he still called the violent San Li, so that he immediately rushed to the jewelry company to protect Lin Yuyun, and assisted in dealing with the scene.

Violent Sanli heard that the jewelry company had a fire, and even half of the rice was eaten, and it quickly came to this side, and Hou Zhenyu came at the same time. Although Hou Zhenyu and Lin Yuyun were somewhat embarrassed, but now they have been serving Yang Ming wholeheartedly, Lin Yuyun will not say anything.

Yang Ming carefully followed behind the bald head. Although he can take the bald head directly, Yang Ming still wants to see where the guy is going and what to do.

Unexpectedly, what I saw before like a movie turned out to be a reality! Even the arsonists are clear! Is this really a new power of its own?

Yang Ming is not sure about this. After I found out that I was able to change my capacity, Yang Ming was already eccentric. The ability of this pair of glasses is obviously not limited to farsightedness, perspective and looking around.

There are more magical abilities to be discovered. For example, the ability to change, and to see through the ideas of others, is slowly found out afterwards.

This time, whether or not the abilities have played a role, Yang Ming is not very sure, but for his own magical glasses, everything is possible!

Suddenly, Yang Ming suddenly remembered one thing! One very important thing, that is, at the doorstep of the night, the violent Sanli attack, and I have had a similar experience!

At that time, I also saw the horror of the BMW car brake failure! If you don't see something in advance, you will definitely get on the car, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

From this point of view, today's events are by no means accidental, but there are precedents. So, is this considered an ability? Sixth sense? Or is it predictable?

Thinking of this, Yang Ming was excited! If you really have this ability to predict, isn't it cool? Predicting the direction of the stock, directly into the Nasdaq, that is not earning the sky?

However, to think about it, Yang Ming does not know the trigger condition of this ability now. In what circumstances can this ability to predict this be triggered?

I don't think there is anything special about this before I have a pre-aware situation. Especially today, Yang Mingzheng and Chen Mengyu and Zhou Jiajia said this, and suddenly they were forced to watch a fast-forward movie.

It seems that I have not done anything else. How did this ability come out?

If there is a manual, how good is it, Yang Ming shook his head with some regrets, old man, old man, when you give me this contact lens, why not give me a manual?

Although this idea is shameless, but for such a cheeky person, Yang Ming is shameless, not shameless, how to pick up a girl? Not shameless, where are so many wives?

Although Yang Ming’s thoughts have drifted far away, there is no slack in the tracking target in front of him, and he is not far behind him.

Yang Ming's ability to track is professional. The bald man has no trace of it at all. However, his vigilance is still very high. He went to several convenience stores in the middle. After he entered, he stayed for a long time before coming out.

When you come out, your clothes and wear will change. However, how can these outside things get through Yang Ming’s perspective? Yang Ming’s eyes have been locked on him.

Another time, this guy actually went out from the back door after entering the main entrance of a small shop. However, this is simply a futile practice for Yang Ming.

Yang Ming is behind the bald man and has been coming to the industrial area near the south of Songjiang City!

Here are the warehouses and workshops of some factories. The meaning of Dabo Yangshan is also to build a large modern factory here! Yang Ming did not understand what this bald man came to do in this place!

However, strangely strange, Yang Ming did not relax his vigilance, watching the bald man walked to a garbage bin, and then found a tattered denim bag from a large pile of discarded paper boxes next to the trash can. , leaning back across the shoulders!

What is inside the bag? Yang Ming's subconscious use of abilities through the denim of the outer layer of the bag, looking inside. This hope does not matter, Yang Ming’s heart is shocked!

detonator! The entire bag is filled with detonators! This is a high-risk explosive. What does this bald do with these things? While Yang Ming’s heart was horrified, he even more closely watched the movement of the bald man!

After the bald man carried the bag, he continued to walk to the right front of the road. Yang Ming followed his body without hesitation.

However, when the bald man turned a little bend, Yang Ming finally guessed the guy's intentions! If you guessed it well, this guy wants to blow up his own warehouse!

Yang Ming frowned, who did this guy send? How do you target yourself everywhere? Now, the behavior of this bald man is already very obvious, first burn his own company, then fry his own warehouse! This guy has a hatred for himself?

Sure enough, Yang Ming guessed nothing wrong. The bald man finally stayed at the jewelry company's warehouse, then squatted down, put the bag on the floor, opened the bag, and began to take the detonator out.

Zheng Laoliu was holding a detonator outside. Suddenly he felt that his shoulder was photographed. He was shocked when he arrived. Then he heard a cold voice and asked himself: "You have to do what?"

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