So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 1421: The indescribable (5)

Then they looked away from the door of the interrogation room with confidence.



As soon as Xiang Yiqing arrived at the police hall, Lu Shujun greeted him. She was shocked when she saw Xiang Yiqing's arms in her arms. Then she thought of something and asked Xiang Yiqing, "This is Shao Ji’s. daughter?"

Although she has only seen Ji Chicheng once or twice in reality, and never seen Ji Anning, she has seen photos many times. The little girl looks like Ji Chicheng, and her facial features and facial features are very similar to Ji Anning.

So it is not difficult to guess.

Xiang Yi nodded lightly, "Yeah."

Then he pointed to Lu Shujun, and said to each other: "Calling grandma one after another."

"Good grandma."

The little girl has a sweet mouth and a sweet voice. Lu Shujun stretched out her hand and squeezed her small faces, "It's so cute."

After boasting, she looked at Xiang Yiqing again and asked anxiously: "What the **** did the three of you commit? You were caught in the General Administration."

In the middle of the night, they all slept, and received a call saying that their son had entered the police station. They were all trapped.

After Lu Shujun asked, before Xiang Yiqing answered, the director came over, "Mrs. Xiang."

The old acquaintance said hello to Lu Shujun, and then he said as he walked: "The son is suspected of gathering a crowd. You can release him on bail now. However, if the case investigation requires his cooperation, he still has to Come to accept our investigation."

Hearing this, Lu Shujun stared at Xiang Yiqing, opening his mouth unbelievably, "Gather...Gather people in chaos?"

how is this possible?


Just as Xiang Yiqing was about to open his mouth to explain, the Secretary's voice rushed in front of him, "When we arrived, the scene was unspeakable."

As he spoke, his steps had already reached Lu Shujun's side, with a pair of shrewd eyes looking at Lu Shujun with a smile.

"How is this possible?" Lu Shujun frowned, still unbelievable. "My son Sanguan has always been very upright, and he has a girlfriend. The young couple have a very good relationship."

As she said, she suddenly closed her eyes suspiciously, looked at the director and said, "Bai Shouguo, you wouldn't deliberately target my son, would you?"

"Do I have any personal grievances with Young Master Ling and want to deliberately target him?" Director Bai raised an eyebrow at Lu Shujun amused.

"You..." Lu Shujun opened his mouth, and stopped talking.

This is the first time Xiang Yiqing has seen her elder being verbally rebelled and speechless.

He was a little curious whether his mother and Director Bai had a holiday.

Otherwise, she would not be able to say that the head of the bureau deliberately targeted him for no reason.

"How correct is your son's Three Views? You can see by looking at these photos." Chief Bai said, reaching out to the policeman who was following him.

The little policeman immediately handed him a tablet computer with both hands.

He took the computer, changed hands, and handed it to Lu Shujun. The screen lit up. It was a picture taken when the police broke into the box.

Two people, Ji Chicheng and Xiang Yiqing, pressed on Qi Helian's body.

In the photo, Qi He's shirt half untied, his eyes closed and his mouth opened, his expression brightened, and the pictures made the corrupt women and men spray nosebleeds.

Lu Shujun saw that his face flushed, he raised his head to look at Xiang Yiqing, who shook his head, "Mom, this is a misunderstanding. We are playing around."

"That's right." Lu Shujun nodded, and followed Director Bai said: "This... these kids are playing around."

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