Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter 135: Golden Boy Award, CEO of poaching (kneeling for subscription!)\r


The twists and turns game is over.

Juventus won the game at home thanks to Su Cheng's brace.

However, this game also allowed Juventus to lose two generals.

Evra had a knee problem and needed surgery and was completely out of season.

And Dybala also needs to rest for half a month because of Fofana's malicious foul and sprained ankle.

You know, October 19th.

It's the third round of the Champions League!

Juventus will go to Lyon, France, to challenge the team with the same name as the city, Lyon.

Just at this time.

Evra, who can guard Juventus' left attack and defense, is out of season.

Dybala, who can cooperate with Su Cheng tacitly and pass the ball to each other, was also injured.

This also means that the offensive organization in the frontcourt basically depends on Su Cheng alone.

Although Allegri believes in Su Cheng's ability.


He was afraid that Su Cheng would get hurt!

Dybala and Evra gave Allegri a wake-up call yesterday.

If Su Cheng continues to play and get injured again, the team's results will definitely be affected!

So Allegri let Su Cheng rest!


In the Champions League, if Su Cheng is not allowed to start, it will definitely affect the European Ballon d'Or candidate list!

If Su Cheng starts, Allegri is afraid that Su Cheng will be injured.

Allegri is still struggling with the Champions League appearance list.

And Su Cheng received an invitation from Turin Sports Daily!

This newspaper is located in Turin!

Just talking about the name of the newspaper, many people may think that this is an ordinary football newspaper!


"Turin Sports" is the official who created the European Golden Boy Award!

It has been 13 years since the Golden Boy Award was established in 2003.

From an obscure award at the beginning, to becoming the "Golden Ball" award for players under the age of 21 in Europe

"Turin sports newspaper" paid a lot.

Today happens to be the day when the winner of the Golden Boy Awards is officially announced.

Su Cheng, who received the notice in advance, specially invited the team for a day's vacation, wearing a tailor-made suit, and came to the awarding venue.

The suits were custom-made by Raiola's team for Su Cheng.

They are equivalent to Su Cheng's personal butler.

As long as Su Cheng has needs, they will help Su Cheng solve it.

Likewise, Su Cheng's parents followed Su Cheng to the Golden Boy Award ceremony.

Juventus chairman Ranali and vice-chairman Nedved also attended the award ceremony.

The reason is simple, because this is an awards ceremony facing the whole of Europe!

The growing "Turin Sports Daily" also launched the "Tokyo Golden Globe Award" and "Tokyo Women's Golden Globe Award".

The Metropolitan Ballon d'Or is an award issued for male athletes.

In 2016, the winner of the Metropolitan Ballon d'Or is undoubtedly Ronaldo.

What is even more surprising is that Ronaldo actually came to the scene in Turin to receive this award!

When Su Cheng and his parents walked across the red carpet and came to the award ceremony, Ronaldo, who was sitting in the first row, took the initiative to greet Su Cheng.

"Hi, hello, I'm Cristiano. 35

Cristiano Ronaldo in a suit and leather shoes showed his good figure vividly.

He had a confident smile on his face, even if he took the initiative to say hello to Su Cheng.

"Hello, Cristiano, my name is Su Cheng."

Su Cheng didn't expect that Ronaldo would take the initiative to greet him.

"I saw that goal you scored against Hart, it was amazing!

"When I think of Beckham back then."

"However, I prefer your goal against Sevilla in the Champions League."

"I've tried many times, only in scrims.

"How did you do it then?

Ronaldo randomly found a seat, pulled Su Cheng to sit down together, and chatted with more interest.

The reporters from all over the world took pictures of the scene in front of them excitedly!

This is big news!

Ronaldo and Su Cheng's first meeting!

And the two are chatting so happily, who knows what they are talking about?

Foreign countries attach great importance to the right to privacy, and even reporters dare not rush to eavesdrop on the chats between Ronaldo and Su Cheng.

If Su Cheng and Ronaldo join hands to sue, they will lose the lawsuit!

However, for reporters, such a scene is enough!

As reporters, when they go back, they can take these photos and make up more than a dozen headlines to send out!

Chen Zhibin, who was ordered to act as a reporter at the scene, was excitedly filming the scene of Ronaldo and Su Cheng talking!

"々. We, the whole team appreciate you very much.

"Especially our chairman, Florentino."

"He has been trying to bring you to Real Madrid and has been in touch with your agent, Raiola. 55

"You know, he hated Raiola the most. 35

"Just...why did you choose Juventus?35

Cristiano Ronaldo looked at Su Cheng puzzled, he didn't quite understand, but someone could refuse Real Madrid's call.

"Real Madrid's call, I really can't refuse."

"But I need a stable playing environment and a team, which Real Madrid cannot guarantee."

"And Juventus promised me, so here I am."

Su Cheng spoke his thoughts directly.

"Well, now Real Madrid can guarantee you a starting spot."

"will you come?

"On behalf of Real Madrid, I officially invite you!"

"Juventus will receive an offer of 200 million euros in the winter transfer window if you wish!

C Luo's face became serious, looking at Su Cheng and saying word by word.

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket subscription support!)

(Kneeling for automatic subscription!).

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