Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter 398: Su Cheng's teaching! (Kneeling and begging to subscribe!)\r

Liverpool's players worked together to completely overwhelm Leicester City in the final stages of the first half!

Especially Flanagan on the right, after Su Cheng's encouragement, he broke out completely!

He ran up and down the road on the right, allowing Su Cheng to see the shadow of his former Juventus teammate, "Second Master" Alves!

Of course, no matter in terms of strength or experience, Flanagan couldn't compare to Alves.

But he played his part on the field!

Let Liverpool's chances of winning this game increase a lot!

"That's the Flanagan I know and that's why I put him in the first team!55

Klopp stood on the sidelines, watching Flanagan's performance, heaved a sigh of relief, and said to Pete next to him.

"At halftime, we need to adjust our tactics!"

Listening to the referee blowing the final whistle, Klopp said to himself.

The players of Liverpool and Leicester City slowly walked towards the tunnel.

But Su Cheng and the rest of Leicester's players, all standing at 480, did not intend to leave.

"Hey, Su Cheng is this?"

Flanagan, who wanted to thank Su Cheng with his stomach full of words, walked towards Su Cheng subconsciously after seeing Su Cheng who was still standing on the field.

"Don't go!"

"This is a reminiscence between teammates. What did you do in the past?"

Wijnaldum grabbed Flanagan and said angrily.

This kid's performance in the first half is really annoying!

If it weren't for Su Cheng taking the initiative to stand up, plus the ten minutes just now, this kid's performance would be good.

I'm afraid Wijnaldum is going to curse!

Impossible to explain so kindly.

"Oh, alright!"

Flanagan nodded, followed behind Wijnaldum, and returned to the locker room.

"Is Su Cheng catching up with his old teammates again? (dbef)"

Klopp, who entered the dressing room early, saw that Su Cheng hadn't come back, and he knew that Su Cheng was catching up with his old teammates again.

"Then let's talk tactics first.

Klopp didn't care either.

If other players do not return to the dressing room after the game, Klopp may criticize it.

However, this person is Su Cheng's words.

Then it will be fine.

Klopp acted like nothing happened!

"What the hell happened to little Schmeichel?"

Su Cheng looked at Vardy and the others in front of him and asked curiously.

Although Su Cheng is still in the Leicester City group chat.

But because there are many other players in the group chat, there is no way to say some words in the group chat!

In private chat, neither Vardy nor other players are willing to tell Su Cheng about this!

"It was because of tactics and some things about Lanieri that there were some conflicts with Shakespeare."

"And then lost the main position.

"You know, we're just players..."


After hearing Su Cheng's words, Vardy and the others looked at each other, and finally Morgan took the initiative to speak up.

"It's that simple? 35

"Can't you all come together and let Shakespeare out of class?

"Look at what the Chelsea players do!"

"Mourinho can be fired by them!"

Su Cheng looked at the few people in front of him with the eyes of a fool,

Such a simple way, why don't they use it?

If Shakespeare can really lead the rise of Leicester City, then little Schmeichel will never blame Shakespeare for tactical problems!

Although he has only been with Schmeichel for more than a year, Su Cheng is more willing to believe in Schmeichel!

"...It's not that we haven't thought about it.

"However, we feel that doing this, we are sorry for the boss of Vichai, and we are sorry for our fans!

"Or, we're afraid that Boss Vichai will be on Shakespeare's side.

Vardy was silent for a while and said.

"You don't do anything now, you are sorry to the Vichai boss and fans! 95

"Is there any improvement in the team's record after changing the coach? Couldn't Leicester be able to avoid relegation if Ranali didn't leave last season? 35

Su Cheng looked at his good brothers in front of him and said angrily.

"As for whether Boss Vichai will stand on Shakespeare's side, you just need to think about it!"

"Does it cost money to change a group of players, or does it cost money to change a manager?

"Although the owner of Vichai loves football, he loves the team!

"But he's also a businessman!

Su Cheng said finally, keeping his voice down, for fear that his words would be heard by others.

These words were all learned by Su Cheng from Pogba's mouth.

Because Pogba didn't quit the Juventus player chat group either...

During this time, he and Mourinho had some conflicts.

So Pogba says these things in group chats every day.

Over time, Su Cheng also learned.

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket support!)

(Kneeling for automatic subscription!).

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