Chapter 2, Su Han's next home

After getting the SS-level skill [God-level stop] and integrating the Harvey template.

Su Han let out a sigh of relief.

to now.

His strength has improved a lot compared to before.

Wait for the new season to start.

no matter where.

Can kill the Quartet.


Su Han looked at the balance in his system.

Completed several side quests, plus 50 million rewards from the main quest.

And the millions that have been swiped on the field.

Now Su Han's balance in the system is: 97.6 million.

Su Han didn't save either.

Instead, the system store is opened.

Search for equipment that can improve your strength.


More than 90 million was spent.

At the same time, his real-world account balance has increased by more than 90 million.

A few more A-level equipment.

[Hurricane jersey]: Class A

Effect: Speed ​​+2, Confrontation +1

[Giant Bear Leggings]: Grade A.

Effect: Strength +2, Constitution +1

[Giant Bear Socks]: Grade A

Effect: Ball Sense +3

The improvement effect of these pieces of equipment is not high.

But it made several attributes of Su Han directly exceed 100.

That is, breaking the upper limit of human players.

Su Han closes the panel.

Go to bed.

the next day.

Su Han pulled the suitcase.

Get out the door.

have to say.

Mendez's agency is professional.

There is a whole bunch of service staff around Su Han.

Su Han's car has been handed over to Mendez's men.

A commercial vehicle stopped in front of Su Han.

Su Han is going back to the Dragon Country.

Rendezvous with Mendez in Dragon Country.

This offseason.

He has too much to deal with.

When Su Han's plane took off 497 from Dortmund's airport.

When flying directly to Modu Airport.

The sports media all over the world are talking about Su Han's next home.

"Marca" in the report vowed to express.

"Yes, Real Madrid has made a move, and Real Madrid are willing to match Liverpool's offer!

"The weekly salary of 500,000 pounds, and the signing fee of 60 million pounds, can be given by Real Madrid! If you add the 120 million euros in liquidated damages, and sign for five years, Real Madrid will spend at least 400 million euros for Su Han!

"This will be the most expensive signing Real Madrid has ever made!

"Florentino believes that no player will reject Real Madrid!"

After the "Marca" reported.

Other media outlets have also reported on the competition for Su Han by local giants.

"Manchester City are willing to increase on Liverpool's offer, and this increase does not set a cap!"

"The spokesperson of the Camel Consortium, which has successfully entered Paris, said that the team's first target is Su Han, and they want to compete for the best player in the world! However.... The Ligue 1 league environment may be the signing of Su Han by Paris. weakness."

"Who is Su Han going to? Probably the most talked about topic this summer transfer window.

With the end of the Champions League final.

All major European leagues have entered the off-season.

The media also focused on reporting.

on transfer news.

And now the most concerned transfer news.

It must be about Su Han.

Any media that mentions Su Han in the report.

Always get the attention of fans of the major giants.

Fans of any team.

All hope that the team can bring Su Han to their team.

And the most injured.

Must be a Liverpool fan.

Originally, they thought that Su Han must be stable.

Because it has been advertised that Liverpool are close to signing.

who ever thought.


The Champions League final is over.


An earth-shaking change took place.

Liverpool fans panicked.

Lin Qiang and the Lin Consortium were even more panicked.

Magic City.

The headquarters of the Lin Consortium.

Lin Qiang is explaining the significance of signing Su Han to many board members of the Lin consortium.

"He's the most watched, most popular player in the country right now! No one!

Lin Qiang opened the PPT.

The first picture.

It is a grand picture of basketball superstar Kobe's visit to the magic capital.

The crowds of fans, the people who watch it, have numb scalps.

Second picture.

It was the scene when Real Madrid Club came to Longguo for a series of warm-up matches during the summer off-season last season.

The number of fans.

More than that.

Lin Qiang waited for everyone to see the level of influence of sports stars.

Go on.

"I can say it responsibly. Such a scene, if it was Su Han... At least the scene would be grand! 55

Of course, Lin Qiang is not without grounds.

He has data.

"In the two years since Su Han entered people's field of vision, the number of days that he has been on the hot search for bibs has been 378 days, of which the number of days that he has been on the top search is 89 days!"

"Attention! This is the data if he never bought any bib trending searches!"

"In China, including all sports and entertainment stars, no one has more traffic than Su Han! Now the traffic represented by the word Su Han is quite amazing!"

"Everyone, as long as we introduce Su Han, many industries of our Lin Consortium can take advantage of Su Han's east wind and rise into the sky!"

