Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 1025: New star

Chapter 1044: New Star

As soon as the front foot of the New Star Legion walked, there was no expectation that someone would start a surprise attack on the back foot.

Moreover, the speed of the raid was quite fast, and the security staff in charge of the hotel had not even had time to make a precaution before they had been thrown to the ground.

Luo Xing and Cameron looked at the guy who suddenly rushed in and ran without any hesitation. They had already anticipated this dangerous situation, so they usually paid attention to their own exercises, but they moved faster. Quickly, there is no way to compare with these abnormalities.

After all, the physical fitness of human beings has its limits, not to mention them who are engaged in clerical work all year round.

Several gangsters blocked their way, and they reached out and caught them.

By catching a few more guys on the way to flee, you can better ensure the safety of yourself and others.

So they did not hesitate to arrest all the people they could catch.

One person grabbed one and rushed out of the hotel. The other earthlings were spared and felt fortunate for the rest of their lives, but they also used their own equipment for the first time to start delivering the latest news.

Because this is the planet of Sandal, all the armed men stayed in the airport, and the place was also blocked by the New Star Army.

This is not impolite behavior towards the earth, but it is the same for everyone. If you want to come out, you need to pay for your weapons, hand over the weapons you carry, and return them to your own hands when you return.

It is normal to carry weapons while drifting in the universe, but it is absolutely forbidden to carry weapons or even open weapons inside the planet.

But there are some interstellar drifters who still carry something on their bodies and hide these things through various means.

For so many years, the personnel responsible for the inspection have battled wits with them in various ways.

"Sir, you'd better give us an explanation, why our diplomatic mission has been attacked, and you send out the people responsible for protecting them?" The military attache on the earth asked the New Star Army.

The Rising Star Legion did not even receive the news, but after talking about this issue, they immediately asked the members who were responsible for the protection.

Soon their faces became ugly. They received bad news. They were responsible for handling an explosive robbery on the street.

But I didn't expect that just such a short period of time would cause things to happen.

"I'm really sorry, this is our problem. We haven't sent enough people to protect the diplomatic mission. We are confident that all the kidnapped people will be rescued in the shortest possible time. I hope you will give us enough time. ."

"This is not a question of giving you enough time! Please lift the blockade on us, and I will go to rescue myself."

"This is impossible. Please forgive us for not agreeing to this. We will ensure the safety of all diplomatic missions."

"No one can guarantee that this incident was planned by yourself. We don't believe you. We are not diplomats. We only believe in our compatriots and what we see. What we see is yours. Members, because of the quality issues you seek, neglected to protect our members."

The face of the person in charge of the New Star Legion was also very ugly, but he didn't expect it.

At this juncture, this kind of thing will happen at this time, I can't wait to send a few guys out to get cramps, but there is no way.

"If you insist on taking action, up to twenty people, this is the upper limit we can tolerate. And these people will act with our people."

Seeing that the other party had already let go, the earth did not continue to put pressure on it.

Twenty people said that it was not too much, and that it was not too much, and it was already pretty good at this time.

With the monitoring shared by the New Star Legion and the real-time location of the kidnappers at this time, the Earth has also boarded the vehicle prepared by the New Star Legion, and moved quickly towards the target point.

The chasing battle between the speed cars started quickly. All in front were the intercepting police cars prepared by the New Star Army and the members sent out.

The earth can only follow closely behind, and there is no way to cross it.

They can see that the New Star Legion is blocking themselves consciously, but now they have no way to recognize this loss.

In the kidnapping vehicle in front, the leader looked panicked, and the two opened their mouths and asked, "Which one of you is Luo Xing?"

After Cameron heard what the other party said, he didn't even want to stand up and say: "I am Luo Xing, I am Luo Xing."

Luo Xing was about to say something, but was caught by the people around him.

The leader walked to Cameron's side and observed carefully. Because they hadn't obtained the exact image information, they couldn't judge whether the guy in front of them was the real Luo Xing, but at this time they could only be regarded as real.

The leader grabbed Cameron's neck and squeezed it hard, Cameron lost his life.

Luo Xing and the people on earth looked at the picture in horror. He was also very distressed for the death of his friend, but at this time he could only press the pain into the deepest part of his heart.

Cameron may have realized that they came to him, so he took the initiative to stand up and die.

"Boss, what do these guys do?"

"How to deal with and how to deal with it, kill them all if you can run away, and exchange them if you can't run away. Anyway, one has been killed, it's enough for us to deal with each other." The leader said.

Knowing that the kidnappers in front were cured, the police car only dared to intercept them forcibly, but didn't dare to attack them.

Even those centurions face such a problem, they are quite a headache, there is no effective way to deal with it.

"In a little while, they will be fleeing this area! The Freeport Zone is in front of you. If you can't stop it, please get out of it."

There was another protest from the earth.

Seeing that this situation was about to emerge, the New Star Legion knew that it would be hopeless to continue to stop these earthlings.

The original plan was to personally rescue the people from the diplomatic mission in front of these people on Earth, but now it seems that this plan has failed.

The difficulty of the other party exceeded the imagination of others.

"To assist the people of the Earth with all your strength, to take back the kidnapped mission personnel."

The Centurion of the New Star Legion ignored the previous actions, forcibly opened the shield, rushed up with firepower, and tried to open the shell of the vehicle.

When they approached the vehicle, they discovered that the outer shell of the vehicle had undergone a special modification, and there was no way to easily retreat.

The previous confident attacks could only leave slight marks on the car.

"Report, ask for support. These guys have made special reinforcements on the shell of the vehicle, and our energy cannot cause effective damage to it."

"What?" The New Star Legion was also very surprised, the Centurion was actually deflated when facing this kind of metal.

At this time, it was too late to wonder what was going on, and other more elite personnel were sent to intercept it.

Sam Alexander is a newcomer who hasn’t been in the Legion for long. His actual age is still a minor, whether on Earth or on Sandal, but because of his outstanding strength, he was specially recruited to join the New Star Legion. Among.

The reason why he was specially recruited into the legion is also because of his special status.

The city itself is not a pure Sandal. His father is Jesse Alexander, a member of the Rising Star Corps, and his mother is a housewife in Arizona.

If it wasn't an accident, he should still be studying honestly on the earth now instead of joining a dangerous military organization here.

His current body is actually very dangerous. Without the help of the new star energy, he would most likely die.

This is why he was specially recruited to join him at a young age.

And now he took the initiative to ask Ying, hoping to rescue these compatriots.

The person above also took into account his unique identity and prepared for the follow-up plan, so he allowed his actions.

Sam got the opportunity to show his extraordinaryness. He flew out of the legion base like a shooting star and moved quickly toward the designated location.

Everyone was amazed at his speed, because it surpassed the fastest speed he has ever entered. Everyone is also worried about the growth of this young man. I don’t know what it will become in the future, but I hope to be a young man. , From the beginning to the end is so kind and honest.

However, he may also be the best hope this time, the best hope to save everyone.

In the army base, the controversy also started.

"Jesse, I remember I promised you to let this kid out."

"Sorry, but things have reached the worst point. We have to consider the current situation."

"But he is only a child. I promised you to recruit him at the beginning. It was not for him to fight, but because of his health."

"But you know, that kid..." Jesse understands his son very well, otherwise he would not agree to his son's request for dispatch.

He cares more about his son's safety, but he doesn't want his son to lose his pursuit of justice and beauty.

"You'd better make sure that this child can come back safely, otherwise none of us can bear this responsibility. It will be worse than this loss and the alliance with the earth!"

Jesse clenched his fists tightly and said nothing.

His heart is also looking forward to his son's safe return.

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