So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 968: Must be cruel

Chapter 186 must be cruel

Zheng Laoliu suddenly stunned and looked up. He saw a young man looking at himself positively. Zheng Laoliu was shocked and jumped up. He said with surprise: "You... who are you?"

“Who am I?” Yang Ming sneered aloud and said: “You set fire to my company first, and then bombed my warehouse. I don’t even know who I am?”

The reason why Yang Ming came directly, is also to try to test Zheng Laoliu. See if he is enemies with himself or do things for others! But now it seems that Zheng Laoliu is doing things for others because he doesn't even know who he is!

"You are... Yang Ming!" After listening to Yang Ming's words, Zheng Laoliu suddenly understood that the person in front of him was Yang Ming.

"It seems that you are not stupid." Yang Ming said coldly: "You are very arrogant? Let the fire put explosives? Let me give you a chance to tell me who sent you!"

Zheng Laoliu was unable to speak out, and his eyes turned two laps. I don’t know what to think about.

"I am patient and limited!" Yang Ming threatened: "I can keep track of you coming here, I can kill you quietly, don't use your *** to challenge my patience. Because killing a *** is really not a glorious thing."

Zheng Laoliu’s heart is a glimpse, Yang Ming said yes, since he can track himself to this place without knowing it, it must be true! Moreover, on the way to come, I also deliberately entered a number of stores, and the anti-tracking ability can not be said to be weak.

However, Zheng Laoliu is not stupid. Yang Ming asked him to say that he said? Wei always treats him not thin, so it is not a last resort, Zheng Laoliu will not betray. Now, Zheng Laoliu is looking for an opportunity to give Yang Ming a fatal blow.

"How about burning? I will look at your company is not good, how can you treat me?" Zheng Laoliu deliberately angered Yang Ming in his words, but his hand sneaked into his trouser pocket.

"What are you doing?" Where can the little tricks hold Yang Ming's eyes? Yang Ming smiled and looked at Zheng Laoliu: "Is it a gun or a sickle? Hurry, take it out and see?"

Zheng Laoliuyi, I did not expect Yang Ming to find his movements, but the arrow has already been sent on the string, Zheng Laoliu violently pulled his hand out of his pocket, and suddenly he had a bright dagger!

Zheng Laoliu, a body-hunting, will stab the dagger to Yang Ming’s abdomen! The strength of the road is fierce. He was originally a deceased, and he was a knife and a gun before he went to jail.

Seeing the slash of Zheng Laoliu, Yang Ming did not show any expression of fear. Instead, he sighed with disappointment and shone a little to the side, and escaped the knife of Zheng Laoliu.

"The speed is too slow, you want to stab me like this?" Yang Ming said sarcastically.

Zheng Laoliu did not expect Yang Ming to be able to escape his own knife so easily, and he did not feel what it was, it was stabbed. Looking again, Yang Ming’s body has moved.

Zheng Laoliu is also a veteran of the fight, and at the moment he understands that he is a master! This sudden knife, Zheng Laoliu asked himself that he would not be able to hide so much, but Yang Ming is like nothing, how can this not let Zheng Laoliu be shocked?

"Do you have to try another knife?" Yang Mingxi looked at Zheng Laoliu, a look of contempt: "I have already said, you should not challenge me with the character of ***, my patience is really limited."

Although Zheng Laoliu knows that Yang Ming’s strength is not weak, he can’t admit defeat! Wei Dekang’s thing is that he can’t say it out. Wei always has the right to know himself. Zheng Laoliu can’t be ungrateful!

So, if you can't beat it at the moment, you can only run! Zheng Laoliu is not a fool. It is impossible to see the task of bombing the warehouse. However, the failure of the mission is always better than that of the company.

Looking at the flashing eyes of Zheng Laoliu, Yang Ming smiled coldly: "What kind of tricks do you want to play?"

While saying this, Yang Ming concentrated his spirit! Yang Ming deliberately used words to stimulate Zheng Laoliu, causing the *** in his heart. In this way, Zheng Laoliu’s emotions are unstable, and his own peek at his thoughts will work, and he can I can see his thoughts smoothly.

Sure enough, Zheng Laoliu was very scared by Yang Ming’s sneer! How can I do everything I want to do without Yang Ming’s eyes? This person, the decision will not be a simple person!

...... "General Wei, you can rest assured, I can't run today, I will not betray you in Zheng Laoliu! I am not a person who is ungrateful!"

Zheng Laoliu’s heart was nervous, and Yang Ming took the opportunity to concentrate and exert his own abilities. Therefore, Zheng Laoliu’s thoughts at the moment were passed into Yang Ming’s mind.

Wei Zong? Wei Dekang? Yang Ming suddenly thought of Wei Dekang of Dekang Real Estate. Sure enough, this old guy, live impatient, right? Still dare to send people to burn their own company? Still dare to blow up your own warehouse?

