Soccer: National Football League Dismissal, Rewarding Ronaldo Template!

Chapter 209, Why Is It Always Me Who Gets Hurt...

With the shout of the commentator, Su Han's right leg came down and hit the ball.

With a bang, the football flew towards the goal.

At such a short distance, the ball is so fast, even if Casillas is the world's number one goalkeeper, there is nothing he can do to face such a shot...

Before he even made a save, the football whizzed into the goal behind him.

Everyone stared at the football, dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, the goal happened so suddenly, and the first thought in some people's minds turned out to be

"Su Han must have committed a foul!"

The referee's whistle blew, but instead of blowing Su Han's foul, he pointed to the middle circle!

This action means that the goal is valid!

The prayers of the Real Madrid fans were heard by the messenger of God. He came to save these poor people. After his rescue, they no longer have to worry about how to spend the remaining ten minutes, because the game time is over Lost meaning - they're dead!

"Sanchez dribbles the ball from the wing! Sanchez he breaks! Beautiful! Cross! Sanchez cross! Marcelo misses, he misses, the ball goes into the box! In the box..... .It's Su Han! Su Han got the ball......Ah, Richards rushed up, this defensive move was too reckless......What happened? Richards fell down by himself! He went Hit Su Han, but he himself was knocked down! The physical gap between the two is clear at a glance! Su Han Su Han! Su Han! Su Ting---go000000000000000bool!!!"

The South American commentator has never stopped talking since Sanchez started to take the ball. One mouth is like a machine gun, and the two lips are flying up and down, spitting stars flying everywhere.

In the end, when Su Han scored the goal, he yelled gol for more than ten seconds in one breath, paused for a while, and continued to yell with a longer voice.

Like him, there are many other colleagues in the commentary booth of the Champions League final.

It's just that they interpret the goal in different ways.

It was ninety-seven minutes into the game before the first goal was scored. The passion and resentment that everyone had held back for a game was released at this moment.

"Su Han, Su Han, Su Han... Su Han shot! Goal! Goal! Goal! Goal! Goal! Goal! Goal! Goal! ! The ball went in! The ball--go--la--!!"'!"

"Finally the deadlock was broken and Liverpool took the lead! Su Han's goal! He finally scored! Everyone has been waiting since the first minute of the game, waiting for a moment, and now it's finally here!"

"In front of Real Madrid's goal, Su Han was unmarked. Real Madrid's defense made a fatal mistake! Richards was the only one who reacted, but his defense was amateurish! He was caught without any suspense. Su Hanko!"

"Su Han certainly did not foul, we can clearly see from the slow motion, there is no movement of his body, neither before Richards hit him nor after he hit him. He just stood there with his legs spread apart, Protecting the football. Richards' fall was entirely caused by the huge gap in physical strength between the two sides. Richards thought he could use the power of sprinting to knock over Su Han, but he never thought about it. It worked, isn't it a penalty?"

"Zidane's substitution was a failure, he shouldn't have replaced Richards. Doesn't he know the contradiction between Richards and Su Han? Faced with Su Han, Richards will lose his mind and become A reckless man. Otherwise, why would he be given up by Manchester City? Real Madrid thought they had taken a big deal. In normal games, Richards' performance was indeed quite satisfactory. But in this crucial game, one of his A crucial mistake, but it has brought huge losses to the Real Madrid club!"

After the football flew into the goal, Su Han turned his head to confirm, and roared at Richards who fell to the ground, and at the surrounding Real Madrid players.

Especially Richards, he was snarling at Richards.

as if to say

"You still want to compete with me with your small body? Stupid mortal!"

In fact, Richards is really not thin. He is considered strong within his height range.

But this kind of relative strength is still not enough in front of absolute strength...

Richards fell to the ground on his back, staring blankly at Su Han who was showing off his muscles in front of him, without any reaction.

In fact, the moment his back touched the turf, his mind cleared up, and he realized that he had made a mistake, a big one!

His reckless behavior did not prevent Su Han from scoring, but made himself the culprit of the conceded goal!

Originally, if the ball is really lost, it is not his responsibility, or it is not his responsibility alone.

Because at that time, there was a vacuum in the defense of Su Han in the penalty area. Neither Ramos nor Varane was by Su Han's side. They didn't even react, and they just focused on Sanchez. up.

I am quick to react.

But this quick reaction left the scapegoat alone.

If he reacts slower, like Ramos and Varane, even if Su Han scores a goal, it is not his responsibility alone, but everyone's fault (the black money is more responsible for E.

Well now...

Coupled with his defensive action that was completely foul, if it really made him succeed, it would also be a penalty kick.

The team is still doomed.

It's no good for him if he didn't succeed, because it made him the laughing stock of everyone—he hit with all his strength didn't shake Su Han at all, instead he fell to the ground under the counterforce.

It's just ridiculous.

He could already imagine how people would evaluate this scene in the future.

Naturally, he praised Su Han's physical fitness, and he himself became the most powerful proof of this matter.

It is the greenest green leaf under the big red flower of Su Han...

Oh shit!

Thinking of this, Richards is extremely uncomfortable, even more uncomfortable than his mistakes that caused the team to concede the ball.

Why is it always me who gets hurt? Word!.

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