Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter 302: Come out after a long call! (Kneeling and begging to subscribe!)\r

Rhein-Neckar Arena.

This is the home ground of Hoffenheim.

Hoffenheim has always had a nickname called Huo Village because they started out as a village team.

After hundreds of years of development, it has gradually become the middle and lower reaches of the Bundesliga team, and sometimes it can even participate in European wars!

As for participating in the Champions League, among their teams, it has never happened in history!

So the whole Hoffenheim is looking forward to it, they can win this Champions League play-off!

Although it's only the first leg, this is definitely a good opportunity to boost their morale and knock Liverpool's morale down!

Hoffenheim manager Nagelsmann watched Liverpool play and start in the league four days ago.

As a manager with good tactics, Nagelsmann could see that Klopp wanted to integrate Su Cheng into the team, so he let Su Cheng sit on the bench!

So in Nagelsman's view, this is their chance!

A chance to win against Liverpool!

Otherwise, when Su Cheng is fully integrated into Liverpool, they will have absolutely no way to beat Liverpool!

Maybe looking at the whole of Europe, there is still someone who can win Liverpool!

But such a team is definitely not their Hoffenheim!

With this in mind, Nagelsmann saw Liverpool's starting roster.

In the list, a Liverpool No. 10 named Su Cheng came into view.

This makes Nagelsman feel black!

Su Cheng integrated into Liverpool so quickly?

He has just joined Liverpool less than seven days before he can start?

Is this Klopp's recognition of Su Cheng's strength, or is Klopp unable to withstand the pressure from the outside world and chose to compromise?

As a head coach, Nagelsman knows that it takes half a month at the earliest to fully integrate a player into the team's system!

Let a player forget the previous way of playing, integrate into a new team, familiarize himself with the movement of his teammates, familiarize himself with new tactics, let the player know how to move, when to pick up his teammates, and when to play Front offense, these are all time consuming!

On the Liverpool side, it only took Su Cheng less than seven days to start the game?

Nagelsmann doesn't believe Su Cheng is fully integrated into Liverpool's system.

He is more willing to believe that Klopp is treating Hoffenheim as a guinea pig!

Klopp wants to take advantage of Hoffenheim, a weak opponent, to let Su Cheng enter the game faster and let Su Cheng familiar with the movements of his teammates on the field!

After all, no matter how you practice and learn, only practice is the best guarantee!

In addition, the pressure of public opinion throughout Europe is very strong now, and they are questioning why Klopp did not start Su Cheng in the first game.

Especially that game, Liverpool did not win the game!

It is said that in China and throughout Asia, many people are calling for Klopp to be dismissed!

And let Liverpool replace a world-class coach!

For example, coaches like Heynckes, Enrique and Ancelotti.

However, what Nagelsman didn't know was that all this was really just made up by his own brain!

Klopp is not the type to compromise because of pressure!

He sent Su Cheng because Su Cheng did a great job in scrims!

There is absolutely no strangeness in his imagination. He seems to know the movements and small habits of Liverpool players very well, and he can pass the ball to the feet of Liverpool players every time!

This performance completely liberated Henderson on the field!

Henderson is not a great midfield commander.

But in the last game, in the face of the lack of Coutinho and Klopp not planning to play Su Cheng, Klopp can only let Henderson be the core of the midfield and dominate the whole team. Ball rights!

The final result is obvious to all, although Henderson's performance is not very bad, but he must take some responsibility for the draw in the last game!

When Henderson saw Su Cheng's performance on the training ground, Henderson burst into tears of excitement!


He can finally stop being a midfield commander!

He is not suitable for passing the ball around in midfield all the time!

Compared to this, he prefers to defend in the midfield, or plug in the attack!

This is his style of football!

Su Cheng's performance in the training game completely conquered all Liverpool players!

Including the three new players who just joined the team!

Although Su Cheng's strength does not need to prove anything.

But everyone is worried about whether Su Cheng can adapt to Klopp's tactics and Liverpool's style!

Now they don't have to worry!

Su Cheng proved with facts that he joined Liverpool was the most correct choice, and also the most correct choice made by Liverpool!

In just one scrimmage, Su Cheng conquered everyone!

Also ushered in the start of the game for him!

Although playing a weak team, it is Hoffenheim.

But Su Cheng is still looking forward to this game.

After all, this is Su Cheng's Liverpool debut!

Su Cheng was not the only one who started the game with new players!

Mane and Salah also appeared on the Liverpool pitch!

This game is also their first game in Liverpool!

"々. Hello everyone, it's Zhan Jun and Zhang Lu who will bring you this game~"!

"As everyone knows, in this game, Su Cheng, a player that everyone cares about very much, finally appeared in the starting lineup! 35

"Next, let me introduce you to the starting lineup of Hoffenheim!"

"Facing Liverpool in this game, Nagelsmann sent a different lineup than usual in the Bundesliga!"

"The 3-4-2-1 lineup is to increase the defensive density in the midfield and limit the movement of the Liverpool players in the midfield!"5

"Or, they want to limit Su Cheng's range in midfield!

Zhan Jun said energetically.

When he saw that Su Cheng was going to play in this game, Zhan Jun knew that it was definitely a good game!

"Goalkeeper: No. 1 Oliver Bowmando.

"The three central defenders are: No. 4 Bichakcic, No. 22 Vogt, No. 21 Huebner!

"The four midfielders are: No. 17 left-back Jubel, No. 10 Demirbai, No. 7 Rupp, No. 3 Kadzabek."

"The two frontcourt players are No. 29 Gnabry! No. 27 Kramaric! 35

"The front strikers are No. 17 Wagner!"

"In this game, Liverpool must pay attention to the player Gnabry!

"Although he just joined Hoffenheim from Werder Bremen this season, last season, Werder Bremen's success in staying in the Bundesliga has a lot to do with his performance!"

Finally, Zhan Jun began to make suggestions for Liverpool.

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket support!)

(Kneeling for automatic subscription!).

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