Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 811: End of the play

Chapter 830

One stone caused a thousand waves!

Talking about the current situation.

At first I thought it was someone's prank, but as some victims appeared.

Everyone knows that many things here are true.

Most of the things disclosed in the information are all true, and very few have not been verified, but it is just a matter of time.

More and more victims have come forward. For those who have died, their family members have also come forward to speak out, seeking justice for their dead relatives.

Even those old guys who have retired are now being picked up again one by one.

You have a lot of blood debts, how can you not pursue it because of your retirement!

The people began to protest against the old guys who committed countless crimes. At the same time they began to protest against the unscrupulous politicians who sheltered the old guys and let them go.

Donald is said to be a very smart guy. After realizing that his side was completely defeated, he did not hesitate to betray these teammates.

At a public press conference, he said to the news media: "I am deeply saddened by what happened recently. I did not expect to be by my side. There are so many dirty guys. It makes me feel Fear, there are many people who are even my predecessors, who are the role models I have learned.

I didn't expect them to be so dirty, disgusting, and filthy. If this is the case, I would never learn from them. Because I am an upright and kind person, willing to use my life to maintain world peace. In any case, this is the result of my poor supervision. I apologize to everyone. "

Donald is a ruthless character who can afford to let go. His apology drew calls from the people. The people's favorability for him has risen steadily. There are even rumors that he can continue to serve.

This is about to break the record for re-election in the non-war period.

Where the rumor came from is unknown to everyone, but everyone still has a very good impression of this Mr. President who dared to apologize.

Especially Mr. President himself took off his suit and held a protest sign.

When standing in the crowd, people were extremely excited.

What does that mean? This shows that Mr. President is in the same group with himself. With the support of Mr. President, what else do they need to fear?

The old guys also realized that they were running out of time, so they chose to commit suicide one by one in order not to affect their family and younger generations.

Mark swears to God that he never participated in this process.

He didn't need to do anything to these old guys who had already gone strangers, things were just like what he had encountered.

These guys will definitely not be able to bear the pressure and choose to commit suicide, and some guys will choose the final counterattack.

These guys know very well, who is driving them to death? Who made them fall to this point? So they are ready to launch an attack on Mark and Mark's company.

But it's a pity that the terrorists they hired didn't have very professional technical services.

He was arrested by the police before he approached the building. Please go to the bureau and have a few cups of coffee.

As for the explosives they were carrying, they have been handed over to the security guards of Mark Company.

This is the happiest part of the New York City police now. They no longer need to handle dangerous jobs. They only need to assist with some basic safety guarantees.

To be honest, if you can, no one wants to risk his life.

Only in order to be worthy of their cervical spine and worthy of their own identity, they will choose to pick up the gun and defend the peace of this city.

Maritime prison.

These defeated dogs were imprisoned in a cage. Mark, Tony, and Nick from SHIELD stood outside the cage, talking and laughing at the defeated dogs inside.

"Komunen! Wait, someone will avenge us!"

"Don't count on it. The forces behind you have given up. Most of you are dead. It doesn't matter. Although they are still alive, they will not avenge you."

It is not someone else who said this, but Nick.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone felt cold.

Nick is the one who knows their secrets, but he is definitely not the one who betrays them.

The reason for saying this is that Nick has a lot of dirty work in his hands, and Nick is among the news that was announced this time.

Nick has now resigned from the post of Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and is now just a senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Although it goes up a bit frequently, in fact, I can find another one from SHIELD.

It is estimated that they can't be found. Of course, the trusted agent has a close relationship with Nick.

Agent Phil, she should be called Director Phil now.

Shrewd and capable came up and drastically changed the entire SHIELD.

Especially the nails of a few Hydras, and of course most of the Hydra agents were also left behind.

They will perform more dangerous tasks and become the vanguard of SHIELD.

There is no need to worry about life and death at all, and it would not hurt S.H.I.E.L.D. to die.