"Has everyone noticed the Suicheng team? Evergrande Real Estate's play after the acquisition of the Suicheng team has allowed them to become the most famous real estate company in the country from a real estate group limited to a corner of southern China! Catch the eye quickly!"5

"In this great era of rapid domestic economic growth! Our Lin Consortium needs an opportunity! An opportunity to leap!

"And this opportunity started from the acquisition of Liverpool, the acquisition of Su Han, and the attention of the people of the whole country!!"

Lin Qiang raised his voice and said.


An old man stood up.

"The third one is right, our Lin Consortium needs this opportunity!

The final word!

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Qiang's mouth.

With the head office guarantee.


Only then can he have enough financial resources to fight with Real Madrid, Manchester City, and Paris!

"It's the way it is now, United have pulled out, and Ferguson is reluctant to make a massive adjustment to United's salary structure..."

"The current contenders include Liverpool, Real Madrid, Manchester City, Paris Saint-Germain!

Magic City, in a hotel suite.

Mendez is presenting the latest situation to Su Han.


Real Madrid.

Manchester City.

Paris Saint-Germain.

to now.

Can match the price of Su Han.

There are only four teams left.

For Su Han.

as a professional player.

There is definitely money to be considered.

After all, his job is to play football.

At the end of the day.

Playing football is his job.

Who doesn't care about money when looking for a job?

Money matters.


Platform is also important.

Su Han first ruled out Paris Saint-Germain.

Because Ligue 1 is too competitive.

The league is not competitive enough.

Going to Paris?

It's better to stay in the Bundesliga.


Paris eliminated.

Liverpool, Manchester City and Real Madrid remain.

Relatively speaking.

Su Han prefers the Premier League.

Because the Premier League is more competitive than La Liga.

But Real Madrid is also a good platform.

how to choose.

Still quite confused.

Just then.

The sound of the system sounded.

[Ding! The main quest of the new season begins, please make a choice among the following main quests. 】

Mission 1: The Glory of Galactic Warships.

Mission goal: to lead Real Madrid to break Barcelona's monopoly on La Liga.

Mission Difficulty: A level.

Mission Rewards: Rewards are based on mission scores.

Mission 2: The Ambition of the New Nobles

Mission goal: Manchester City rise strongly and lead Manchester City to win the Premier League and the Champions League.

Mission Difficulty: S grade.

Mission Rewards: Rewards are based on mission scores.

Mission 3: The revival of the giants.

Mission Objective: Liverpool dream of regaining the top league title and breaking Manchester United's domination of the Premier League!

Task Difficulty: SS level.

Mission Rewards: Rewards are based on mission scores.

between these three tasks.

Su Han thought for a moment.


Choose the third mission!!

without him.

Because the difficulty of this mission is SS level!

complete this task.

It is even possible to get SSS-level quest rewards.

That's what Su Han focuses on.

As for what team to join?


For Su Han.

He has no royal dreams.

He's not going to be like some players on this side of Europe.

Crying and shouting to join Real Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Manchester United and so on.

He is very calm.

It's purely a matter of interest.

Join Liverpool.

in terms of money.

Lin's consortium has given a guarantee.

Can match all competitor offers.

So Su Han won't lose money in terms of money.

And on the platform.

Liverpool are the old giants of the Premier League.

The drama of leading the revival of the fallen old giants.

It's not bad either.

"I choose, Liverpool!

Su Han took a deep breath and said.

Mendes nodded.

Speak the truth.

among these options.

He prefers Su Han to choose Manchester City.

Because Manchester City are the new aristocracy.

in Manchester.

Pressure from various celebrities and media.

Not as big as in Liverpool.

Liverpool are one of the biggest giants in England.

There are many famous places to avoid.

And various media attention.

What about Manchester City?

Manchester City used to be in the second tier for a long time.

It's been a few years since it was promoted to the Premier League.

It belongs to a team with no historical background.

Such a team has been acquired and injected by the White Turban Consortium.

It can be said.

There is absolutely no historical baggage.

And here is Liverpool.

The boss, Lin Qiang, may not have much control.

For example, he now wants to fire the team's head coach Dalglish.... All have to take into account the pressure of Liverpool fans.

without him.

Because Dalglish is the king of Liverpool.

If you rashly deal with Dalglish.

Even the boss Lin Qiang.

It may not be able to withstand the pressure of Liverpool fans.

Mendes breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes, I'll arrange it for you! 99

Join Liverpool.

The difficulty is obviously greater.


This is for Su Han.

What does it count?.

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