Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 1024: hijack

Chapter 1043

The success of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Earth and Sandal Star has excited many people who are concerned about this matter.

On the surface, it looks like this is the establishment of diplomatic relations between the cat and the tiger, but in fact, the owner behind the cat is the most sought-after goal of the Shandals.

There are rumors that 50% of the new energy vehicles in Shandar now use high-energy crystals produced by the moon.

What is the moon?

The satellite of the earth.

Who is the owner of the moon?

The famous Mark Komunen.

Now in the universe, you don't need to know the earth, you don't need to know the moon Luna, but you don't know the Golden Fleet and the Golden Chamber of Commerce. That is almost nothing to watch.

I don't know how many people have enjoyed the protection of the Golden Fleet, and how many people now live on the Golden Fleet.

Mark has never been a rigid person. The Golden Fleet cannot generate value by staying there. Apart from the necessary core fleet, everything else was sent out by Wang Xiaoming to **** his caravan and others.

Now the hottest in the employment world is the technicians of the Golden Fleet.

The price of any team is dozens of times, or even a hundred times, that of others.

why? Because no one dares to do it.

Several large organizations and huge interstellar pirates were preparing to join forces to attack the Golden Fleet. The final result was not only to be wiped out, but also to wipe out their homes.

The point is that the Golden Fleet lost only a few drones, and this gap is the best proof.

It is everyone's curiosity who Shandal is doing this now.

So some people are going to test it out and see how it turns out.

The surface of Bachar planet.

This is an unmanned planet, at least as it claims to be.

The yellow sand is everywhere, and there are dangerous local creatures everywhere. There is no resource at all, and no one wants to waste more effort on this.

Weird language comes from the mouth of a group of mechanical bionics. In order to ensure that this time has nothing to do with them, they can only choose this method.

Bionic robots are not uncommon in the universe, and fully remodeled like Nebula are the rarest.

The rock gate was opened mechanically, and inside stood a group of notorious mercenaries.

These guys usually appear to be law-abiding mercenaries, but in private, they will also engage in some murderous transactions.

They are already familiar with this kind of thing, and they haven't done it less.

Now they have taken on a big business. Although the risk factor of this business is very high, no one knows whether there are those lunatics behind it. If it succeeds, it will be very profitable. If it fails, then it will all be sent to the crematorium!

"Did you bring me everything I want?" the mercenary leader said to the bionic.

"It's ready. These are what you need, and there are other things that will be prepared for you after you arrive at Shandal. You have no turning back now to choose. If you don't pick up, you will now Gotta die." The bionic man said blankly.

The subordinates on the opposite side have been irritated by what the bionic said, and angrily drew their weapons, ready to teach these guys what is the most basic respect.

The leader stopped his subordinates and said: "You guys, I said it! Don't be so impulsive about everything. This time it's a big business, we won't smash our own signs. The big deal will be all. It’s good to die. But listen, we also have a record here. I have written all possible organizations on it. If we get the money at the end, or if you are ready to stop talking, the information will be broadcast. Get out. When that group of lunatics are making trouble for you, don't rely on us."

The leader is also a long-time leader, and he has never seen anything that goes wrong. This is to prevent these guys from killing themselves and others after the matter is over.

The bionic said: "It is meaningless. You only need to do your own job. We will not kill you. Your death will not help us at all. You only have to live. It helps us."

"I hope so."

A few days later.

On the streets of Shandar, the leader and several subordinates were sitting in the car. They had changed their outfits and acted like law-abiding citizens.

No one knows what they are going to do next. A patrol car passed by, completely unaware of the abnormality in the car.

On the opposite side is the place where the Earth diplomats live. They can rush in now, but needless to say, it is a life-for-life flower.

They were waiting, waiting for those guys to come out, and then killing them as originally expected.

According to the information collected a few days ago, the earthlings will go to the nearest restaurant for dinner at 12 noon.

