Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter 442: Can't wait for Bo 8 (kneeling to subscribe!)\r

After the official start of the game, Su Cheng found that something was not quite right in the game!


The atmosphere of this game is really anxious!

Manchester United's players exuded murderous aura, they looked at Liverpool's players viciously, as if they wanted to eat them!

Su Cheng knows that this is Mourinho's usual means and methods.

Mourinho is very good at it and likes to stir up the momentum of the players!

Let the players maintain a fighting state, like a pack of wolves on the field, bite down a piece of meat on the opponent!

Whether such a tactic is useful or not depends on the state of the players and who the opponent they are facing!

If the Manchester United players face an underdog, then no matter how much Mourinho inspires, the Manchester United players will not regard each other as a real opponent!

The pride and arrogance in Manchester United's bones cannot be concealed!

Even the current batch of Manchester United players can't let go of their attitude and let them stand on the same level as the weak team!

Only, today, this time, Mourinho succeeded!

The reason is simple, because this is a double red society!

It's a national derby!

This isn't just a collision between two teams with hatred and conflict!

It still represents the English Premier League, with the highest level and the best two teams playing against each other!

This game is destined to make all fans around the world pay attention to this game!

Manchester United's players will certainly not slack off!

On the field, Bo 8 was gearing up, stroking the wrist guard on his right hand with his left hand, and staring at Su Cheng.

He can't wait for the game to start now!

Although he knew Su Cheng before, he often chatted in the Juventus group chat, exchanging some midfield experience and game experience on the field.

But this is the first time he and Su Cheng have met!

Neither Su Cheng nor Bo 8 thought that the two of them had been netizens for more than a year.

But when they actually meet offline, the two sides have become rivals with each other!

Last night, Bo 8 and Su Cheng were also discussing the matter in the Juventus group chat.

It attracted the ridicule of Buffon, Chiellini, Dybala and others.

In his heart, Bo 8 is eager to play against Su Cheng!

Everyone says Su Cheng is the No. 1 midfielder in the world!

From the honor Su Cheng received last year, this title deserves to belong to Su Cheng!


Bo 8 believes from the bottom of his heart that he is not much worse than Su Cheng!

Everyone is an excellent midfielder, you haven't beat me, why should I serve you?

In addition, Bo 8 is a person who likes to be in the limelight and a person who likes to perform!

At this moment, he is very eager to beat Su Cheng on the pitch, eager to give Su Cheng and Liverpool a defeat under the watchful eyes of all!

He is now very much looking forward to what that scene will look like when it becomes reality!

"That kid doesn't seem right to look at you~".

Everyone stood up and waited for the referee to blow the whistle to start the game.

Wijnaldum stood beside Su Cheng, just saw Bo 8's eyes staring at Su Cheng, came to Su Cheng's side and said softly.

"It's okay, I know him very well, we were in a group chat, and we chatted last night. 35

Su Cheng waved his hand to reassure Wijnaldum.

Bo 8 told Su Cheng in the group last night that he intends to beat Su Cheng on the pitch and steal Su Cheng's title as the world's No. 1 midfielder!

Of course, the title Bo 8 can't be taken away, but to give Su Cheng a defeat and become the focus of the world, Bo 8 is certainly happy to do it!

After all, Su Cheng has played for over two years now and has only lost one match!

That is losing to Barcelona at Camp Nou!

If this game is lost to Manchester United again, it will definitely be a headline that will set off the world!

Su Cheng will not be afraid of the challenge of Bo 8!

Although the players on the Liverpool field are generally temporary substitutes!

But Su Cheng still has the confidence to help the team win!

Carrying several world-class star templates.

Su Cheng is so confident!

After three minutes of grumbling, the referee finally blew the opening whistle!

Firmino, who couldn't wait for a long time, passed the ball to Sturridge and ran forward!

Liverpool and Manchester United fans are active on the pitch!

"々, let's control the ball first, see their tactics and defensive positioning before attacking!"

After some passing, the football came to Su Cheng's feet.

It's just that Su Cheng looked at the densely packed Manchester United players ahead and said his plan.

Defensively, Mourinho is definitely the master of the masters!

Especially, when Mourinho dispatched two midfielders in this game, Su Cheng (Li Dehao) knew that this game was not as easy as he thought!

Although Bo 8 and Mourinho have some contradictions.

But in the current Manchester United dressing room, Mourinho still maintains the right to speak out!

All the players believed in him!

Tactics and commands that are willing to obey!

Willing to execute his tactics too!

Manchester United did not perform well in the Champions League group stage.

But in the league, it is still very strong!

Su Cheng didn't want to come up, so he brought his teammates to attack strongly. If Manchester United got a chance, it would be better to fight back.

Liverpool are likely to be the first team to concede the ball!

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket support!)

(Kneeling for automatic subscription!).

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