Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter 307: Henderson's poisonous milk! (Kneeling to subscribe!)\r

After the second half of the game, Su Cheng came to the court wearing a brand new jersey.

"Huh? Did they directly choose to make substitutions at halftime?"

"And it's a midfielder's matchup substitution?!

As soon as he stepped on the pitch, Su Cheng noticed a new face wearing a blue Hoffenheim jersey.

From the number on his jersey and his position, Su Cheng knew that this was a defender.

"Bicakcic was replaced and he was replaced by Nordwitt, also a centre-back. 99

Henderson, who was standing beside Su Cheng, introduced the player to Su Cheng.

As the captain of the team, Henderson is still very responsible.

Before the game, he will go to collect the information of all the opponent's players and the habits of the players on the court, and then tell his teammates.

Just like now.

As a captain, if nothing else, Henderson is very qualified.

"This central defender is still very good, good at card positions and fighting for the top, and is also very good in judging where the football is placed and clearing sieges.

"It's just that these have nothing to do with you, you just need to control the overall situation.

At the end, Henderson himself laughed.

It's just... what Henderson didn't expect.

My own words seem to have become poisonous milk 1

He said Nordwitz is doing well and is a good centre-back.

But he gave Liverpool a big gift!

The fifty-third minute of the game.

Su Cheng has the ball in the frontcourt.

Liverpool had been in possession for about half an hour, and Su Cheng felt that it was time for them to move.

So Su Cheng is ready to launch a wave of attack!

Hoffenheim's defensive formation is so bad it's almost impossible to describe it!

Su Cheng easily took the ball to Hoffenheim's half!

In Su Cheng's eyes, Hoffenheim's penalty area is full of loopholes!

Just take a look at it and you will have five options to pass the ball!

However, Su Cheng still chose the safest way to pass the ball!

Come to the touchline with the ball, then send a low cross!

Such a pass has a characteristic, the ball is very fast, and the spin in mid-air is also very fast.

In addition, the placement of the football can only allow players to use their calves or feet to make clearances and complete shots.

Therefore, many defensive players will score own goals in the face of this kind of ball!

Among the own goals in the major leagues, except for those incredible own goals, most of the own goals are basically scored like this!

And this is the case with Nordwitt, who has just played!

Desperate for meritorious service, he pushed away Mane, who was entangled with him.

Then he stepped forward quickly, predicted the placement of Su Cheng's pass, then raised his right foot and volleyed directly!

Oh no, it's a big relief!

But...under the surprised eyes of goalkeeper Bowman and central defender Huebner.

Nordwitz's clearance didn't fly out of goal!

Nor did it fly to the fan stands behind the goal!

Instead, it flew directly into the net!

The ball is in!

A gift from Hoffenheim to Liverpool from afar!

Own goals!

Liverpool's lead turned into three goals!

Even Su Cheng didn't expect that Nordwitt's clearance was more like a shot than the Liverpool players' shot!

In the penalty area, the Liverpool players were dumbfounded!

Especially Mane!

He looked at Nordwitt with shocked eyes, unable to believe what was happening in front of him!

In his perspective, it seems that Nordwitz is Liverpool's attacking player, and he is Hoffenheim's defending player!

He was thrown off by Nordwitt, and then he stepped forward to fight for the landing spot, swinging his legs and shooting!

This series of actions is smoother and more coherent than myself!

For a time, Mane was confused.

Is Nordwitz his teammate?

And Nordwitt was lying on the lawn with his face covered, not knowing how to face his teammates and Liverpool players.

This ball, he is so stupid

Stupid enough to suffocate yourself!

"Are you sure his clearance ability is very good?~"!39

Su Cheng looked at Henderson beside him with suspicious eyes.

He had previously taken Henderson's assessment of Nordwitt as true.

How could it look like Henderson was speaking the other way, then and now?

"This...isn't this an accident?"

"Who would have thought that something like this could happen?

Henderson smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

No matter what, scoring goals is the best thing!

Liverpool are leading by three goals at this moment, holding a huge qualifying advantage!

In the eyes of Liverpool's players and fans, they can finally go back after a three-year absence from the Champions League!

Champions League without Liverpool!

Liverpool players are also eager to emulate their predecessors, win the Champions League and become the history of the team!

"々. Dude, tell me honestly, did you give Nordwitt money?

"Just to help Liverpool get into the Champions League?"

"This guy... oh man, he's more like a Liverpool player than a Liverpool striker!"

In the Sky Sports studio, Neville watched the slow-speed replay of Nordwitt scoring an own goal on the broadcast screen, and couldn't help mocking Carragher.

"Man, if I've got that ability, believe me, you guys Manchester United probably won't win a game!

"It's just that although this is a tragedy for Nordwitt, I still have to give credit to Su Cheng!

"His pass is really wonderful!"

"The speed of the ball and the arc are perfect, that's what caused Nordwitt to score his own goal!

"This is the third goal Su Cheng has made in this game! He has scored all Liverpool's goals!"

Carragher habitually replied, and then began to brag about Su Cheng.

Now he has completely become Su Cheng's licking dog! (Will Li's)

Who made Su Cheng join Liverpool?

Although Neville felt disgusted, there was nothing he could do.

Ask yourself, if Su Cheng's team is Manchester United, I'm afraid I'm even more than Carragher!

"Fuck! Got Liverpool's shit out of luck!

"It's really bad luck for them to pick up a player like Su Cheng!"

"I won't watch Liverpool games in the future!"

Manchester City, the old Sir watched the game broadcast on TV and cursed.

Although he said so, he was still reluctant to leave the TV, and he was reluctant to turn off the TV.

Not far away, a white-haired, elegant grandmother looked at the old man with doting on her face.

After so many years, his temper is still so grumpy.

like a small child.

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket support!)

(36,000 flowers plus more! Kneeling for data!) More.

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