Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 1006: Recognition and time issues

Chapter 1025

Tony landed. Tony still believed what Christmas said.

The young Tony also opened his mask, still with that handsome face.

"I believe it now, it really is me, still so handsome." Tony now said shamelessly.

In the past, Tony didn't feel embarrassed at all when he heard the words said by him now. On the contrary, he moved his hair a bit to show his handsome side.

"Just can't continue drinking and being romantic."

In the past, Tony hadn't been handsome for three seconds before he was stunned by Lei, and Rui Ya had said this before.

Sure enough, is there something wrong with your future body?

Yrel and Rocky also fell from the sky, and Mark followed closely.

The three of them landed on the Avengers Building. Looking at the situation on the Avengers Building, Mark looked confused.

"Christmas, what's going on?" Mark asked.

"According to the test, all these in front of you are Avengers!" Christmas replied.

"It's over... It's over. Sister, give it a shot, I feel I'm going to be over." Seeing her mother, Rui Ya panicked instantly.

Rui Ya's impression of her mother is that it is strong and outrageous, and the thief is harsh.

Aurora looked at her silly sister, sighed and said, "Now Dad and Aunt Yrel do not have you yet! What are you afraid of?"

Rui Ya is only reacting now, right! I don't have myself yet! What are you afraid of! Sure enough, is it because the shadow of my mother is too deep?

Mark also noticed the two girls here, and asked the past Tony: "Tony..."

As soon as Mark spoke, both Tonys responded.

In desperation, Mark had to add a prefix.

"Old Tony, who are these two girls?"

Tony used to look at Mark in front of him with a dazed expression.

"who are you?"

Tony now looked at himself in the past with a look of confusion.

Tony now says, "Don't you know Mark?"

"Why should I know him?" Tony used to say frankly.

Tony now thinks a little bit: "Where is Bucky Barnes?"

Steve, the past captain on one side, was instantly excited when he heard the familiar name.

"You know Bucky?" The captain grabbed Tony's arms and asked.

The current Tony has long known that the captain will react like this. Although he still feels a little uncomfortable, he still patiently said: "You still don't know, this involves the world and time."

The current Tony is completely deliberate. Steve in his own world has nothing to do, but it doesn't mean that Steve in other worlds cannot!

Others are still wondering, Riya and Aurora cross multiple parallel universes, and they still know the problem.

Aurora knew that he could not hide, so she simply stood up and said: "Uncle Tony’s universe in 2012 did not have Mark Komunen, but there are in this universe. In fact, parallel universes sometimes have huge Gap. Even if it’s Uncle Tony in this universe, it’s not necessarily the same in your universe if you clarify the specific situation of Bucky Barnes."

Past Steve heard

After what Aurora said, he gave up on asking Bucky in this world.

Loki also noticed his entire universe, the royal family of frost giants. Luo Ji was aware of it herself, but before that, she had already known a male version of Rocky, so Luo Ji was not surprised. What was even more curious was Aurora on the side.

Is Aurora the daughter of this Rocky?

Mark noticed Riya on one side, sneaky and seemed to have a problem.

He flashed behind Rui Ya, and Rui Ya noticed it, turned her head and smiled stiffly.

"Child, can you explain your identities? I don't think the original Avengers have you. I know the parallel universe better than you. Don't fool me." Mark said.

Seeing that she couldn't hide, Riya simply played a trick and hugged Mark all at once.

This action shocked everyone around him.

"Dad!" Rui Ya shouted with a grin.

Mark didn't react at all, why did he like to be a father?

"What are you talking about?" Mark was about to get rid of Riya, and Yrel came over and said, "What she said may be true."

Mark looked at Yrel in amazement and asked, "How do you know? Wait, I definitely didn't mess around outside! We have children up to now, you know this situation, I am in this situation..."

Luo Ji didn't hold back a laugh, and said, "Yrel didn't think that you were cheating. You and Wanda have both been entangled for so long. We also know that **** the moon, you, we I don't know yet."

