Soccer: National Football League Dismissal, Rewarding Ronaldo Template!

Chapter 3. Su Han's influence and business value\r

Chapter 3. Su Han's influence and business value

After Su Han made a decision.


Mendes has made progress with Liverpool.

The negotiation process between the two parties went quite smoothly.

finally. .

Only the final contract terms are signed.

"Liverpool will come to the Dragon Country for a series of warm-up matches. At that time, you will sign a contract and have a medical examination between the Dragon Country and Liverpool. However, this set of signings will be done again in England.

on the airplane.

Mendes said. .

at this time. .

He and Su Han are going to Pengcheng for a big event.

It is said that the event was organized by the entertainment sector with an official background.

A large number of sports and entertainment stars were invited to participate.

And for Su Han.

He returned to the Dragon Country.

Just to participate in various activities.

As for signing with Liverpool.

That is of course to take into account Long Guo and Long Guo fans and media.

The main purpose is not to sign contracts.

But to promote Liverpool.

In order to announce to Longguo fans.

Veteran giants, Liverpool.

Signed Dragon Country superstar Su Han.

This is absolutely sensational.


Fanning Liverpool is a "very compelling" thing among Longguo fans.

Because Liverpool is big enough.

But these years have not been good.

So fans of Liverpool can prove that fans are not "champion fans", and colleagues can also find cool points from Liverpool's glorious history.

So even if Liverpool's performance in recent years has been very different.

But there are still many fans.

Although compared to Real Madrid, Manchester United, Milan duo and other teams is not comparable.

But at least a lot more than Dortmund and the like.

not to mention.

Wait for the news that Su Han is going to sign for Liverpool.

It is absolutely no surprise that many Liverpool fans of the past three decades are sure to spring up like mushrooms after a rain.

Liverpool will definitely crush the giants.

Become the club with the most fans in the Dragon Country.


If you don't take the opportunity to make a lot of publicity in the Dragon Country.

Several households in Liverpool's business development sector can resign en masse.

Su Han is now happy not to have to return to Europe to sign.

Just waiting for the arrival of Liverpool in the Dragon Country.

His time is very limited.

It's hard to arrange it at all.

For example, media interviews.

This is definitely going to happen.

But it is impossible for Su Han to be interviewed by the media every day.

Therefore, the media interview day is simply arranged on the same day.

Let Long Guo's media team up to interview Su Han at the same time.

Even if this arrangement has the suspicion of "playing a big name".

For example, the "Soviet-Black" media headed by "Football News".

In the report, Su Han is sour that Su Han is playing a big name - this is because they were not invited at all.

if not.

Even if "Football News" can't get used to Su Han anymore.

I will also go to participate in this media group.

But Su Han has already blocked them.

This leaves them only as bystanders.

And in this media group.

But including the national team media such as national television.

Such a media group can be said to include all the big media in the Dragon Kingdom.

Except for media access.

More importantly, many brands have come to find Su Han as an endorsement.

There's more going on here.

So Mendes simply came to the Dragon Country to sit in person.

Specializing in these things for Su Han.

up to now.

With the huge market of Longguo.

Su Han has surpassed Ronaldo.

He has become the player with the highest commercial value among the players signed by Mendes.

without him.

Who made the Dragon Kingdom a great country.

And it is a superpower with a market size second only to the beautiful country.

Just the money that can be made in the Longguo market.

Much more than Ronaldo.

Mendes with a team of agents.

A floor of a five-star hotel was booked in Modu.

Any media that wants to interview Su Han.

Must register first.


Then the specially formed Longguo team conducts qualification review.

too little fame.

Media you have never heard of.

There was no opportunity for an interview at all.

Don't say Su Han is playing big.

He is now the biggest sports star in the country.

Do not!

Even the prefix "sports" can be removed.

And even with various thresholds.

The media in Longguo is still rushing.

I want to interview the most popular star of the current Dragon Kingdom.


It's not just the media of the Dragon Country.

Including media from nearby countries such as Japan and Bangguo.

They also came.

What is an international superstar...

After winning the Champions League.

Su Han's business value is also rapidly soaring.

Many world-renowned large companies have come to Mendes.

Hope to be able to sign Su Han's product endorsement or brand endorsement.


Of course it is the Red Star Group.

Su Han has been amazing this season.

This proved their previous gamble was absolutely correct.

The success of Su Han has brought about the rapid rise of the Red Star Group's reputation in Europe.

Even the stars of Su Han's level wear Red Star's clothes and shoes.

