So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 1420: The indescribable (four)

"Is it fun?"

"It's fun."

"Sister will become such a flower."

Outside the door, suddenly there were immature voices. Listening to her voice, I was in a very good spirit, and seemed to be very happy.

"Great, sister is great."

The policewomen on duty in the police station were showing what they were playing with. Xiao Ya was full of praise and smiled and clapped her hands.

In the interrogation room, three men, listening to the very energetic laughter of the little girl, turned their heads in unison, you look at me, I look at you.

Then he laughed unanimously and shook his head.

"This little cheating thing, after pitting us, she is at ease." Qi Helian looked at the door of the interrogation room, the corners of his mouth lightly raised, and a pair of long and narrow phoenix eyes were full of petting.

When they learned that the people who called the police were in succession, they were already very helpless and helpless.

To be someone else is definitely dead.

"But my baby really loves me. I didn't expect that she would be worried about me and even call the police to help me." Qi Helian said, taking back his eyes and looking sideways at Ji Chicheng beside him.

The pride in the smile can't be hidden.

Ji Chicheng put his hands in the pockets of his trousers, bowed his head slightly, expressionless and like a statue.

Think of Qi Helian as air.

"How come a man looks so good, I don't feel like a woman anymore."

"Stop talking about you, I want to bend."

The police officers on duty were all young men, men and women. They sat in front of the computer and watched the surveillance video in Ji Chicheng's interrogation room. Most of them came for Qi Helian.

"You are the police, can you not be such a nympho?"

The petite young policewoman walked behind the group of colleagues who wished to get into the computer monitor and looked at them with disgust.

What a shame to the police.

Hearing her voice, a policewoman turned around and excitedly took her hand and asked, "Bai Xiaohua, what's the situation? Are they going to be released on bail so soon?"

Then the other one also straightened up, with a face of idiot, "I really want to get an autograph."

Bai Xiaohua looked at them, "You probably forgot. We are still in the assessment period. I think you don't want to graduate, right?"

She raised her eyebrows, then straightened her police uniform with both hands, straightened her waist, raised her feet and walked to the door of the interrogation room.

Opening the door of the interrogation room, she did not go in, but stood at the door and glanced at the three people inside.

Then she pointed to Xiang Yiqing, and said solemnly and coldly: "You, come out."

Xiang Yiqing was a little uncertain. He pointed his face and asked Bai Xiaohua, "Am I?"

"Yes, hurry up." Bai Xiaohua frowned and urged impatiently.

"Oh." Xiang Yi lightly nodded and got up, then looked at Ji Chicheng and Qi Helian and said, "Probably my mother is here."

He raised his foot and walked towards the door of the interrogation room.

Seeing him leaving, Qi Helian became anxious again, and shouted to Xiang Yiqing's back: "Hey, Xiang Yiqing, don't forget us."

Xiang Yi raised his hand lightly and made an OK gesture to him.

When he went out, Xiang Yiqing saw them, sitting on a chair, holding a lot of snacks in his hands, he walked over, bent over and picked her up, "One after another, go with Uncle."

I only saw Xiang Yiqing alone, and they were a little worried, "Uncle Xiang, where is my daddy?"

"They are inside, and they will be out in a while." Xiang Yiqing smiled and stretched out his hand, touched her small heads, softly comforted her, "Don't worry."

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