"Man, what did this guy Zaka say to you?"

Chamberlain, who was not far away, saw this scene, so he hurried over and asked.

Chamberlain is an Arsenal player who only arrived at Liverpool this season.


It was before the start of the second leg between Liverpool and Hoffenheim that he came to Liverpool and completed a series of transfer procedures, so he could come on as a substitute in the last game.

As Xhaka's teammate, Chamberlain naturally knows how ruthless Xhaka is!

That's right, Zhaka's dirty can only be described in one word, that is cruel!

He's really running for the cripple...

Chamberlain was very worried about Su Cheng, after all, it would be too dangerous to be targeted by Zaka!

Especially Xhaka, the player, seems to have something wrong with his brain...

"You have to watch out for him, don't pick up "four six seven" for some dangerous balls! If it's not possible, let me and Henderson come!

"You mustn't forget this!

"Be sure to remember!"

Chamberlain looked at Su Cheng and said earnestly.

Xhaka, a lunatic, can play hard on his teammates during training matches.

Not to mention facing their opponents in competition!

Chamberlain gave up Arsenal's retention this time and came to Liverpool, even willing to be a rotation player.

What for?

Is it for a high salary?

Naturally impossible!

He's here for Su Cheng!

There is a rumor circulating in football right now.

That is the team that Su Cheng is in, and it will definitely win the championship!

From Leicester City to Juventus, Su Cheng debuted for two years and won six titles!

That's why Chamberlain came to Liverpool!

On the one hand he really wanted to be teammates with Su Cheng.

On the other hand, he really wants to win the championship!

Although at Arsenal, basically every one or two years you can get a "thermo mug."

That is the FA Cup or the League Cup.

But as a player, who doesn't aspire to be a Premier League champion, who doesn't aspire to be a Champions League champion?

So when Chamberlain was invited by Liverpool, he accepted Liverpool's invitation without hesitation!

Because here is Su Cheng!

There are legendary players on the rise in football!

It is precisely because of this that Chamberlain is particularly worried about Su Cheng's health!

If Xhaka really hurt Su Cheng against Arsenal...

If it's a minor injury, that's fine.

If it's a season break...

Well that's a blow for the whole of Liverpool!

This is also something that Chamberlain cannot accept!

So he looked at Su Cheng very seriously, hoping that Su Cheng would take his advice seriously.

"Don't worry, I will pay attention."

Originally, Su Cheng didn't take Zhaka's threats and warnings to heart.

I only think that he is a middle schooler, or that the big-eyed dog said bad things about him.

But from now on, it turns out that Zhaka is staring at him?

And you want to use foul tactics on yourself?

Su Cheng is looking forward to it now.

With an advanced immune injury template, he has not been fouled for a long time!

Only in the Champions League final, Cristiano Ronaldo's foul on Su Cheng can indeed seriously hurt Su Cheng's ankle!

The template for advanced immunity to injury and disease only worked at that time.

Now it seems that my advanced injury immunity template is about to come into play again!

Of course, Su Cheng didn't just let Xhaka foul him!

At this moment, Su Cheng has focused his attention and plans to have a good time with Zaka!

Want to give the big-eyed dog a head start?

Want to keep yourself away from big-eyed dogs?

Want to protect the big-eyed dog?

Even want to use a foul way to help the big-eyed dog out?


Su Cheng intends to show Xhaka why everyone is saying, don't offend a player with superb feet on the pitch!

Waiting now.

See what tricks Zaka will use!

Soon, Su Cheng saw it.

The seventh minute of the game.

Su Cheng holds the ball in his own midfield and is ready to turn and push.

At this moment, Su Cheng felt a huge force coming from his back!

Then the unsuspecting Su Cheng was pushed directly onto the lawn!

Su Cheng, who was lying on the ground, turned his head and found that Zaka was standing on the lawn, looked at himself proudly and laughed.


The referee of the game, Pawson, trotted all the way over and blew the whistle that the game was suspended.

He signaled that it was a free kick in Liverpool's midfield range.

But he didn't play cards against Zaka, not even a verbal warning!

This also means that, in Pawson's view, this is a reasonable collision!

If Xhaka was able to kick the football first, not even the referee would blow the whistle to suspend the game!

"Are you all right?"

"If it really doesn't work, I can switch places with you...

"It's just that this guy is eyeing you, I think even if you change positions, he will come to you.

"Need my help?"

Chamberlain hurried over and pulled up Su Cheng who was lying on the ground, then looked at Su Cheng with concern on his face and asked.

He was really worried about Su Cheng!

After all, the game has only just begun!

This also means that in the next 80 minutes, Su Cheng will have to face Zhaka's disgusting and sticky brown candy!

"Yes, if it really doesn't work, I can help you deal with Zaka!

"You are the most important player in our field, there is no need to mess with this kind of person!"

"You are the key to whether we can win this game! 35

Henderson also rushed over and looked at Su Cheng and said.

He had seen it, and Chamberlain had told him what had just happened.

As the team captain, as Su Cheng's assistant on the field.

Henderson felt compelled to help Su Cheng!

After all, if Su Cheng plays well, it can greatly increase their odds of winning the game!

"Don't worry, I can handle him.

"It's just that I didn't turn around, I didn't think he came back to our half and fouled me. 35

"Don't worry about me, if I really need your help, I will definitely call you.

"After all, winning this game is the biggest blow to them!

Su Cheng patted the grass roots on his jersey and looked at Zhaka, who had a smug smile on his face not far away.

He is really angry!

He too, understood why Chamberlain cared so much about himself!

Now it seems that the player Xhaka is really an unscrupulous player!

His filth is filth from the inside out!

"Don't you like dirty?

'Then I'll have fun with you!""

"System, redeem the template!""

Su Cheng said silently in his heart.

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket support!)

(Kneeling for automatic subscription!).

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