Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 813: Venusian

Chapter 832

Venus, a planet that should not be patronized.

There are many unknown secrets on this planet. He used to be a secret experiment site, but in the end it became a garbage disposal plant.

All the failed products were abandoned here, taking the acid here to corrode their remains.

However, not all the discarded failures are eventually corroded.

Some people assimilated with acid and became survivors in this ruin

It can be said that this is a place abandoned by the gods and also the dark history of the gods.

I don't know how many years there have been no living entities on this planet.

Those life forms that have been assimilated have no way to break through the planet's atmosphere.

The atmosphere severely restricted them, even if their strength far surpassed the earthlings, and even crushed the earthlings in terms of spiritual power.

The technology tree has never been created by one person, two people can create it.

Those who traversed directly began to build a technological tree in ancient times.

Either you have relatively basic technology, or there are plug-ins for various black technologies.

Just relying on a person to build a complete set of technology trees, don't just dream of it.

However, these guys, who can be called Venusians for the time being, possess abnormal perception abilities.

When the spacecraft broke through the atmosphere and landed on the surface of Venus, they had already noticed this team.

The Venusians, who have not known how many years of reproduction, are watching the spaceship in the distance.

I have seen many similar steel plants, but they don't know what it is?

Even the earliest generation of ancestors didn't know what it was, and none of these things existed.

They picked up the leaked weapon in their hands with the acid mud pit, and slowly approached the expedition's spacecraft.

It's not that they are overbearing. Even with these simple weapons in their hands, they can easily destroy the expedition's spacecraft.

People under 90 times the pressure, even if they have not received the transformation of those so-called gods and can live here all year round, have reached an extremely terrifying level.

Even the primitive weapons in their hands that are too simple to be simple can easily break through the outer armor of the spacecraft.

Among the spacecraft of the expedition, the captain in charge of this operation is reminding the team members.

"Remember to ensure that the protective clothing worn on your body is intact. Once there is a leak or damage, return immediately and do not stay in place."

Everyone nodded solemnly. The expedition team members who had already understood the meticulous situation knew very well what would happen if they lost their protective clothing.

First, it was directly pressed into meat patties by careful and powerful pressure, and then it was completely corroded by the acidic liquids around it, becoming a mass of dregs that do not know what it is, perhaps even the dregs will not be left.

For the sake of your own life, everyone must be careful to guard against possible dangers at any time.

Just as they were about to leave the spacecraft to explore, the spacecraft's sirens suddenly sounded. The sudden sirens made everyone worried.

Because everyone didn't know what ghost they were about to face, the expedition team responsible for controlling the artillery came to the control room and watched these constantly approaching life forms through the camera.

"Captain! There are vital signs trying to get close to our ship. It looks like a human! They don't have any protection, they still have weapons in their hands."

After everyone heard the news, their complexions became quite ugly, and they acted without any precaution. They still have weapons in their hands on this planet.

His former captain immediately shouted to the driver not far away: "Take off!"

The pilot hasn't left his job yet, so he immediately started the spacecraft without a word.

The spacecraft launched a roar, making the surrounding Venusians who were trying to get closer began to fear.

If such a thunderous sound appears on Venus, it generally means that corrosive acid rain is about to appear.

Even Venusians who have adapted to a careful environment. When facing acid rain, you still have to avoid it in time. Those acid rain will also cause irreversible damage to their bodies.

Although it's not like people on earth, it will die if touched.

After the spacecraft moved away, they looked at the Venusians on the ground through a remote camera. Everyone controlled their breathing and did not dare to make any noise.

"Now send the news back immediately!" said the expedition leader.

Mark received the news from Venus earlier because he was closer. Mark saw the complete video recording, which clearly showed that there was a group of naked people on Venus, just primitive people with a few fig leaves.

The weapons held by these primitive people are very simple and primitive, which is so different from those primitive people on earth.

If it is judged by these that these guys are not threatening, that would be a big mistake.

The same sentence combined with the local conditions of Venus, those naked primitive people are monsters!

