Su Han saw Richards standing on the sidelines, twisting his waist and shaking his hands, ready to go on stage.

His eyes narrowed.

It's been a long time.

But no matter where you are, as long as you meet me, you will die!

Su Han's fighting spirit is even more high with Richards playing.

As the game continued, Su frantically vented his displeasure with Richards to the Real Madrid goal.

He turned these unhappiness into strength when he shot.

A heavy shot with one foot made Casillas shake his hand.

And he was specifically looking for Richards.

Richards himself played right back, and he played as a right back more often with Arbeloa in Real Madrid.

But this game, this appearance, Zidane made it very clear, let him play central defender, and form a three central defender with Ramos and Varane.

So this time Su Han didn't have to run to the right to compete with Richards.

He can easily find Richards in the middle.

This 03 is exactly what Richards wanted.

He was about to compete with Su Han.

It's really hard to find someone as stupid as Richards in today's football. Su Han is in the limelight now, and all world-class defenders can't do anything about him [Richards still wants to single-handedly dip

His end must be dire.

Su Han took the time to tell his teammates to pass the ball to his head when crossing, no matter where he is, pass the football to him.

Then he started to single out Richards.

Jumping again and again, Richards followed Su Han relying on his physical strength at first.

Later, gradually, he was at a disadvantage.

There is a huge difference in the jumping and physical confrontation abilities of the two people.

Su Han's approach to Richards was simply a pick-and-roll behavior.

So Ramos and Varane came up to help after a short break.

The three guard Su Han together.

There are only two people in world football who can get this kind of treatment, Messi and Su Han.

"Mane made another cross! Su Han jumped high in front of the goal!"

Following the exclamation of the commentator, several people sprang up in front of Real Madrid's gate like a rocket, one on Liverpool's side and three on Real Madrid's side.

But it was Liverpool's Su Han who got the ball in the end!

He knocked Richards in front of him, pinned Ramos, separated Varane, and the lion shook his head!

The football goes slightly wide.

The Real Madrid fans in the stands broke out in a cold sweat.

When the reporters in the media seats saw this scene, they shook their heads and sighed.

"It's a deadly weapon! Such an excellent physical quality... None of the three players in Real Madrid are his opponents alone.


Long Country reporters are even more excited

"This is normal Su Han! Su Han is crazy, Su Han is crazy!"

Many Real Madrid fans temporarily took a breath from Liverpool's offensive wave after wave. When they looked up to see the game time, they were shocked to find that only five or six minutes of extra time had passed...

Ten minutes to the end of the first half.

Suddenly they felt a kind of despair.

Ten minutes more of this dreadful day!

And there are still 15 minutes left in the second half, if counting the second half, then you have to endure such exciting feelings for 25 minutes!

Is this still alive?

If we don't have heart bugs, we will all be scared to have a heart attack!

God, someone help us!

The messenger of God heard their pious cry and appeared before them.

In the seventh minute of extra time, Liverpool launched an offensive again. The football still took two sides, but this time it did not pass the high ball directly into the penalty area.

Occasionally a change is needed.

Sanchez's pass bypassed Marcelo's defense and fell into the penalty area.

Su Han and Richards rushed to the landing point almost at the same time.

Su Han's long-legged advantage allowed him to get stuck in the first step, and then he threw his body horizontally, sealing Richards behind.

"Su Han!"

The narrators exclaimed.

How could Richards be content to let Su Han get the chance?

He rushed towards Su Han desperately.

The hatred of the past turned into a flame in his heart, burning blazingly, and became the driving force for him to sprint forward.

Then he bumped headfirst into Su Han!

697 Zidane was frightened off the field, he couldn't help cursing

"This idiot..."

If Richards hit it hard and knocked Su Han to the ground, it would be a penalty!

The purpose of replacing him is to strengthen the defense, not to be an undercover agent!

Almost everyone thought Su Han would be knocked to the ground by Richards.

But this scene did not happen.

What actually happened was when Richards bumped into Su Han.

Su Han remained motionless, protecting the ball.

Then Richards was hit by the counterforce and fell backwards on his back.

His hands were still waving wildly in the air, as if trying to grab something in vain.

Stealing chickens is not enough to lose rice, he was knocked down!

Su Han At this moment, at this location, under such circumstances, there is not a single Real Madrid player by his side!

The fans in the stands didn't have time to let out an exclamation when Su Han swung his right leg.

Their exclamation was blocked in their throats by Su Han's movement.

"Su Han... shot -!!!".

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