Of course, the fans in Europe will begin to recognize the brand power of Red Star.


Red Star's stores in major European cities expand.

The ad also relies on Su Han's star power for publicity.

Their market share has beaten other competitors in just one year.

Climb to third position.

Second only to Adi and Nike.

There is even a faint possibility of threatening them.

The success of the Red Star Group.

Make many companies jealous.

Scrambled to give Su Han an endorsement fee.

Mendez still sticks to the "boutique strategy"


Colleagues in contract.

Also protect Su Han's image.

There are goods and businesses that may affect Su Han's public image.

Definitely don't sign!

as a member of the public.

This control still needs to be very strict.

Outside Pengcheng Airport.

Crowds of people.

A few girls who were 1.5 meters tall and weighed 150, holding large pictures of small fresh meat were a little strange.

"Why are there so many people today?

"It's definitely here to pick up my brother!"

"But there seem to be a lot of men?"

"Brother's appearance has surpassed gender!

Inside the airport.

In the past two years, the star Wudian, who has often appeared in the hot search of scarves, walked off the plane slowly.

"Dangshang, it doesn't seem right today, there are too many people outside the airport!"

His agent seemed a little nervous.

"It's definitely coming to pick me up! Wu Dian smiled confidently, "My albums are ranked No. 1 abroad! Fans of Longguo love such an international superstar!""

The broker smiled wryly.

What the hell first.

It's all swiped from card points.

Do you think you really have this power?

Wu Dian slowly walked forward confidently.

at this time.

Su Han and Mendes also came out from the other side.

"There are too many people outside, and the airport wants you to tell the fans to leave. 35

A staff member came in sweating profusely.

Su Han smiled wryly.

He got the message when he got off the plane.

・・・・For flowers・・・ …

The model and serial number of the plane he boarded in Modu were photographed by the paparazzi, causing a large number of fans to gather at Pengcheng Airport to pick up the plane.

They don't see Su Han.

refused to leave.

Disappointing at the airport.

For safety reasons.

They have to let these fans go.

Otherwise, more and more people gather.

If there is a little accident.

Airports cannot afford this responsibility.

Su Han nodded.

"Leave it to me."

Although it may delay some of his trip.


He had no other choice.

The fans flocked to the airport because of him.

This trouble.

Only he can solve it.

The noise resounded through the airport.

Wu Dian was a little bit fluttering.

"I think we signed too few contracts for the filming... Listen, listen to this scene, this influence!"

There was a smug smile on Wu Dian's face.

Right now.

far away.

A group of female fans holding up his portrait screamed.

"Slow Palace! Slow Palace!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!""

"So handsome! 35

"I love you, I love you..."


Wu Dian slow endured the discomfort in his heart.

because these women...

Each one is a little unsightly.

But he still had a smile on his face.

Because it represents his influence.

Just when he was wearing sunglasses and preparing to walk out of the airport coolly.


outside the airport.


huge sound.

Let the airport start shaking.

Wu Dian was slowly surprised.

Is my influence already so great?

Just when he was doubting himself.

"Su Han! Su Han! Su Han!!

Huge, clear just shouting.

resounds through the airport.

Wu Dian slow has little contact with football.

he asked in surprise.

"Who is Su Han?

"Being a football star."5

His agent replied.

"The footballer? The footballer has so many fans? 99

"Fake, right? 99

Wu Dian slowly said strangely.

The agent glanced at Wu Dian Slow like an idiot.

Didn't talk.

A large part of Wu's fame is due to speculation.

On influence.

How is it possible to compare to Su Han?

as a broker.

He knows Su Han's energy too well.

Look at the endorsement fee...

Just know.


No celebrity endorsement fee can match Su Han's.


Always the most honest.

"Hello everyone, thank you all for being here.

Su Han is standing high with a microphone in his hand.

‘I know, everyone must be very excited. I would also love to give you some feedback, sign your name or something. But today everyone is so enthusiastic, even if I sign from now until next season, I am afraid that I will not be able to complete the signing. ’

Su Han made a little joke.

Let the restless atmosphere of the scene become a little more relaxed.

"I can understand everyone's feelings, but everyone is now stuck around the airport, blocking traffic and causing great inconvenience to many passengers. This is not good. I hope everyone can leave in an orderly manner. Thank you very much.

With Su Han's words.

Fans are also aware of the inappropriate behavior of their own.

under the mutual supervision of everyone.

The fans began to leave in an orderly manner.

The airport staff lost a sigh of relief.

a crisis.

Between the words of Su Han.

was resolved.

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