Phil was very angry at the dirty work Nick had done, but everyone was working as an agent and didn't make a complete noise. Nick also told Phil all he knew, which was regarded as compensation for Phil.

"Komunen! You are not a good person either. Sooner or later someone will make all your crimes public, and you will be forever!"

"Yeah, but you can't see that day anymore, and the person who will be exposed to the public on that day will only be me." Mark said with a sneer at these defeated dogs.

Mark approached the cage and said to the people inside in a very small voice: "Now I'll tell you a secret, anyway, you are dying. Do you remember the previous nuclear explosions? Those were all prepared by me. Hahahaha!"

At such a close distance, it is logically impossible for Nick and Tony to hear what Mark is saying.

Especially Nick, who has been strengthened physically, should be able to hear clearly.

The main reason was that Mark blocked the sound transmission in the surrounding space, so that only the few guys in the cage could hear what he said.

They stood up excitedly, ready to tell their big secrets to the two people standing outside.

But no matter how they yelled, the two people outside looked at them with surprise.

Mark patted the shoulders of two people and said, "Don't look at the barking and barking dogs. I already know their secrets. Don't waste time here!"

The two did not expect Mark to receive the answer so quickly.

Of course, I don't want to stay here anymore, who wants to stay in this hapless maritime prison.

As Mark's portal opened, the three people left the maritime prison, as if they had never been there before.

Only a few lunatics were left, clutching the railing and roaring constantly.

They shouted loudly that Mark was the real demon, but unfortunately no one could hear it.

"This demon will be judged sooner or later, but it will never be judged by you! Only myself can judge me!" Mark said in his heart.


Another public opinion battle ended in Mark's complete victory.

No one cares what happened in the beginning, everyone is pursuing those **** guys.

The audience tried to dig out deeper secrets and gave the **** guys a pot, but they found that no matter how they dig, they couldn't find more useful news.

The vast majority of people are now clean, just like the white snow in the winter.

There are at most petty thefts. Even if it is a moral issue, Mark doesn't care. There is no one perfect in this world anyway.

As for those guys with human lives and blood in their hands, Mark never let go. Even if some guys are out of the prosecution period, Mark will not let them go.

There seems to be a full stop here.

However, the really exciting thing is not over yet.

The Superhero Association officially issued a space exploration instruction.

Anyone can sign up to join the space expedition team.

After the screening, those who successfully join the space expedition will receive a generous commission.

When everyone heard the news at first, they didn't care too much, but after seeing the announced commission, everyone went crazy.

Even if they knew that the exploration of the universe might cost their lives, with a generous pension, they would not hesitate.

Give it a try to change a bike into a motorcycle, and save a few lives!

And if you are lucky, you can even name a city. Find a suitable planet that can become a new home for mankind, and develop on it, and of course investigate the local climate environment and other things.

Each exploratory team has more than a few hundred personnel.

How can a large number of gaps not be coveted? It is said that the college entrance examination is a multitude of troops crossing the single-plank bridge, and now entering the space exploration team, that is the mysterious core of human alchemy!

A coffee shop somewhere in New York City.

"Have you heard? The Smith in our office successfully entered the space expedition!"

"What does that guy have?" a colleague said angrily.

"Of course they have the ability. People's calculation speed and computer applications are far more than us. You don't know. When the boss heard the news, his face was almost crooked, and his son didn't enter the back door. "

"What! Can you still go through the back door?"

Hearing that they can still go through the back door, some people at the scene are already uncomfortable! But then they calmed down again, because even if they could leave, they probably wouldn't have the money.

"Oh, don't get excited. It's not up to the person above to see if you can leave. I have the ability to enter long ago. And this is only the first round of screening, and there are second and third rounds! In short, we still If you have the opportunity, sign up with your boss as soon as possible. Even if you can’t join the space expedition team, it’s good to raise your salary then!"

"Ok, deal!"

The eldest son of God who likes Marvel, please collect it: ( The literature of the eldest son of Marvel has the fastest update speed.

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