So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 1023: I miss my daughter, and I miss my niece more (8)

Korea saw Mayor Jiang’s reaction in his eyes, smiled, and then said to him in a lukewarm tone: "I have something to do, I have a chance to talk again."

After speaking, she nodded and nodded, then turned and continued to walk towards Ji Chicheng.

The slender waist, twisting with her pace, just looking at it from the back can make people bleed.

Mayor Jiang stared in awe.

It took a long time to react. When I looked at Korea, she was already by Ji Chicheng's side. He gritted his teeth angrily when he saw her and Ji Chicheng talking and laughing.


"I met Chen Xiang at the door. He was suddenly in a hurry. Let me bring this to you."

Korea walked up to Ji Chicheng and put the drink he brought from Chen Xiang on the table in front of him.

For a long time, Ji Chicheng didn't look up at her.

It was in Korea's expectation, she didn't stay here to pester her, turned around and left without saying hello.

Seeing Korea walking away, Su Yan holding a red wine glass, walked to Ji Chicheng and sat down, staring at Korea that was going away, laughing and teasing Ji Chicheng, "Your peach blossoms are very prosperous, so beautiful. Is your little niece not worried?"

Ji Chicheng realized this problem now.

Korea once declared war with her directly, she has been in J.C for so long now, why Ji Anning never asked her about her situation?

Are you not worried at all?

Or does she trust him 100%?

It must be his behavior and style that established 100% trust in her mind, so she was so relieved of him.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help laughing.

Head down, kind of silly.

Su Yan frowned and stared at him. After looking at him for a long time, he gave him an angry nudge, "Why are you giggling?"

Ji Chicheng's thoughts were interrupted. He raised his head and ignored Su Yan's gossip. He looked at him and said, "I'm going away for a while. Now I say hello to you. If there is Mr. Yan, you help me say hello."

Hearing this, Su Yan was dissatisfied, "Walking in such a hurry?"

"I miss our girl." Ji Chicheng sighed, bent over and stretched out his hand, picked up the drink Korea brought him just now, unscrewed the bottle cap, and took a sip.

He pressed his lips tightly, smiled, and added, "I miss my niece more."

Su Yan frowned and despised, "You are now taken by your niece. When I first met you, you were not like this."

They met on the plane to Country M. At that time, Qiao Chen had just left and Su Yue was still in Country M.

In the first class cabin in N City that day, they were the only two of them.

At that time he was very thin and looked like a sick young man. As soon as he got on the plane, he was flipping through a bunch of photos repeatedly.

He happened to love photography, so he couldn't help but leaned forward and took a look, and found that the photos were all of a childish girl, and he could tell at a glance that the photos were all secretly taken.

He thought, it must be someone he likes.

Later, when he found out that he was peeking, the two began to chat. He didn't talk much and was cold, and when he didn't talk, he always turned away from people thousands of miles away.

In contrast now...

Su Yan thought, and looked at Ji Chicheng with interest, "Do you know the comparison between you now and when I first met you?"

Ji Chicheng raised his eyebrows, expressing his interest in listening.

Su Yan smiled and said: "It's like a zombie resurrected."

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