So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 1024: I miss my daughter, and I miss my niece more (9)

He hadn't thought that he would come alive and have today.

Ji Chicheng lowered his head and smiled bitterly.

Su Yan's voice rang again in his ears, "If you and your little niece are hosting a wedding banquet, you must come to our resort and give you a discount."

"Not rare." Ji Chicheng proudly replied to Su Yan, raised the glass bottle in his hand, and drank the drink in the cup with his head up.

Then he put down the bottle and got up, sorted out the clothes on his body, naturally inserted his hands into the pockets of his trousers, and then looked down at Su Yan.

The two looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

Ji Chicheng raised his foot and walked out of the banquet hall from a place with few people.

"Little Master."

When Ji Chicheng left the banquet hall, Wu Tezhu came out of the stairwell with his mobile phone.

He called to Ji Chicheng and walked to him and asked, "I asked Chen Xiang to bring you the drink. Did he see you?"

"Yeah." Ji Chicheng nodded, and ordered: "Get ready and go back."

He raised his foot and walked towards the elevator.

Wu Tezhu was a little surprised, "Will you leave this afternoon?"

In fact, it is just a warm-up for the activity. The main focus of the activity is at night. They plan to get up and leave early tomorrow.

Ji Chicheng nodded, "Yeah."

Wu Te helped ‘oh’ and the doctor suddenly thought of something and asked: "Then...what about the fireworks prepared?"

Ji Chicheng returned him expressionlessly, "You can go and release them now."

While they were talking, they had reached the elevator entrance, and the elevator had just arrived, and he went straight in.

Wu Tezhu silently followed behind him.

I thought to myself that I would go to the beach to set off fireworks by myself. Most importantly, it was still daytime.

Others don't think it's a stimulus that his brain broke.

He blushed for a moment, and after forbearing, he looked at Ji Chicheng carefully and asked: "Actually, you originally planned to bring Miss An Ning and others here."

Ji Chicheng frowned, squinting at the old man beside him, "Sometimes you are less cute than the old-fashioned man in our house."

After speaking, he gave his old man a look of contempt, and when the elevator reached the first floor, he took the lead out.

Looking at the pace, the mood is obviously not beautiful.

Wu Tezhu sneered, ha... ha ha ha, sorry master, old slave, I poke your sore spot.

The building where they lived was a little bit away from the banquet hotel. It was almost twelve o'clock, and the sun was getting hotter and stronger. Perhaps it was a long time in the two-block environment of the banquet hall.

When the sun came out too big, my head suddenly felt dizzy.

Ji Chicheng stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyebrows.

Observing his behavior, Wu Tezhu rushed forward and asked concerned: "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing." Ji Chicheng shook his head slightly, and returned Wu Te's help. He put down his hand and continued to move forward.

Assistant Wu asked: "Did you drink all the drinks?"

"Yeah." Ji Chicheng nodded.

The sun was so strong that he had already started to sweat after only a few steps.

He quickened his pace and finally entered the door of the hotel where he was staying. The air-conditioning in the lobby was very high, and he exhaled comfortably.

Wu Tezhu followed in and said to Ji Chicheng: "I'll go to Chen Xiang first, say hello to him, you go back to your room and rest."

Ji Chicheng nodded, walked to the stairs, and hurried upstairs.

Back in the room, he went into the bathroom, took a shower, put on a bathrobe, walked to the sofa and lay down.

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