Soccer: National Football League Dismissal, Rewarding Ronaldo Template!

Chapter 1, SS-level skills, SS-level player templates.\r

Chapter 1, SS-level skills, SS-level player templates.

no doubt.

Championship night.

It was a very crazy night.

Either for the Dortmund players.

Still for Dortmund fans.

Or those teams interested in Su Han.

on this night.

Doomed to sleepless.

at the end of the game for the first time.

Major media have started reporting on social networking sites.

【Big Four! Su Han leads Dortmund to defeat Barcelona!】

【Championship Champion!! Ballon d’Or is pre-booked?】

[The second player after Puskas to have a big four in the Champions League final! 】

[How many giants shot, Liverpool will be cut off?]

【Victory in Earth Defense! Superhero Su Han!】

for a while.

All the media are complimenting the new Champions League champions.

Everyone is praising Su Han's performance.


Single-handedly led the team to win the championship.

Such performance is impeccable.

Even the Catalan media did not dare to compare the performances of Messi and Su Han in the Champions League final. They were more entangled in the referee's penalty.


Except for the Catalan media.

No one thought there was anything wrong with McDean's decision.

In this regard, the English media "Daily Mail" sneered: "Barcelona may have taken more advantage of the referee. If they did not take advantage this time, they felt that they were at a disadvantage."

like a beggar.

You give him fifty dollars a day.

One day it suddenly stopped.

He would feel like he lost fifty bucks.

But actually.

The fifty dollars wasn't his.

Just when the media around the world was buzzing.

The Dortmund team went home with the Big Ear Cup.

in Dortmund.

They were warmly welcomed by the whole city.

Xunyou's float took the three heavy championship trophies this season and traveled all over the city's streets.




Along the way.

Su Han's name was chanted again and again by the fans.

And Su Han can only get out of the car again and again.

Interact with fans.


The float tour is over.

Su Han said goodbye to his teammates and coaches.

Dortmund's season is over.

Su Han and his teammates wanted to embrace each other.

"Goodbye, guys!

When Su Han, wearing Dortmund's No. 10 jersey, disappeared in front of the players.

Kyle couldn't help but sigh: "He's our greatest No. 10, isn't he?"

"Maybe the last time I saw him wearing this jersey." Weidenfeller said with some regret.

"Two seasons, enough... He has brought us too much!" Kyle said, "Next, we have to work hard on our own!

"Yeah, we really rely on him a little too much." Weidenfeller looked ahead, "Maybe we will meet again one day."

Su Han is gone.

Leaving the back of a number 10.

He left behind a legend that belonged to him at Dortmund.

No regrets.

with praise.

Gorgeous turn.

He will usher in a greater age of his own.

Return to residence.

Su Han did not buy a house in Dortmund.

with his income.

Enough to buy a mansion here.

But he didn't.

As everyone knows, this means that Su Han has long made up his mind to leave Dortmund.

"Three uncles~".

Su Han turns on the phone.

"I'm going back to China tomorrow, I'll leave this house first. I'll visit you when I get back to Europe.

After sending a text message to the third uncle of Han Siguo.

Su Han left the phone on the sofa.

Look at the house where I have lived here for two years.

for a while.

Su Han was in a trance.

when you come.

Just a fledgling young boy.

when leaving.

It is full of honor and fame all over the world.

Su Han turns on the computer.

There is an email from an assistant at a brokerage firm.

Mainly daily reports on transfer negotiations.

With Real Madrid, Manchester City, Manchester United, Paris and other teams joining the competition.

Things started to get complicated.

He and Lin Qiang have a gentleman's agreement.

under equal treatment.

He made it a priority to join Liverpool.

But now with his big four in the Champions League final.

Those wealthy families who were scared off by the treatment proposed by Lin Qiang before.

There is now renewed interest in Su Han.


The transfer that I thought was settled.

Now it's starting to wave again.

But Su Han didn't care much about these things.

He handed over the transfer to Mendes.

Open the system's task panel.

With the end of the Champions League final.

Main quest of the season.

It is also completed.

[Ding! Triple Crown Mission completed, mission completion evaluation: SS level]

[Order! Congratulations, you have received system rewards: 1. 50 million euros, 2. SS-level skill random treasure chest, 3. SS-level player designated template! 】

Su Han took a deep breath when he saw the three quest rewards.

