Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter 136: Brave words! (Kneeling and begging to subscribe!)\r

In the face of Ronaldo's straightforward invitation.

Su Cheng was silent.

He did not expect that Ronaldo would actually be a lobbyist to invite himself to Real Madrid!

If it was the previous Su Cheng, then Su Cheng would definitely agree without hesitation!

Just like what Florentino said before.

No one can refuse the call of Real Madrid!


Su Cheng is different now.

He doesn't want to be proud of Cristiano Ronaldo's teammates, and he doesn't want to be proud of joining Real Madrid!

Su Cheng thinks.

If you become famous in another giant.

Led Juventus to beat Real Madrid to win the Champions League.

Defeat Ronaldo and get the Ballon d'Or.

This way... definitely a lot more shocking than going to Real Madrid!

After all, Raiola was right.

That is now going to Real Madrid and Barcelona.

It's all for Ronaldo and Messi!

Not to mention, Su Cheng is also a midfielder.

To be teammates with Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, and still want to win the Ballon d'Or... That's too difficult.

"Sorry, I had a great time at Juventus."

"There are no plans to transfer.

Su Cheng directly rejected Ronaldo's invitation.

"I knew that would be the result of 387.""

"But Florentino has to tell you the sincerity of Real Madrid in person.

"Now my mission is finally complete."

"We can stop talking about the damn transfer. 55

Seeing that Su Cheng didn't agree, Ronaldo didn't have an unexpected expression either.

Unless it's an absolute Madridist and a Real Madrid fan.

Almost no one would do this outrageous thing.

As Cristiano Ronaldo said, he was only entrusted by Florentino to complete a poaching job.

If it succeeds, it will be beneficial and harmless to Ronaldo.

After all, Cristiano Ronaldo is the core of Real Madrid, and such an excellent midfielder Su Cheng went to Real Madrid to serve Cristiano Ronaldo.

Seeing that the poaching mission failed, Ronaldo did not continue to chat with Su Cheng in this regard.

Instead, we talked about some football things and concepts.

Su Cheng and Ronaldo chatted for about half an hour.

The awards ceremony has officially started!

Su Cheng and Ronaldo also ended their exchange and went to their respective seats.

After all, the awards ceremony held by the Turin Sports Daily was broadcast live.

The content of the previous live broadcast has always been the scene of Su Cheng and Cristiano Ronaldo talking, which has made fans around the world imagine again and again.

Why does Su Cheng know Ronaldo so well?

What are the two of them talking about, whether they are talking about the transfer and Real Madrid.

After all, Su Cheng and Ronaldo are too topical.

When Su Cheng and Cristiano Ronaldo separated and returned to their respective positions, the fans watching the award ceremony and the reporters on the scene were extremely disappointed.

The topicality of these two people is too high!

They chatted together for half an hour, the reporters have published several reports, and the number of readings has increased significantly!

Not just journalists.

Even fans are wondering, what the hell are these two talking about?

"What were you talking about with Ronaldo just now?"

"I see that the two of you are very happy chatting, my mother and I are sitting here and don't dare to move!

When Su Cheng returned to his seat, Su Wei lowered his voice and asked.

"It's okay, just some football thing."

"What can two footballers talk about?"

Su Cheng didn't intend to let his parents know about Ronaldo's invitation to Real Madrid.

This kind of thing let the old couple know, but it only adds to the trouble.

ten minutes later.

Su Cheng came to the podium.

Under the watchful eyes of the editor-in-chief of Turin Sport and the mayor of Turin.

Su Cheng took the Golden Boy trophy from them.

Looking at the Golden Boy Award, which was made entirely out of a copy of the Golden Globe Award, Su Cheng took the microphone handed over by the host.

(dbef) "This is not my first personal honor, but it is the most important one I have ever received!

"After all, the Golden Boy Award can only be won once in a person's lifetime.""

"Otherwise, I could have won the Golden Boy Award many times in a row."

Su Cheng said half-jokingly.

This sentence also shows Su Cheng's confidence.

He is only 19 years old this year, and the selection criteria for the Golden Boy Award are all players under the age of 21, including 21-year-old players.

It also means...

Su Cheng has at least two more wins in a row!

The reporters in the audience also heard Su Cheng's implication and applauded.

On the other side, Chen Zhibin burst into tears.

As a reporter for China Football.

Also fans.

It was the first time that Chen Zhibin could straighten his back and enjoy the envious eyes from the reporters nearby!

It is also the first time to see China's players shine brightly and confidently shine on the podium!

"It's all Golden Boy is the Golden Globe for players under the age of 21."

"Then I hope that the next trophy I lift will be the Ballon d'Or!"

After saying the last sentence, Su Cheng left the podium!

The reporters at the scene also seemed to smell the smell of gunpowder, and immediately aimed the camera at Ronaldo sitting below, wanting to see Ronaldo's expression!

After all, Ronaldo will undoubtedly win his fourth Ballon d'Or in two months.

And Su Cheng's words, there is no doubt that he is declaring war on Ronaldo!

Or... in the eyes of the reporters, Su Cheng is declaring war on Ronaldo!

The reporters who are not too serious to watch the fun are eager to see what kind of reaction Cristiano Ronaldo will have!

After all... all reporters know that Ronaldo's temper is not very good!

However, what the reporters did not expect was.

Instead of being angry, Ronaldo gave Su Cheng a thumbs up, as if to encourage Su Cheng.

This made the reporters who were looking for something dumbfounded!

It shouldn't be!

According to normal circumstances, shouldn't Ronaldo look unhappy?

Why are you smiling and encouraging now?

This is very bad!

Su Cheng doesn't care about the reactions of reporters offstage.

After giving his acceptance speech, Su Cheng walked off the podium.

Give the trophy in your hand to your parents.

After all, Zhang Juan said that all the trophies that Su Cheng won, they plan to get a replica and put it at home in China.

Let their relatives and friends take a good look!

Even if their children drop out of school to play football in Europe, they can still make a name for themselves!

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket subscription support!)

(Kneeling for automatic subscription!).

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