"Redeem Butcher-Gattuso Template!"

Su Cheng said in his heart.

Since winning the Champions League, Su Cheng has not entered the system for a long time, nor has he exchanged player templates.

The last time Su Cheng exchanged player templates was the template for Kaka before the Champions League final.

In that game, Su Cheng smashed the Quartet and saved Juventus many times with Kaka's stride!

Then Su Cheng never redeemed any templates again.

After playing in the Champions League final, Su Cheng earned eight-figure template points!

Now Su Cheng, you can really do whatever template you want to redeem, just redeem whatever template you want!

It's different from when I first got the system!

At the beginning, Su Cheng hesitated for a long time in order to exchange for a Nedved physical fitness template with 30,000 template points.

Because that was all Su Cheng's savings!

Now Su Cheng is like a nouveau riche, and he can directly exchange the complete template of a player when he comes up!

The template exchanged by Su Cheng this time is also closely related to the Pirlo template that Su Cheng just obtained!

Pirlo and Gattuso didn't get along very well at first, and the two even fought!

But in the later cooperation, Gattuso became Pirlo's bodyguard on the court!

Wherever there is Pirlo, there is Gattuso!

Pirlo is not good at defense? Nothing! Gattuso will!

Pirlo was fouled, will he not take the initiative to fight back?

It's okay, Gattuso will help him!

Such a combination is like Su Cheng and Kante's partner at Leicester City at the beginning.

If Su Cheng doesn't hang up himself, I'm afraid

He and Kanter would really be such a pairing.

Even Su Cheng may not choose to move away!

In this way, Gattuso and Pirlo supported each other and eventually became a legend of world football together with AC Milan!

The two of them have achieved success and written their names into the history of football!

And Gattuso got his nickname because of his fierce defense on the field!


Just look at this nickname to know what Gattuso's defensive style is!

And at this moment, Su Cheng intends to become a butcher on the court!

With an advanced injury immunity template, he will not be afraid of being fouled at all!

On the contrary, the two players, Big Eyed Dog and Xhaka, are more afraid of being fouled and injured!

Su Cheng just planned to use his own pass to teach Xhaka a lesson and let him hurt for a while.

But Zhaka's behavior just now completely angered Su Cheng!

Let Su Cheng feel that it is a kindness to Zaka to let Zaka go so easily!

As for why Su Cheng chose to redeem the Gattuso template?

it's actually really easy.

Anyone who knows Gattuso will know that Gattuso is just defensive.

But he is definitely not dirty!

He will not deliberately destroy others, nor will he deliberately foul!

Of course, the words of helping teammates get revenge back are another matter.

So Gattuso's defense is fierce, but his defense is very clean!

At least you won't get a card!

Otherwise, before a game is over, Gattuso would have been able to go down two or three times.

How could he be Pirlo's bodyguard?

This is Gattuso's experience!

And that's exactly what Su Cheng needs right now!

Doesn't Xhaka like to foul?

So good, Su Cheng intends to show Zhaka today what is the real art of fouling!

Su Cheng received various experiences and perceptions about football from the system in his mind.

Then Su Cheng looked at Zaka who was not far away and smiled.

The next time, it's Zaka's time to enjoy!

He likes to say harsh words so much, and he likes to help big-eyed dogs get ahead!

Su Cheng wants to make Zaka regret choosing against himself today!

"See? Brother! 55

"You can't be weak against this type of player!"5

"You must be fierce!"

"Only then will he fear you!"

Not far away, Zaka stood beside the big-eyed dog and said to the big-eyed dog with a proud face.

The big-eyed dog looked at Su Cheng not far away, nodded thoughtfully, and began to ponder in his mind.

Do you want to learn Zaka and foul Su Cheng a few times later?

After all, the kick that Su Cheng gave him two years ago really impressed the big-eyed dog!

Even the big-eyed dog sometimes wakes up at night!

The reason is very simple, Su Cheng's foot ball, let the big-eyed dog have a psychological shadow!

Now Zaka has given the big-eyed dog a new way of thinking!

You don't have to hide from Su Cheng on the court!

No need to walk around seeing Su Cheng!

No need to act like nothing happened!

You can get revenge on Su Cheng in your own way!

For example, use foul play on Su Cheng!

In the big-eyed dog's heart, he was even a little excited.

He was looking forward to seeing the scene of Su Cheng lying on the ground with his legs in his arms and wailing.

At that time, he will definitely complete his revenge against Su Cheng!

Soon, the game resumed.

Su Cheng touched the football on the ground with his left hand, and then kicked the ball at will.

Arsenal's defense line is still very good. The distance and position of the four defense lines are maintained well. Anyway, Su Cheng doesn't see any chance to attack.

Perhaps because of the continuous battle, Liverpool's front tridents have not recovered their form in this game.

This is a problem that must be solved for Liverpool!

after all...

If Su Cheng is a player who creates chances on the field.

Then the three of them are the three players who eat cakes in the frontcourt!

If they are not in good shape, even if Su Cheng passes the football to their feet, it will be of no use!

As for Chamberlain and Henderson beside Su Cheng, they are all focusing on Su Cheng and Zhaka at this moment!

After all, they all know that Xhaka will definitely continue to foul Su Cheng!

Their goal at this moment is to protect Su Cheng and not let Zaka continue to violate Su Cheng!

Although Su Cheng rejected their suggestion before!

But in their hearts, they still have their own decisions!

In any case, Su Cheng must not be harmed by this rubbish Zaka!

Can't let Su Cheng be influenced by Zaka!

But what Henderson and Chamberlain didn't expect was...

Su Cheng is already planning his revenge!

The tenth minute of the game.

Xhaka finally got the chance to hold the ball.

Here is the opportunity that Su Cheng has been waiting for!

Looking at Zhaka, who was planning to have a match with the big-eyed dog with the ball.

Su Cheng stepped forward without hesitation and gave Zhaka a powerful tackle!

Although Su Cheng's foot touched the football first!

But his knee slammed into Zaka's calf with a hard load!


Zaka let out a howl in pain!

Although it fell on the lawn!

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket support!)

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(2,000 evaluation votes plus more!).

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