Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter 337: Shocked Mane! (Kneeling and begging to subscribe!)\r

After hearing Xhaka's painful cry, Pawson blew the whistle for the suspension of the game without hesitation!

Since Su Cheng was far away from the scene before this tackle, he couldn't clearly see what was going on!

So Pawson turned to his assistant, the linesman, hoping for help.

"Clean tackle, Pawson.

"Su Cheng's tackle definitely took the ball down first!"

"Not a foul! Xhaka was knocked down by Su Cheng just because of inertia!"

"It seems to me very likely that Xhaka is acting! 99'

"After all this game, he seems to be targeting Su Cheng!

"I saw him run and say something to Su Cheng before, and then he fouled Su Cheng!35

The linesman standing aside spoke through the headset what he saw.

"Okay, I know!

Pawson nodded, without saying much, signaling the game to continue!

He now regrets the call to stop the game, and he would have let the Liverpool players continue to attack!

His behavior like this can be said to be a waste of a good opportunity for Liverpool to attack!

Pawson did not doubt the truth of what his colleagues said.

Because the call between them is also supervised by the referee team in the background!

If there is any unethical conversation, or false conversation.

They will all face penalties after the game!

They don't have to!

Paulson believes that there is no need to deceive yourself at the same time!

So Pawson signaled the game to continue!

The ball is returned to Liverpool by Arsenal!

Because Su Cheng just made a great tackle!

He helped Liverpool win the ball!

Seeing that the referee signaled the game to continue, no foul was called, and even the ball belonged to Liverpool.

Arsenal players are dissatisfied!

They were chattering on the pitch, complaining that the referee was partial to Liverpool at home!

"Are you okay mate?"

The big-eyed dog saw Zaka lying on the lawn and hadn't gotten up for a long time, and ran over to ask.

For this good brother who is willing to help him get ahead, the big-eyed dog is still very recognized!

"It's alright.. Fake! Su Cheng actually played a trick on me~"!

"I must get my revenge!

With the help of the big-eyed dog, Zaka slowly stood up from the lawn.

He looked at Su Cheng not far away and said viciously!

He did not expect that he, who is "notorious" in the whole Premier League and even in Europe, would one day be hacked by Su Cheng!

And Su Cheng's foul is so clean!

Let Zaka have nothing to say!

After all, Su Cheng first used the tackle to keep the ball under his feet, and then pretended to use inertia to hit himself with his knee!

Although from the whole process, Su Cheng's foul was seamless.

But Zaka knew, Su Cheng definitely did it on purpose!

He is taking revenge on himself!

As an old dirty player on the pitch, Xhaka knows this very well!

"Man, I think... how about it?

"Su Cheng is obviously not someone who wants to suffer.

"If you do this, it is very likely that you will be the one who suffers in the end!

The big-eyed dog hesitated for a while, then looked at Zaka and said.

For some reason, Big Eyes always felt that if they continued to use foul tactics on Su Cheng.

In the end it must be them themselves!

"Don't worry bro!"

"Don't you believe me yet?"

"In terms of fouls, Su Cheng can he compare to me?"

"Trust me! I will definitely make Su Cheng regret being our enemy!

Zaka said confidently.

It's just that the more confident Zhaka is, the more uneasy the Big-Eyed Dog feels!

The game continues.

This time it was Su Cheng holding the ball!

Zaka's eyes were full of anger!

Looking at Su Cheng not far away, Zhaka started without hesitation!

He's going to hit Su Cheng on the lawn this time with his body!

Then he mocked Su Cheng condescendingly!

In his mind, Zaka has already figured out what to say, what kind of expressions and actions to use to humiliate Su Cheng!


Su Cheng is ready!

Facing Zaka who was rushing towards him, Su Cheng did not choose to dodge!

Instead, it directly chose to confront it directly!

Under everyone's attention, Zaka, who was sprinting at a high speed, crashed directly into Su Cheng!

Some timid viewers even covered their eyes and dared not watch this scene!

Beside Su Cheng, Chamberlain and Henderson were in a hurry!

Didn't they tell Su Cheng not to confront Zaka head-to-head!

Why is Su Cheng just not listening to them now?

Even if you don't listen, at least in the face of such a collision, Su Cheng, can you hide?

Standing still and letting Zhaka hit him, isn't this courting death?

Henderson and Chamberlain were both very anxious.

They want to go up and stop Zaka, but it's too late!

And Su Cheng stood motionless as if he didn't know anything!

Seeing Zaka getting closer and closer, Su Cheng took a deep breath and rammed towards Zaka!

Then, everyone saw an incredible scene!

Zaka flew out!

Then he fell hard on the lawn!

That's right!

It wasn't Su Cheng who flew out and fell on the lawn, it was Zaka!

This is something no one thought of!

Even Liverpool's players on the field believed that in this head-to-head confrontation, Xhaka would eventually win!

Why, the last person to fly out was Zaka?

No matter how you look at it, the one who won this victory should be Zaka, not Su Cheng!

What makes them even more incredible is that.

Su Cheng dashes forward with the ball like nothing else!

If it weren't for Zaka, who was still lying on the lawn two meters away from Su Cheng.

I am afraid that everyone will think that the scene that just appeared in front of them is their hallucination!

"々, left!

Su Cheng looked at Mane who was approaching him step by step, and reluctantly pointed to the left.

He has now managed to get enough space in Arsenal's midfield.

Mane ran towards him, didn't he squeeze his space against the defender?

There was no way, Su Cheng had no choice but to command Mane!

Mane suddenly realized (Wang Zhao) nodded and ran to the left!

He is a little confused now.

Su Cheng's previous confrontation with Zaka made him look stupid.

This reminded him of a movie he accidentally watched a long time ago.

That movie seems to be a Chinese movie too.

It's called "Shaolin Soccer"!

In that movie, China's martial arts masters collectively went out to play football, and looked silly at Mane, who was still a young man at the time.

For a long time, Mane believed that this is the strength of Chinese football, and football should be played like this!

It wasn't until he grew up that Mane knew that a movie was really just a movie!

But just now the confrontation between Su Cheng and Zhaka.

Reminds Mane of this movie all of a sudden!

Now Mane has been thinking about this matter in his mind.

Is it possible... delusional.

Is that movie called "Shaolin Soccer" real?

(I beg to subscribe to the flower collection and reward the evaluation ticket for support!)

(Kneeling for automatic subscription!).

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