On the other side, Zidane is desperately cheering up his players.

"You guys did a great job guys! Liverpool didn't score a goal in 90 minutes for the first time this season and you did it! Beautiful! Now keep working hard, just keep going for another 30 minutes and the game and the trophy will be ours Yes! This is the tenth championship trophy in the history of Real Madrid Club! European football has never been able to achieve this step! You will be the first team! In front of such an honor, everything else is Insignificant! In the first half of extra time, I think Liverpool will not attack vigorously because of conserving energy. You can take this opportunity to rest and adjust your physical fitness. The most important thing is the second half. Never want to go to a penalty shoot-out! That is their last madness. As long as "867" sees them doing this, you should be relieved and firm in your beliefs. Because you know, Liverpool is afraid of going to a penalty kick, Why are they afraid? Because they all know that in the penalty shootout, they can't beat us!"

Zidane is worthy of being a midfielder, team leader, and good at boosting morale.

Under his words, the tired faces of many Real Madrid players regained their brilliance.

"The first half, the first half we went all out! Don't leave any room for yourself. Push yourself to the edge and see how much we can explode.

Su Han is assigning tasks to his teammates.

The main Ancelotti finished, and finally he volunteered to say a few words.

"What if we run out of stamina before we score?"

someone asked.

Su Han said murderously.

"Then we're going to die! Don't wait for a penalty shootout!"

His appearance made everyone stunned.

Then he ran onto the field first.

The first half of thirty minutes of overtime begins

Zidane was standing on the sidelines, and at this time, he could no longer maintain his composure.

Those thirty minutes seemed like a century to him.

As long as he can survive, he will become the first and only coach to beat Liverpool this season.

For him, this may be more important than winning the tenth Champions League.

Soon he discovered that the long time was not thirty minutes, but

fifteen minutes!

As far as he could see, Liverpool launched a wave of offensives from the beginning of extra time.

These offensives gave him a sense of déjà vu.

While watching Liverpool game tape, he saw something like today's scene in Liverpool's 6-0 home defeat of Barcelona.

The cheers in the stands rose from small to loud, and soon swept the audience.

He didn't have to look up to know it was the cheers of the Liverpool fans.

Because Liverpool fans saw the same thing as he did!

He smelled danger in the frenzied air.

Liverpool's offensive suddenly became violent, without warning.

Fans and TV viewers who were still drowsy before were awakened.

They stared blankly at Liverpool, who were on the offensive like a tide, for a while, and then they were ecstatic!

Isn't this the Liverpool team that beat Barcelona 6-0?

There is a good show to watch!

The commentators were also excited.

"Liverpool's attack is suddenly fierce! They attack wave after wave!"

"Who said Liverpool can only defend and counterattack? We can also attack! This is the Liverpool team that beat Barcelona 6-0!"

"Liverpool's offensive firepower is fully fired, can Real Madrid withstand it!"

Zidane stood on the sidelines, clenched his fists and looked into the field.

He had studied the footage of Liverpool v Barcelona because he had fully considered the way Liverpool might play it.

He once calculated whether his team could withstand such an attack from Liverpool.

As a result, if he faced this kind of attack throughout the game, it would be difficult for him to say.

But if time is short, it's ok.

Now even if Liverpool has been attacking from the start of overtime, it will only be 30 minutes until the end of overtime, not to mention that they will definitely not be able to support until 30 minutes.

This kind of attack is very, very exhausting. So it won't last long if they go on like this.

It stands to reason that his team should be able to withstand it.

But why does he always feel insecure?

Overtime, overtime...

Liverpool is so anxious to attack, don't they consider the next halftime overtime?

Are they physically strong enough?

Physical strength, physical strength... yes, physical strength!

Zidane finally found out why he was worried.

It is physical strength.

Liverpool's physical strength is running out, and their own physical strength is also running out.

When he calculated before the game, he didn't take physical strength into consideration.

If the opponent starts to attack like this from the first minute of the game, your team can hold on for a little longer.

That's because of the physical strength of the team.

Defense, especially passive defense, is exhausting.

But now it's the first half of overtime. The players have already gone through 90 minutes of high-intensity games.

Both physically and mentally, I was under tremendous pressure.

Whether they can complete the defensive task is a question mark.

Perhaps when defending, an action deformed, 0.0 may lead to very serious consequences.

Think here.

Zidane is about to make a substitution.

He is also going to replace Su Han's old acquaintance.

Richards, an English defender who played for Manchester City at the time...

After framing Su Han, Richards can't stay in the Premier League.

He went to the Bundesliga, and then played well in the Bundesliga, and then was recruited by Mourinho --- Mourinho may value his strong hatred for Su Han and feel that this is useful.

Now Zidane probably has the same idea.

This is your absolute mortal enemy!

At this time, send Richards to play.

sure , richards will go all out , without reservation 1

Now Real Madrid needs this energy!.

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