His eyes were fixed on SS-level skills.

His only SS-level skill now is [Absolute Breakthrough]


How important is this skill.

it goes without saying.

have this skill.

Su Han has the confidence to score every game.

There is also the confidence to guarantee goals in key games.

after all.

Although Su Han has Ronaldo's template.

But even the real Ronaldo has moments when he's in bad shape.

This is inevitable.

Players are not robots.

Emotional, mental fatigue, etc.

It will cause the players to fluctuate.


A player's state fluctuates up and down in a wavy pattern.

are normal.

So, a good coach.

The player's state can be stimulated step by step.

Let the players in good condition, appear during the critical schedule.

in this regard.

The master figure is Ferguson.

He's usually a bunch of second-tier players under him.

But rather.

Ferguson can make a group of second-rate players bursting at critical moments.

That's what a coach can do.

Some coaches are good at tactical design.

And some coaches.

Good at managing players.

Different types of coaches.

The impact on the team is different.

That's why.

A good football coach can make a team transform.

The SS-level skill [Absolute Breakthrough] is definitely a skill that breaks the rules of football.

this type of skill.

Allows Su Han to break through the ups and downs of being a normal player.

Bad condition?

Come to a skill.

Can also score.

such skills.

Considered a "strategic" skill by Su Han!

One more SS rank skill is now available.

Naturally, Su Han couldn't ask for it.

As for the 50 million euros and the designated SS-level player template.

compared to this.

It seems a little less attractive.

After Su Han received the mission reward.

The skill treasure chest was opened immediately!

[Ding! Congratulations, you have obtained the SS-level skill: God-level stop]

Stop the ball?

Su Han frowned.

Can this be considered an SS-level skill?

His stopping is already top notch.

After opening the skill description.

All Su Han's doubts are gone.

God-level stop: SS-level skills. ,

Description: You have the ability to stop the ball like a god, no matter where it comes from, how fast and how powerful the ball is, as long as you touch the football, the football can stop at your feet the way you want.

Su Han was shocked.

this skill.

It's really divine!!

Needless to say about the high-altitude ball and the long pass.

The key is....

Sometimes intercepting the ball can also stop smoothly. . . .

To know.

Some balls with great power and speed.

That's almost impossible to stop.

By the time.

This skill....

I am afraid that a lot of tactics can be developed around this skill.

Su Han frowned slightly and closed the skill panel.

In general.

This skill is not as good as absolute breakthrough.

But it's definitely a good skill.

The quality of the stop can sometimes directly determine the quality of the offense.

And at critical moments, this skill is really useful...

Su Han thought of several scenarios where this skill could be used....

For example, wearing a high pass.

As long as you can touch it, you can definitely stop.

For example, the opponent who is forced in the corner makes a big-footed clearance and wants to smother the ball on himself and take a throw-in.

hey-hey. ..

Su Han shook his head.

The skills are there, but how to use the skills well still needs to be carefully pondered.

Next Su Han looked at another reward.

[Designated SS-level player template]

Su Han smiled wryly.

In order to get an S-level player template, I am still accumulating player template fragments.

did not expect.

Complete the main quest.

Directly reward SS-level player templates.

Su Han thought a little.

Think about what you still need to improve.

In terms of ability attributes.

Attributes that can improve their offensive ability now include vision, passing, etc.

If you don't have the skill [Body of Warcraft].

Su (Menuo Zhao) Han may give priority to incorporating the template of an extremely strong player.

However now...

He considers integrating a master midfielder!

He has a wide range of activities in the frontcourt.

in this case.

Has full vision and passing.

either to yourself.

Or for future teams.

All is a good thing.

In that case....

Su Han opened the SS-level player template...






and many more.

These famous players belong to the SS level.

Su Han guesses.

Maybe at the level of Maradona, it can be regarded as the SSS level...

He thought a little.

One person came to mind.



Is in the Champions League final opponent Xavi.



Harvey is absolutely top notch.

Su Han opens Harvey's template.


In terms of vision and passing.


Su Han didn't hesitate.

Direct selection incorporates the Harvey template.

With Xavi's midfield control.

Plus Ronaldo's blitz ability.

There are also various skills.

You can say find.

Su Han now.

No matter which team you go to.

no more worries,

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