Mark first set up a delay to send messages to simulate a command station far away on the earth.

"Don't land for now, wait in high-altitude orbit."


Venus ground.

The primitive man who had just seen the spaceship that day returned to his tribe.

Old, young, and young women and children who were hiding from the rain were found in the cave. They breathed a sigh of relief. Conflicts between tribes and tribes are also frequent occurrences.

And the living conditions of Venus are very difficult. Other tribes must be victorious and will not leave old or weak women and children at all. Even cannibalism in some tribes is quite normal.

One of the Venusians ran in front of the elders who were still neatly dressed. Instead of opening his mouth, he closed his eyes and communicated through mental power.

The environment here is also inseparable.

Why can they communicate through mental power. It is estimated that this is their ancestor, the few special abilities left behind.

PS: The following adjectives are for easy reading, such as metal, so as not to say the number of words in my water.

"Elder, we just saw a huge metal object. He made a roar and flew up suddenly. But in other places, what we saw was very similar, as if it were foreign visitors."

The elder opened his eyes slightly. He is the oldest and last elder in this tribe.

The elder of them, I did not open my eyes and looked at the sky in the distance. He remembered the story his parents told him when he was a child.

They are not people on this planet, but live on a planet full of water, that planet does not have these corrosive liquids, let alone such a harsh environment, there are beautiful plants everywhere, and they can’t finish eating. food.

There is no need to worry about the problems of life at all, let alone survive in the cracks.

It's a pity that his parents are too old. For so many years, only his child has survived. But not many people know this beautiful story.

Time has passed, and he once passed on the stories he knew to his tribe members, but unfortunately they did not want to believe their beautiful stories.

Think this is a ridiculous fantasy, a weak escape from reality.

Perhaps the thing that can fly to the sky is the way for them to find the beautiful world, or it may be the messenger sent by that beautiful world to take them out of this disgusting world.

"Where did you see it? Take me to take a look!" The elders have no longer cared about much, not caring about the acid rain outside, nor caring about their weak and injured body.

"It's still raining acid rain outside the elder, and we are easily injured if we go out now."

The elder can only sigh, he is not worried about his broken body.

But worry about these lads. If even these lads fall, no one will be able to continue to protect this tribe.

The acid rain gradually stopped and immediately led the boys out of the cave.

The original plan was to continue to search for food after the acid rain ended to supplement the few food available in the tribe.

But now the plan has changed.

These young men who have witnessed the facts are willing to take risks with the elders.

Success, the result naturally needless to say.

Failed, there is no worse situation than now.

And the acid rain has just ended, nothing will quickly crawl out of the cracks to meet the ground full of acidic liquid.

The spaceship in the sky saw the previous primitives and brought a new primitive to the location where they were just now.

They are curious about these primitive people with wisdom.

Maybe these guys can communicate.

The recorder in charge of recording recorded all what he saw and what he guessed on the computer. These are very important information. After returning, it is definitely a great achievement.

The news received was passed on to the earth again, and Mark stopped halfway through again. Mark looked at the recorded information and developed a stronger curiosity.

When Mark was about to reach Venus, Nemesis, who had already merged with Mark, looked at Venus in the distance and said nostalgic: "The garbage dump abandoned by the gods! I didn't expect you to come here."

Nemesis was curious about the garbage dump of the gods in his mouth.

"What does it mean that the gods abandoned the garbage dump?" Mark asked.

"Do you know that the Celestial Group cultivates mutants on Earth? In fact, the truth is the same. It's a pity that most of the mutants in this multiverse are failures, but the genes are still in the human genes. Only when they are stimulated by other multi-verbal patterns, or by the unimpeded energy of the multiverse, can they stimulate the genes in their bodies.

The creation gods in the hands of the Titans have also done similar experiments, and some dying experiments that have completely failed have been abandoned here. Waiting for this land to decompose their support and become part of this land. "

The eldest son of God who likes Marvel, please collect it: ( The literature of Marvel’s eldest son has the fastest update speed.

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