Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter 306: The Fearful Nagelsman (Kneeling to subscribe!)\r

"Beautiful! The ball went in again!

"Su Cheng's most typical and best leaf ball is back, Su Cheng scored his first goal in Liverpool career!"

"Goal in the first game! That's Su Cheng's strength!"

"Liverpool fans can rest assured! Now it seems that Su Cheng is still the same Su Cheng who was in the Premier League back then!

"He's integrated into the Liverpool team!

In the studio, Zhan Jun watched the goal and stood up excitedly!

What's more fun than seeing Su Cheng score in a Liverpool shirt?

Zhan Jun just wants to say one word at this moment!

Happy Liverpool fans! You don't get it!

Su Cheng was also very happy after scoring his first goal at Liverpool.

He came to the stands of Liverpool fans, jumped high, and threw his right fist hard to vent his excitement!

Su Cheng used his strength to prove to the whole Europe!

He Su Cheng is still so strong! Still the player that everyone fears!

Before, there were even people who speculated that Liverpool couldn't get into the Champions League, and Su Cheng, the defending Champions League player, couldn't even play in Europe!

In this game, Su Cheng told everyone with his strength!


The Champions League would definitely look very bleak without Su Cheng!

It can even become boring!

Just from this game, everyone can feel it!

"We are facing opponents that are not at the same level as us. 95

"It's not on the same level!

"If we give up the Champions League and focus on the domestic league, maybe we can achieve some good results. 99

On the coaching bench in Hoffenheim, Nagelsmann looked at the Liverpool players on the field and shook his head helplessly.

Liverpool have players like Su Cheng, isn't it a downgrade blow for them Hoffenheim?

How do they play against this Liverpool team?

Nagelsman suddenly felt that this was an unfair fight!

They are already two goals behind!

And it's the first half of the game!

If they don't make changes, Nagelsmann thinks they'll concede even more goals!

"Guys! Stabilize! Take control and stop attacking!"

"Save your stamina! We're going to leave this state and stamina to those Bitch in the Premier League!""

Klopp, who was on the sidelines, also planned to take it as soon as possible.

He looked at the players on the court and shouted loudly, asking Su Cheng and others to control their emotions and stop wasting their energy.

In Klopp's view, they have already won this game, and there is no need to launch a strong attack.

In three days, they still have an intense Premier League game to play!

Although for Liverpool, breaking into the Champions League is very important.

But maintaining the ranking in the league and ensuring the pace of the championship is also very important for Liverpool!

After all, this summer, Liverpool spent a total of 400 million euros to introduce four outstanding players led by Su Cheng.

They're not going to be relegated!

Liverpool intend to bring the Premier League trophy they have never won to Liverpool, to Anfield!

In the first round of the Premier League, Liverpool was tied by Watford and has already fallen behind teams such as Manchester City and Manchester United!

They are already two points behind in the standings!

They have to catch up and catch up with Manchester City and Chelsea!

Under Klopp's instructions, Liverpool's players firmly controlled the ball at their feet.

Now that they have Su Cheng, they have thoroughly experienced the feeling of Barcelona players!

Su Cheng's figure appeared in every corner of the midfield.

As long as Su Cheng receives the pass from his teammates, he can complete the pass as soon as possible and give the ball to his teammates.

At the same time dodge the siege of Hoffenheim players!

It's like Su Cheng has installed a sophisticated GPS system that allows him to keep everyone's location on the court firmly in his mind.

Sometimes, Su Cheng doesn't even need to look up to know the movements of Salah and Mane!

Get the football straight to their feet!

Let Mane and Salah see what a top midfielder is!

This game was the most comfortable they've played since they started playing professional football!

They don't even need to have ideas of their own, and they don't even need to go head-to-head with the defenders!

They just need to cooperate with Su Cheng, or follow Su Cheng's command!

In the next few seconds, Su Cheng will definitely send the football to their feet, so that they can display their offensive talents to their fullest!

The first half was basically like this.

Liverpool, with Su Cheng, completely controls the situation on the pitch in their own hands!

"Maybe it's time for us to change tactics?!"

"In the face of a strong team or a strong tactic, choose high pressing and defensive counterattacks.

"Faced with a team that is not as good as us, should we use the ball-handling style and let Su Cheng decide the offense on the field? 35

Off the field, Klopp wrapped his arms around his hands and pondered while touching his chin.

Su Cheng's progress and strength are far beyond his imagination!

But after Klopp looked at the scene in front of him, he suddenly felt that Liverpool, with Su Cheng, could change many ways of playing to ensure the team's offense!

Klopp took this idea deeply in his heart.

He plans to return to Liverpool and then consider the stability of this tactic and whether it is feasible.

Now, he has to seriously observe the current situation of this game!

Under Liverpool's control, the first half of the game ended without incident.

Liverpool are back in the dressing room with a two-goal advantage!

These two goals are all about Su Cheng!

One was instigated by Su Cheng, and the other was directly scored by Su Cheng!

Su Cheng uses his still stable performance to tell the world that he is still the same Su Cheng!

Still the best midfielder in the world!

Liverpool's players also laughed and chatted with Su Cheng.

Through this first half of the game, they thoroughly recognized Su Cheng1

Although Su Cheng has conquered them in scrims.

Even Klopp walked into the dressing room with a smile on his face, and came up to tell a few jokes with color.

On the Hoffenheim side, there is no such good atmosphere as Liverpool!

With a gloomy face, Nagelsmann reprimanded his defenders one by one!

Especially Bicakcic!

His performance in the first half was really bad!

Whether it's Phil Milo's inadequacy of marking, or the prediction of Su Cheng's passing, Bicakcic has made huge mistakes!

So Nagelsman made a decision!

He's going to replace Bicakcic!

It wasn't that Hoffenheim wanted to fight back in the second half to tie the game.

Rather, Nagelsmann wants to avoid another goal!

He had a hunch that if Bicakcic stayed on the field, they would continue to concede goals!

Nagelsman was terrified.

He doesn't want to lose the ball any more!

They have lost this game!

Then they must not let the tragedy happen to them!

Being slaughtered by Liverpool at home...that would be a shame.

As a young coach who is considered a little famous in today's football

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