The Avengers from 2012 are not lightly thundered. Can this universe be polygamous?

"The two of them are very likely our children. Right! Children." Luo Ji said, looking at Aurora.

Aurora saw that her mother had recognized herself, so she stopped hiding.

Aurora used the standard Asgardian ceremony and said to Luo Ji: "Yes, mother. My name is Aurora. She is my sister and the child of Aunt Yrel, Riya."

Tony stared at the two girls carefully, holding back a smile, never expected that Mark did not give birth to a boy.

Before, Mark was still laughing at himself, now he is fine.

Tony himself still wanted a boy to inherit him. This is not discrimination or machismo at work.

It’s that boys suffer less and they feel less distressed. His daughter, who is like a flower, will suffer hardships in the future. When he thinks that he will be overwhelmed by a wild boy who doesn’t know where he is from, he feels very uncomfortable.

Mark looked at the two children carefully, but still did not relax. He really didn't know how to face the two children.

I didn't have it before, and now both children are grown up.


"Forget it, this is not the place to say anything, let's go! Let's change a place." Mark opened a portal, and blowing a cold wind here is not a thing.

Aurora and Riya are not surprised at all. Tony and Yrel and Rocky are the same now, but the first-generation Avengers and Loki since 2012 are not calm.

What is this? The new space wormhole technology can be opened with bare hands, or is it a legendary magic? But think about it, even gods exist, and there is nothing surprising about magic!

Opposite the portal is the current Avengers base. In the base, the past Tony began to pester the current Tony, wanting to ask his own daughter and Little Pepper how are they doing.

Others followed Mark to the conference hall, but they still attracted a lot of people along the way.

This includes their peers. They of this world.

In one space, two teams of first-generation Avengers.

"Then how did you get here? How did you meet the first-generation Avengers we didn't know." Mark asked.

Rui Ya explained the ins and outs of the whole thing clearly.

Mark understands what the two teams are all about.


"Stop, although I know you are a daughter in another world or time, but I have not yet, I have no children yet. Do you understand? You just call me Mark! A girl in her twenties calls me Dad, I feel like I am a few dozen years old in an instant." Mark held his face and dared not face it.

Almost everyone present laughed out loud.

At this time, Luo Ji came out to make a round and said: "Anyway, they are all the daughters of the future, Mark, don't worry about it."

"I'm entangled with a hammer, am I entangled?" When Mark spoke, his voice obviously began to tremble: "Don't talk nonsense, how could I get entangled! Look at me facing an alien invader I didn’t get entangled at all. How could I get entangled? You’re joking, I’m telling you, don’t just slander people, okay?"

Everyone has already started tacitly, Mark is really anxious now, no one continues to joke about this matter.

In fact, it can also be understood. After all, this matter is not acceptable to other people.

"Well, the top priority now is to send the Avengers back, and then send these two little girls back." Although wearing casual clothes, Tony, who was very old at first glance, walked in and said.

"Where is the other one?" Mark quickly changed the subject.

The current Tony said: "He is now studying the universe Rubik's Cube and how to travel back. However, the current problem and the core are directly related to the travel watch in the hands of these two girls."

Rui Ya has not spoken up until now, and has been fiddling with the watch in her hand. Now she heard someone talk about this matter and said aloud: "Impossible, I haven't found the connection between the two until now. The energy used and the principle of operation are different."

At this time, Aurora poked Riya and whispered: "At this point, do Mom and Dad have no infinite gems?"

Rui Ya seemed to think of something, her eyes widened.

Riya rushed to Mark's ear and said a few words in a low voice.

Mark was also surprised when he heard it, but he still told them two facts.

"The thing is like this, I have indeed lost all the infinite gems, but this has a great relationship with the unexplainable in the universe." Mark said.

Rui Ya probably understood the reason for this.

Although up to now, there is no clear evidence that the universe where my father is located is the core universe, which is the so-called local universe, but this return of Infinite Gems should be a proof.

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