Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 1007: Go home

Chapter 1026

Mark also seems to have guessed something, and there is no news about infinite gems in this universe.

It's not that Mark didn't think about collecting it again and using the infinite gemstone as a dragon ball, but he hasn't got any news until now.

"In fact, we had a theory before, that is, this cosmology, that is, other universes are derived universes of this universe, this universe is the body, it is an axis, and other universes are branch routes on this axis. In some cases, Are the same, but never affect each other.

The infinite gem is one of the most powerful forces in the universe. Among multiple universes, even among parallel universes, it is unique, that is, there is a body in this universe, and other universes are his clones. After the body consumes a large amount, it will absorb the power of the clone from other universes, thus ensuring the stability of the power of the body.

This is a subject that has been under study. But today it should be confirmed, I don't know the other infinite gems. According to my father’s description of the preservation of infinite gemstones..." Ruiya is very similar to Tony in this respect, and once the research project is started, it can’t stop.

Aurora was about to say something that shouldn't be said, so she immediately stabbed her with her hand and said, "I said too much."

"Um... sorry, because this theory of the universe is very likely now, this is the past we exist. If we say too much now, then the future may affect our existence, and the final result is likely to be that we will disappear . So there are some things that we can’t say, and we can’t participate in it.” Rui Ya braked in time to ensure that things did not go to the worst.

Tony now says: "No, what if you are a part of history?"

"Then a closed loop will be formed! That is, we were born because of ourselves, but at the beginning, this can't happen, so this is a wrong closed loop." Although Aurora does not know the knowledge of science and technology, but I still know a lot about the theory of time and space.

"Then you are here now, have you formed a closed loop?" Tony asked in the past.

"It's not entirely true. As long as our existence doesn't directly affect our birth-related events, it doesn't count. The problem is that we have no way to know what our birth is related to, so we don't participate in major events as much as possible. You are peers in different universes, and you exist parallel to each other.

Of course, there is a very critical premise. The premise is that you did not meet us and came into this universe by yourself, so you are in a parallel relationship, but after you have a relationship with us, you are no longer completely parallel. . Because of us as the middle link, what you do is likely to affect our birth. Riya went on to add.

He doesn't understand much about this, people are completely at a loss, so the general meaning is that people who cross over do nothing.

"No! You are wrong. You two appeared not because of yourself, but because of me and your mother as the key factor. That is, if these two core points remain unchanged, you will not have any problems. ."

Riya and Aurora didn't know how to refute for a while.

"And I know one or two experts in this area, maybe she should be asked to explain to you." Mark felt that he could consult the owner of the gem of time, the Supreme Mage Gu Yi.

Gu Yi saw the portal opened by Mark. She knew that her vacation was about to end temporarily.

"Mark, what can you do with me?" Gu Yi raised his sunglasses and said.

Mark looked at Gu Yi at this time and said, "My future daughter has arrived at this time, so I want to trouble you."

Gu nodded a little and said he knew it, then got up and walked through the portal opened by Mark.

A pair of yellow robes of Gu Yi mage slowly walked into the hall. The Avengers from 2012 did not know the existence of this mage in front of them, and at the same time, they were curious about what kind of ability she had.

Although the gem of time has been lost, Gu Yi's rich experience is still not a joke.

Ruiya and Aurora are in a separate room with Gu Yi, discussing the two recent crossings, and also discussing whether it will affect the current universe.


After more than two hours, three people walked out of the room.

"The two of them are here now, and they will indeed affect the development of the universe more or less, but as long as they are not allowed to participate in some major events, there will be no impact. As for the Avengers from 2012, you only need to open Cosmic Rubik's Cube, opening a transmission channel will allow them to go back." Gu Yi said.

The Avengers in 2012 are also very happy, they can finally go back.

Although it is familiar here, it is not my home after all.

Two days later.

On the lawn in front of the Avengers base, a huge machine occupies it, and the two Tonys worked hard to create this thing.

Use the powerful force of the Cosmos Rubik's Cube to forcibly tear a gap.

"Nice to meet you." The past Tony gave Tony a big hug.

"Me too, remember, don't continue to drink and drink after you go back."

"I know if you don't tell me."

The old Steve looked at what Steve looks like now, and then at Peggy who is standing next to Steve now, his heart is really sour, but there is no way to say it.

He could only sigh and say, "I really envy you."

Now Steve is also full of happiness. He is very satisfied with all this experience he has experienced.

But I don't know his current strength, what he experienced sowed the seeds of Steve in the past.

There is no difference in personal character between the past and present of Barton, and there is not much difference in the lives of the two people, so there is not so much to say.

Natasha's situation is not much worse.

The past Banner has also been learning from the current Banner during this period, wanting to understand how to control himself, but to control another existence in his heart.

Banner now tells him that when he is another person, he is regarded as a part of himself, accept him, and try to understand him.

In the past, Banner knew that he couldn't do it for a while, but he still planned to get used to it after returning.

Thor's situation is a bit special. Thor, who has completely awakened the power of Thunder God, looked at himself in the past, and couldn't help but hate the hammer in his hand that he still relied on.

The two people practiced in the training room for two full days. Basically, they could hear the crackling sound in the training room every day. As a result, the training room was always occupied by two people, and the others could not use it.

In the past, Thor is now rapidly improving under his own temper. It can be said that as long as Tony does not change his armor, he is now the strongest in the Avengers.

The reason why Banner is not included in it is entirely because of his instability.

As for Rocky... During this time, what he saw was the happiness of the Mark family. Maybe he could pursue his own happiness instead of clinging to revenge.

And he already knew the truth, he didn't plan to take revenge anymore.

Odin still exists in this world, but he hasn't looked at it yet. He wants to go back to face his father, the one in his universe.

How did the revenge of the past return to the devastated New York? Then they didn't leave for a long time, and everything around was the same as before.

They are also marveling at the mystery of that technology.

When I wanted to see the portal, I found that the portal had been closed.

The time flow on the two sides is not the same. This is the result of the discussion between the two Tonys. I have to say that they are lucky.

In the universe where Mark is located, Aurora and Riya cannot go back.

They also tried to activate their own watches, or teleported them back through the universe cube like the Avengers in the past, but all failed.

They seem to be forcibly locked in this universe.

The two little girls did not panic because of this. On the contrary, they seemed to be very happy and were very gossip about the lives of their father and mother when they were young.

Although Aurora appeared to be very calm, it should be said that she was Mark's daughter, and when she was gossiping, she was also very scary.

According to the time, Ruiya is intensively socializing with Wanda. From the beginning, the two people did not know each other, and now they are in a relationship like a girlfriend.

Mark didn't say anything, didn't ask, just let them play.

After all, the work Marx said is not over yet, a lot of post-war reconstruction work and post-war clean-up work are still piled up there!

Germany and France arranged to apply for assistance during this period, and Mark also agreed to it again and again, but it was still a drop in the bucket.

Compared with the large area of ​​Germany and France, it is indeed not enough to only send a rescue team there.

Mark knew that this was not a head, so Mark felt it was time to sell some technology.

Mark has never regarded these technologies as treasures. He just hopes that mankind will not develop too fast, which will inflate ambitions. Now that mankind understands his own fragility, he should no longer be as he guessed.

Mark sold almost all of the technology of mankind to Germany and France. The Germans and French were surprised to see the technology sold by Mark, and even wondered if Mark was crazy.

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