Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 812: With three wives

Chapter 831

Even though Thanos was dead now, Wang Xiaoming still didn't believe that those so-called creation gods would let him go so easily.

Before he had been integrated with Infinite Gems, Mark might really have a chance to get rid of this trouble.

When the time comes, treat yourself honestly.

In this universe, even without the continued support of the Protoss. From now on, Mark will be a little more trivial, and can still live a good life.

For Mark's current company, the business has been quite extensive, and it is not a problem to wait and die.

But everyone has already slapped the face on the battleship. With this slap in the face, it is impossible for Mark to just say that, let it go and let it go.

Someone must pay the price now, and now it turns out that either you die or I live (yes, it is correct).

Exploring the universe is to allow mankind to continue to develop and develop towards a stronger place.

Rather than as it is now, Mark completely drags down human development.

A short period of uprooting is not harmful to humans, and even helpful, just like Mark has solved one cosmic crisis after another.

From these cosmic crises, mankind has obtained sufficient technological support.

But if this continues, mankind will rely too much on alien technology and give up the improvement of its own technology.

This is a very scary thing, because these are the technology trees of others and passed on to oneself.

The ghost knows what will happen in the future?

Mark cannot continue to allow such things to evolve! You must make changes at this time.

Fortunately, people on earth now are also clearly aware of their own environmental problems.

The earth has sacrificed the environment for so many years, and the rapid advancement of technology in exchange has led to the gradual deterioration of the current earth’s living environment and the extinction of a large number of species.

Even after these years of remediation, the results are still not much better.

To know the damaged environment, it is not so easy to solve.

So mankind will hope to re-transfer to other planets, even the moon, the satellite of the earth.

Human beings have already imagined trying to live on the moon, and the environment on the moon is relatively acceptable compared to other planets.

Building a closed lunar base, or a huge lunar city, was once a human fantasy, but now Mark has turned it into reality.

Human nations have also imagined that they emigrate like other planets, but they are relatively close in their exploration needs, and several planets are not suitable for survival.

The planet suitable for survival is too far away, and even human beings are still unable to determine whether there is a deep existence on Mars.

For a big guy like Jupiter, don't even think about it. It's almost impossible to get close.


This time a space expedition team was formed. The first planet chosen was the planet Venus, the closest to the earth.

The environment of Venus is actually very harsh.

It is not suitable for human survival at all. The main reason is that the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of Venus is the largest, accounting for more than 97%.

This is a very unsuitable planet for humans, so it was almost excluded from the range of optional planets by early astronomers.

The second is the huge and corrosive acid rain that often falls, and even if it can withstand professional corrosion, the annual consumption is abnormally huge. It is better to choose a planet without such a harsh environment.

Do you think this is over?

No, you are wrong. The surface temperature of the planet has reached 500°C.

Although it has not reached the level of melting steel, it is far beyond the limit that humans can bear.

Without wearing special protective clothing, humans do not want to be on this planet at all.

Moreover, the atmospheric pressure of this planet is about 90 times that of the earth, which is equivalent to the pressure it bears in the 900-meter deep ocean of the earth.

Everyone feels that this is an expression of throwing money into the water.

But it is precisely because he is the planet closest to the earth that he must explore.

The mission of the expedition is to investigate whether there are living organisms on this planet.

In this universe, there may be life forms in any environment. Once it is discovered that there are a large number of our hostile life forms on this planet.

Mark will immediately send a fleet to encircle and suppress the planet, even if the planet cannot be used, it is absolutely impossible to let them continue to threaten the development of the earth.

The expedition team actually also acts as the mission of the reconnaissance team, so this is a very dangerous job.

Before Mark left, he had clearly explained to them the dangers facing this operation.

Imagine how terrifying a race can endure a lot of acid rain, withstand 500 degrees of heat, and withstand 90 times the pressure of the earth.

Even if they were primitive people who drank blood and drank blood, their physical fitness far exceeded that of people on earth.