Mom is a forced, you when I am a soft animal? Almost my little rhyme was buried under the sea of ​​fire. If it wasn’t for the early warning of Laozi’s ability, things would be great!

Therefore, after learning that the person behind the scenes is Wei Dekang, Yang Ming’s heart hates it! Initially, Yang Ming just wanted to get Wei Dekang's Dekang real estate in his hands. As for Wei Dekang himself, what he is willing to do is to go. His life and death have nothing to do with Yang Ming.

But now, Yang Ming is changing his mind. He almost burned Xiao Yun, can he spare him? I really don't know what Laozi is doing, and killing your guy is a matter of moments.

As for this Zheng Laoliu, Yang Ming will not be light, although he is instructed to be Wei Dekang behind the scenes, but this guy as an executor is also unforgivable.

How to deal with this guy? You can't let him go too easily, kill him directly, and he doesn't mean anything at all. To play, just play a cruel little...

Suddenly, Yang Ming’s gaze stayed on the detonator on the ground, and a sullen smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Zheng Laoliu didn't know why Yang Ming would laugh, and he was so horrified and a little scared, but he was preparing to run away at the moment, and he couldn't help Yang Ming why he would laugh.

"You have to run away, aren't you?" Yang Ming looked at Zheng Laoliu and asked faintly.

Being told by Yang Ming, Zheng Laoliu was shocked and lost his voice: "How do you know..."

"I know a lot." Yang Ming looked at Zheng Laoliu and said one word at a time: "I also know that you are Zheng Laoliu, your master is Wei Dekang, you have been instructed by him to come to burn me. The company is bombing my warehouse, isn't it?"

Zheng Laoliu was fooled by Yang Ming’s words! How can I not say a word myself, the other party knows the details of their own? And also know the clear?

"Okay, you have no chance!" Yang Ming said faintly, quickly raised his right hand.

"You...what are you going to do!" Zheng Laoliu was shocked. For him, Yang Ming is a very dangerous person, so the spirit of Zheng Laoliu has always been in a state of high tension. Yang Mingyi raised his hand, Zheng Lao Six was shocked and immediately responded, waving a dagger, just like Yang Ming stabbed.

Yang Ming smiled disdainfully, shook his head, and his hands fell, and Zheng Laoliu fell to the ground.

"Take a broken knife and stab it, stab it once without stabbing, and continue to stab, I really don't understand, how is Wei Dekang's men all this kind of ***?" Yang Ming shook his head and said: "It's Wei Dekang himself. Super big? Well, very likely..."

This Wei Dekang, if it is not ***, will not provoke yourself. Before at least provoke, you should investigate your own background and then do it.

Let me not say that I am the killer. This identity is not investigated even if Wei Dekang wants to investigate. But other identities can still be mastered.

For example, his father is the helm of the famous heavy industry, and he has inextricably linked with the boss of Songjiang. Her wife, Chen Mengxi, is the captain of the Criminal Investigation Team of the Municipal Bureau. In this identity, Wei Dekang dared to rush to do it himself. It can only be said that his IQ has problems.

However, Yang Ming did not know that Wei Dekang did know Yang Ming’s identity. He just wanted to regret it. It’s too late. Zheng Laoliu has turned off his mobile phone and can’t contact him. So there is no way, Wei Dekang can only break the boat.

But for Yang Ming, I don’t know if it’s indifferent. Yang Ming only knows that this guy dared to move his company and almost burned Xiao Yun’s death. It’s absolutely unforgivable.

Yang Ming looked at Zheng Laoliu, who fell to the ground. He laughed twice, then quickly picked up the detonator on the ground and dialed the phone of the violent Sanli...

At this moment, Wei Dekang is sitting in the office, anxiously waiting for the news of Zheng Laoliu! It’s a success or failure. Tonight, Wei Dekang’s mood is extraordinarily tense, a little excited, and a little scared!

It can be said that it is quite contradictory. Out of hatred of Yang Ming, Wei Dekang certainly wants Yang Ming to pay the price, razing his company to the ground, and even killing Yang Ming!

However, for reasons of reason, he is very worried, worried that once Zheng Laoliu fails, then Wei Dekang is expected to follow the same! The reason why Wei Dekang will be convinced that Zheng Laoliu will choose to start tonight, it is also because Zheng Laoliu has followed him for many years, he knows the character of Zheng Laoliu very well!

This guy is an acute, confessing to him, he will do as much as possible as soon as possible! Moreover, after finishing the work, I will return to my office and ask for help in the first time!

Therefore, Wei Dekang touched the character of Zheng Laoliu, so he prepared to sneak him out when Zheng Laoliu contacted himself, so that he would be safe.

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