Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter 397: Bring back a city! (Kneeling and begging to subscribe!)\r

As I said before, Leicester City's starting goalkeeper will turn from Schmeichel Jr. to Ben Hammer.

To be honest, Su Cheng doesn't even know who this player is, but he became Leicester's starting goalkeeper!

As for his strength

Naturally, he is not as good as little Schmeichel, but he can sit firmly in the starting position!

At home in Leicester, little Schmeichel sat in front of the TV, watching the game.

When he saw Danny Ince receive a pass from Su Cheng, although he wasn't Leicester's starting goalkeeper, he wasn't even there!

But little Schmeichel couldn't help standing up and looked anxiously at the picture on the TV!

"Time to strike!"

Little Schmeichel said subconsciously.

In his opinion, this ball Ben Hamer should have attacked long ago to limit Danny Ince's shooting space!

But, Ben Hammer didn't do that!

Little Schmeichel can only stand in front of the TV, watching Danny Ince take the ball all the way into the penalty area of ​​Leicester City, and then kick and shoot!

Ben Hamer subconsciously reached out his hand to block, but it was of no use.

The ball is still in.

The football flew through Ben Hamer's outstretched hand and into the net!

Danny Ince scores a goal for Liverpool!

Help Liverpool narrow the score on the field!

Little Schmeichel helplessly watched the game broadcast on TV.

"Still watching the game?"

"I said it all, there is no need to continue watching!"

"You can be abandoned, this team, we should really leave~"!"5

At this time, behind the little Schmeichel came a tall man.

He looks very similar to Schmeichel Jr.

Same skin color, same height, same hair color.

Little Schmeichel didn't have to look back to know who was behind him.

His father, who led him to the path of professional football, made him the legendary goalkeeper of Manchester United, the old Schmeichel!

One of the creators of the Danish fairy tale, who followed Manchester United to win the Champions League and dominated the Premier League generation of goalkeepers!

However, the old Schmeichel retired for a long time.

Now his fun is watching every game of his son!

For their father and son, the situation is difficult right now.

For some reason, Schmeichel Jr. was abandoned and they had to find a team that could continue to play!

After all, little Schmeichel is still very young and is in a peak state!

Whether it is to continue playing football or for next year's World Cup, little Schmeichel must play football!

During this time, the old Schmeichel was troubled by this matter.

"Stop talking about it, Dad.

"Late, I'm going out!

“We asked Su Cheng to have dinner together after the game. 39

"Let's talk when I get back, okay?"

Little Schmeichel looked at his father and said softly.

Continue to discuss this matter, then the result must be a problem with your own mood!

But he also made a reservation for Su Cheng to have dinner together for the evening!

Mahrez will also be back for dinner this time.

Except for Kante, who is far away in Italy, basically the players who won the championship team will come!

These people are brothers in the eyes of little Schmeichel!

He didn't want to go to see his brother with a whole body of negative energy!

The brother who once fought side by side with him and won the Premier League championship!

Now they're all successful, or doing well in their respective teams.

He is the only one who has a problem, and he can't even make it into the starting list!

Little Schmeichel didn't want to go to dinner tonight as a loser!

Although..., his current situation and situation will definitely be the focus of everyone's discussion tonight!

However, little Schmeichel still wants to face this matter with optimism!

Looking at his proudest son, the old Schmeichel sighed and said nothing.

He just sat silently beside little Schmeichel and watched the game with him.

"々. Nice pass! 35

After scoring, Danny Ince trotted back to midfield with the ball.

He put the ball on the kick-off line in the middle circle, and then hugged Su Cheng and said to Su Cheng excitedly.

It was his first goal of the season.

Although a goal in the English League Cup.

However, this is still very important to Danny Ince!

"Good job guys, just kick it! 35

"We will definitely win this game! 55

Wijnaldum clapped his hands and said to his teammates.

Although for Liverpool, this goal is a bit out of the pool.

But, it's all in time!

With more than fifty minutes to play, they still have a chance!

Danny Ince's goal gave Liverpool's players a boost.

Make them believe that they can really win this game!

Isn't it just two goals behind?

Now they are one goal behind!

With Su Cheng, they can definitely take the whole game away on the road!

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket support!)

(Kneeling for automatic subscription!).

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