With their ability to demonstrate in this environment, they are definitely troublesome opponents. Moreover, an ethnic group cannot be formed by a hundred or ten people, at least tens of thousands.

Mark watched the spacecraft lift off and sent the first group of expedition members selected out of the earth.

For these team members, Mark had already prepared the personnel before the plan started.

They already know what their mission is, and even their funerals have already been accounted to their families.

However, Mark didn't just give up on them. Mark gave them a final wave of reinforcement before they left.

He took out all the strengthening potions that he didn't have much reserves, and used them on them.

A total of one hundred and fifty expedition members, all of which have been strengthened by gene-enhancing drugs, have physical fitness comparable to Captain America.

Of course, in terms of combat, it may not be as strong as Captain America. These have to be accumulated through time and learning in large and small battles.

Of course, after asking them to send them away, Mark was not idle, and prepared their plan of action.

Mark on the earth has already prepared everything. As long as these novices don't make waves, basically there won't be any problems, and then there is a problem. And Narud wiped their ass, anyway, this is not a big problem.

Mark is now taking his daughters-in-law to take a good stroll in the universe, which can be regarded as a different kind of travel.

Mark's first choice was Venus, which was to monitor and support the expedition team. Mark is not worried about their loyalty issues, Mark is worried that they are hiding personalities on some issues.

Of course Mark didn't expect it, and took his family to suffer.

The specially modified ship not only has a camouflage system, but also has complete living facilities. It can basically be understood as a small flying villa.

Wanda and Picro were ruthlessly left at home by Mark and the others.

But Mark still left them a letter so they don't worry.

In the evening, the two little guys who had just returned home put down their schoolbags, but did not hear the usual sound of cooking.

Do the two little guys feel that something is not quite right?

The soldiers were divided into two groups, Wanda rushed directly into the living room, and Picro mainly started searching the whole room.

After a few seconds. Picro went to the living room and said to Wanda, "I didn't find it!"

"Don't look for it, they are going to travel!" Wanda shook the letter that was left behind and said to Picro.

Picro flashed directly to Wanda's side and looked at the letter.

"Hi, darlings, if you see this letter, it means we have left the earth. We went to a place that is not far away and not near. In short, you definitely can't go now, and It’s a bit dangerous, so I can’t take you there. You must study hard while we are away from home.

Three meals a day! I will also ask someone to be responsible for you. Just tell him what you want to eat, I believe he will be able to meet your daily needs. And don't think that we are no longer here, just make trouble in the school. All the things you have done will be reported to us, and my portal skills have not been abandoned. It may be teleported back at any time, and then you will be beaten!

Finally, it is also the most important thing. At your age, it is indeed time to fall in love. Falling in love only stops at kissing! If I find that you are outside or take home to mess around, then you will be unlucky! Well, if you don't threaten, I won't say much. Bye bye, my dear babies! "

Picro looked at Wanda, who was standing next to him. The letter paper in her hand had already been pinched and deformed, and you were shining with the red chaotic magic light.

Falling in love and still engaging in porn... Does he know who Wang Dadi likes?

Picro never believed that the love mentioned in this letter would be him. Mark has always wanted to go to other people's cabbage.

Especially after understanding what cabbage is all about, I feel a headache for the Mark group.

This thing will not be happy on anyone, especially if you compare yourself to a pig!

"I think Mark must have his own consideration. We can think about this problem from other aspects. It is actually good for us. At least we are free now, right?" Picro tried to transfer Wanda's Attention, don't get tangled in some of my words.

Wanda did tore the letter in his hand to shreds, and then said to a Piccolo: "Go, now go to Stephen!"

Wanda has heard of a series of activities recently organized by Mark.

The greatest possibility for Mark is to follow the fleet to Venus.

It was impossible to launch another rocket, and it was not used as a spot for them. The next batch will have to wait until at least two months later, when the day lilies are already cold.

So the top priority is to find Steven, who has the portal to send them to Mark’s spaceship immediately.

The eldest son of God who likes Marvel, please collect it: ( The literature of Marvel’s eldest son has the fastest update speed.

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