Soccer: I Became A Midfield Master After The Dismissal of the National Football Team

Chapter 443: Explain the wonderful on stage! (Kneeling and begging to subscribe!)\r

In a blink of an eye, ten minutes have passed.

In these ten minutes, under the leadership and control of Su Cheng, Liverpool firmly controlled the ball on the field!

Manchester United have also won the ball a few times, and when they have the ball in half-time, the Liverpool players don't go up to press.

But as soon as they get out of the middle circle and into Liverpool's half, their ball handlers are immediately surrounded by Liverpool players!

Then got the ball back by Liverpool!

Bring football back to the feet of the Liverpool players and stay in control!

Of course, even with Su Cheng, Liverpool haven't had any decent attacking chances so far.

In this way, for a full ten minutes, neither team even had a shot!

This kind of game makes the fans a little drowsy watching.

"What is Liverpool doing?!

"Are they playing games? 35

"Why not take the initiative to attack 513? They are deliberately delaying time! 35

"They're destroying a great game!"

After seeing this scene, Neville, who was sitting on the live commentary, couldn't help but criticized the Liverpool players!

Although Neville knew that the reason why Liverpool did not attack was because of Mourinho's tactics and formation, Liverpool did not dare to attack rashly, and could only control the ball and look for opportunities.

If you really want to blame it, you have to blame the Manchester United manager off the field, Mourinho!

But how dare Neville do that?

As a Manchester United legend, a legendary player of Manchester United, let's not say whether Neville should do this, whether it is appropriate to do so!

Just in the double red meeting, they questioned their coach and their tactics before the game was over.

Neville will definitely be scolded by Manchester United fans!

Not to mention, Sir Alex Ferguson is sitting in front of the TV watching the game right now!

If Neville is wrong

Then what will happen to him, I believe I don't need to say more!

"Can't that blame Liverpool?!35

"Anyone who understands football can see Mourinho's tactics and plans. Do you ask Liverpool players to match Mourinho's tactics?"

"If Mr. Neville is in such a hurry, why didn't he take the initiative to call Mr. Mourinho off the field and ask him to change his tactics for this game?

After Carragher heard Neville's words, he was suddenly unhappy!

He turned his head to look directly at Neville and sneered.

When commenting on the game, especially the double red meeting, the two of them will never give each other face!

Say what you want to say and say what you want, this has become their characteristic when they explain the double red meeting!

That's why they are loved by so many fans and audiences!

"That's right! Guys! That's it!

"The players on the field smell of gunpowder, and you have to come and smell of gunpowder!"

In Carragher and Neville's headsets came the voice of the show's director!


From his excited tone, you can tell that this quarrel has a good effect on the show!

So, the two of them looked at each other and continued to quarrel!

If the scene just now was their sincere words, then everything that happened next was a scene they deliberately performed for the sake of work!

No way, who asked them to make money...

On the commentary stage, Neville and Carragher were still arguing.

But the Manchester United players took the lead and couldn't take it anymore!

Bo 8 took the initiative to stand up!

He really can't stand the situation where he can't get the ball, can't pass the ball, can't organize the attack!

Although Mourinho's tactics, from the moment still looks very good.

At least when Liverpool had the ball, Liverpool did not attack!

But the squatting defense for more than ten minutes in a row made Bo 8 unable to hold back!

He is a person who likes to perform and likes to be in the limelight from the bottom of his heart!

Let him be able to give up the offense honestly and defend for more than ten minutes, which is already very good!

"It can't go on like this!"

Bo 8 said to Matip beside him, and then rushed straight up!

Even he didn't give Matip time to react!

When Matip reacted, Bo 8 has appeared in Liverpool's half!

The other Manchester United players rushed forward subconsciously after seeing Bo 8!

They also thought that this was Bo 8 who received Mourinho's tactical command and was ready to attack!

"Fake, what does this kid want to do?!

Mourinho, who was standing on the sidelines, changed his face greatly, looked at Bo 8, and cursed angrily.

This is completely inconsistent with his plan and tactics!

But Mourinho has no choice.

He can't stand up and stop his team's offense, can he?

"This undisciplined bastard!"

Mourinho looked at Bo 8 and cursed through gritted teeth.

(Kneeling and begging the flower collection to reward the evaluation ticket support!)

(Kneeling for automatic subscription!).

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