Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter 301: Public opinion! (Kneeling and begging to subscribe!)\r

The second half started, but the game didn't play out the way Klopp wanted!

Faced with their first game at home, Watford naturally don't want to lose this game!

Although Firmino scored a penalty in the 55th minute of the game.

And take the penalty personally!

Then, two minutes later, Arnold assisted Origi to score and overtake the score!

But the Watford players didn't give up!

They have been actively looking for opportunities to attack, and have never given up the hope of equalizing the score or winning!

In the end, the hard work of the Watford players paid off!

In the ninety-three minutes of the game, which is the stoppage time!

They got a corner kick!

Watford's centre-back, No. 3 Brittos has completed the redemption!

He jumped high, headed the ball, and put the ball into the goal!


In the last minute of stoppage time, they equalized!

Watford players and fans are on fire!

31 At this moment, Britos, who sent a penalty kick in the 55th minute and let Firmino equalize, became the hero of the team!

This is football!

One time hell, one time heaven!

Even you don't know, you will be the biggest culprit in this game, or the hero who saved the team in this game!

"Sure, our team really needs a strong central defender right now!"

On the coaching bench, Klopp complained in a low voice after seeing Brittos score the equaliser.

This is why he has been pursuing Van Dijk.

And Van Dijk, as the most sought-after centre-back in the Premier League, has many options!

Even Klopp went to find Van Dijk himself, and the answer was always to think again.

If it wasn't for Su Cheng's arrival, I'm afraid Van Dijk would not be here this summer transfer window!

Now Klopp is very much looking forward to the moment when his team is completely formed!

Salah, Mane, Su Cheng, Van Dijk!

If all four players are on the field.

For the enhancement of the entire Liverpool, it is definitely not just a star and a half!

If they can integrate into their tactics again

Klopp feels that, looking at the whole of Europe, no team will be their opponent!

Even Real Madrid will definitely not be their opponent!

"As expected of the Premier League, this kind of competition is fierce."

"If it wasn't for the lack of time, I even think Liverpool would have lost the game!"

Su Cheng, who was on the bench, watched the whole game.

At this moment, in his heart, he is desperate to be able to play!

That's why he's in the Premier League!

In every game, both teams will definitely go all out to fight for a point!

That's why and why Su Cheng came to the Premier League!

He craved a competitive game!

He wants to feel full after every game!

Now, just sitting on the bench and watching Liverpool and Watford have made Su Cheng's blood boil!

Now Su Cheng, more and more looking forward to the feeling when he appeared on the Liverpool pitch!

"What is Klopp doing? If it really doesn't work, let's get out of class!

"Put Su Cheng on the bench for the entire game!"

"Isn't this a waste of money? Even if Su Cheng is not familiar with his teammates and tactics, at least he can play a role!

"Now the whole Liverpool attack is a mess! I don't know what I'm doing! 55

"A coach like that can coach players like Su Cheng? Klopp out!


When the fans watched the game, they all complained, and some even shouted the slogan of Klopp's dismissal!

They were so pissed at this game!

Their highly anticipated Su Cheng actually sat on the bench for the entire game!

Klopp changed forwards, changed defenders, changed midfield!

All three spots are used up!

But still no Su Cheng!

In the end, it led to a slap in the face!

This upset many fans who watched Su Cheng from Juventus days!

When have they ever seen such a frustrating game!?

Usually in Serie A, as long as Su Cheng is present, Juventus will always control 60% or 70% of the ball!

And finally win the game with a great performance from Su Cheng!

Klopp's decision makes fans very upset

Even Klopp himself did not expect that a very normal tactical adjustment in his own eyes would allow Su Cheng to learn and observe tactics, familiarize himself with the movements of his teammates in advance and get used to such behaviors.

In the mouth of China fans, it has been serious enough to let him go from get out of class...

After the game, the Liverpool players were a little frustrated.

But under Klopp's impassioned speech, Liverpool's players suddenly rejuvenated and energized!

They left Watford with their heads held high.

Let people who don't know think that they Liverpool won!

After returning to Liverpool.

The three players on Klopp's heart have finally arrived!

Mane! Salah! Van Dijk!

All three of them showed up at Anfield!

Originally, the club wanted to hold a fan welcome meeting for the three of them.

But the three of Salah quickly refused.

They don't want to do this stuff, let alone...

Su Cheng did not choose to hold a fan welcome meeting and let the fans greet him at Anfield.

The three of them were even more embarrassed to do it!

Are they better than Su Cheng?

Or did they get more accolades than Su Cheng?

This also made Liverpool's leadership feel 450.

The players now really give them peace of mind.

After Mane and Salah joined Liverpool, they chose the No. 19 and No. 11 jerseys respectively.

Van Dijk chose the No. 5 jersey.

Their arrival can be said to have greatly improved Liverpool's strength!

It can be said that Klopp's best team has been completely formed!

The most personal statement is from Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger.

In order to build the stadium, Arsenal thrift, and even did not buy many people every year.

A reporter asked Wenger about this issue.

But Wenger's answer is that every player in his team is the best player in his position!

And then, that season they lost very badly...

This is also the origin of the most ji formation, since then, the most ji formation can also be regarded as a way of ridicule.

It's just that in Liverpool, this kind of thing will never happen!

Because they have Su Cheng!

After three days of training.

Liverpool's players arrived in Germany by plane.

They're going to take on Hoffenheim here!

This is related to the last place to qualify for the Champions League main stage!

Liverpool players will never give up!

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket support!)

(Kneeling for automatic subscription!)

(34,000 flowers plus more! I beg to subscribe!).

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