This is the only place where people on earth can eat, and they cannot eat food from other places.

This is their best opportunity. As long as they seize the opportunity, catching them alive is not a problem.

The leader watched the timer gradually approaching twelve o'clock, and finally saw the earthlings.

They walked out together, and there were many guards around.

These guards were prepared by the New Star Legion for them.

The difficulty of this operation is here, the protection of the New Star Legion.

If it were simple, those guys wouldn't find them.

The leader gave a look at the younger brother beside him, and the younger brother immediately understood, he walked over to the nearest fire-fighting equipment.

This kind of fully automatic fire fighting equipment is very common. At least four are prepared on this street.

However, this kind of smart device is also easy to be hacked, and the next scene will appear once it is hacked.

The flood water spouted from the fire hydrant and sprayed towards the earthlings. The earthlings had no time to escape, and they were sprayed directly to the ground by the flooding water.

People from the surrounding Nova Legion saw a problem with the fire hydrant, and sent one person to deal with it immediately, while the others rushed to the earth's diplomats to protect these people.

"If one is taken away, it will take at least ten minutes for that guy to handle it." The subordinate reported to his boss.

The leader also started to implement further plans after confirming it. The vehicle drove away from its original position and galloped away, as if it had nothing to do with this matter.

However, before no one noticed, he made a big circle. The people on this side had not got rid of the water stains on their bodies. After leaving here, he had already circled to the other side.

"Execute the second step plan."

The explosion sounded suddenly in the distant street, and a store was being attacked.

Several fierce fellows, armed with heavy firepower, continuously fired at the store, and then police sirens came to surround them.

However, the firepower of the police was not as good as these fierce guys, and the police cars were directly smashed.

In the distance, the members of the New Star Legion who were protecting the people of the earth could not restrain the restless emotions in their hearts. Seeing that the lives of citizens on their planet were threatened, how could they just ignore them.

Luo Xing looked at their excited expressions and said: "We have to go back as we are now. Let's deal with the things over there first. We don't need to worry about our safety."

A member of the Rising Star Corps looked at each other, and the representative said to Luo Xing: "Thank you for your understanding, but our task is to protect you. This is our unswerving task. If your safety is affected If the threat is lost, then we can’t shirk the blame, and the matter there will be handled by the members who come later."

The player who sent his own before, on the one hand, is that his protection is not enough.

On the other hand, I want to investigate whether this is an ordinary incident or a well-prepared attack.

If it is a well-prepared attack, this outing will be cancelled.

The result can be judged in a few minutes, so they will make such a choice.

However, the battle that is taking place over there obviously cannot be solved in a few minutes, and the heavy firepower equipped by the opponent takes at least half an hour to deal with it.

Seeing that these guys in the New Star Legion were not fooled, the leader said to the communicator: "Get out!"

The pictures originally in the store rushed out of the store one by one.

The crowd on the street had already been evacuated, and only the police were left.

The police's firepower was obviously insufficient. Even if someone sighed, they still couldn't suppress these villains.

"Everyone, this kind of thing happened in front of you, even if I can't do anything to do this kind of thing, you can go and help them now! We will return to the place where we live now, and you won't be embarrassed." Luo Xing said that he got up and took off his coat.

Several members of the Rising Star Army nodded after seeing the worsening situation there.

"Thank you very much for your understanding, but we will still **** you back before leaving. If your basketball cannot be secured, we will never leave."


The diplomatic corps on this side of the earth quickly returned to the place where they lived. After seeing them all entered, the people of the New Star Legion flew toward there.

The leader looked at these people in the way, and finally left, and the corners of his mouth rose wildly.

"Rush in and grab them, grab the one who was talking just now, that is their head, others don't need to care." The leader said triumphantly.

The leader knows what those guys want to do, and what to test this time is the alliance between the people on Earth unilaterally with Shandal, and the alliance with Luna on the moon.

The earth may be just a blindfold. Success or failure depends on this.

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