Son of Marvel’s God

Chapter 905: Moon black wind high

Chapter 924

Mark knew that it was impossible for him to expect the guys from the World Security Council to deal with it.

Mark decided to solve the problem himself.

In the middle of the night, Mark came silently to the house of Luther who gave the order.

Luther sat on the sofa in Luther's house, looking at the latest newspaper, waiting for the owner's return.

Luther's experience was only him, which surprised Mark a little bit. At the same time, he didn't find any clues about his wife or children in his home. He was still a single man.

Luther skillfully opened the door of his house and looked at the small lamp in his living room. He felt that something was not quite right. He walked slowly into the living room and saw Mark sitting on his sofa. .

"I have some questions to ask you, do you have time?"

As soon as he saw Mark, Luther was ready to escape.

As soon as Mark finished speaking, he threw the briefcase in his hand, and Mark kicked the lost briefcase out by a plane.

Luther had already climbed up the stairs on the second floor. Mark did not catch up. Instead, he broke the ceiling and jumped into the room on the second floor. He kicked the door on the second floor and appeared. In front of Luther.

"Do you think you can escape?" Mark said.

"You have caused such a big movement. People around you must have noticed that you can't run away! There are many agents of the World Security Council around here." Luther said excitedly to Mark, but his tone There was obviously fear in it.

"When did I say that I was going to run, and how did you know that I didn't clean up the guys around? How careless do you think I was?" Mark asked in a row, making Luther completely give up.

Luther seemed to know his result, and he immediately reached out to his waist, ready to get something.

Mark had an urgent hand, and the newspaper in his hand was suddenly thrown out. The soft newspaper was thrown so hard by Mark, but it was quite hard, like a steel needle, and hit Luther's hand.

Luthor’s palm was pierced by the newspaper and then nailed to the wall. Luther stretched out his other hand to his waist again, but Mark had already rushed up at this time and took what he wanted to take away in advance. In the hand.

pistol! This pistol is not very powerful.

"Oh! So there is nothing to talk about for people like you." Mark reached out his hand, grabbed Luther's head, and began to read his memory.

But what makes Mark feel the most unexpected is that Luther's memory is very short, and it doesn't feel like a normal human at all.

Because even if a normal human is frustrated, his memory is still deep in the desert, but it is temporarily unreadable, not lost.

Moreover, Luthor's memories are only the most recent period, and some sporadic and important memories about work, but the short ones are simply not plausible.

There is also a possibility that it is a cloned human being, completely a biological machine, performing tasks according to given instructions.

Mark's action is not over yet, the police sirens outside are already loud.

The World Security Council car was the first to bear the brunt. Several other police cars followed closely behind. A large number of police officers stepped down from the police car. The World Security Council men also started to approach the house with weapons in their hands.

It seems that they are also aware of the attack here, so they immediately sent people to support.

Mark shot and killed this "clone" just in case!

Mark wanted to see what those guys hiding behind him would do without this guy.

In the hut across the street, Mark slowly opened the blinds and looked at the noisy street and the crowds around him.

Several ambulances arrived in a hurry, but they took the body away.

The people of the World Security Council did not leave from beginning to end, but the police cars left one by one.

Until Nick appeared in person in the end, Mark had been hiding well.

But as soon as Nick got out of the car, his gaze fell on Mark, where Mark dodged behind the wall without allowing Nick to sweep.

The two agents standing next to Nick asked, "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing, it just feels like someone is staring at him. It's okay now." Nick said and walked into the room.

Mark slowly closed the shutters, trying to be less abrupt.

As everyone knows, as soon as Nick entered the outside room, he walked to the window and observed the movement here.

Suddenly closing the shutters attracted Nick's attention. Nick said to the two agents next to him: "Go to that room right now. The suspect is likely to be in that room."

Without thinking about it, the two detectives immediately pulled out the guns on their waists, and then rushed into the opposite room with a group of people. The door of the room was forcibly broken open without any reason at all.

When Mark heard that the door downstairs had been broken open, he immediately prepared to move.

Quietly disappeared into the room, and left the room without knowing it.


Luther's death seemed to sound the alarm for Nick.

He put a letter in a street cafe, and the waiter in the street cafe glanced away from Nick, then glanced at the sealed letter.

Without anyone paying attention, she quietly put it in her pocket.

In the middle of the night, when everyone was asleep, the waiter took out the letter. He turned on the lighter and looked at the special text recorded inside. He knew the current situation.

He immediately walked into the basement and uncovered the tarp, revealing the alien equipment that had not been used for a long time.

Through this alien device, he passed a string of encrypted data to his companion. After receiving the news, the companion immediately began to act.


"No, it was just suspected, but no clues were found. The cloner has been killed. Our people are very cautious. No one knows that the cloner is dead. The result of the external claim is serious injury, but it is still I can be cured and come back, now make it quickly, and copy it next."

"No! Even if it is produced, it is estimated that it will still be killed, just give up!"

"In this case, the big guy will most likely be exposed."

"We will be exposed when we are exposed. The current situation is beyond our control."

"Then what do you plan to do next?"

"It will count!"


Luther's death has already made the local news. Major newspapers and media are propagating this disgusting assassination activity, and said that the young director died because of ineffective rescue after a day and night.

Everyone regretted the death of the director, and even the parade caused by the defeat of the war was temporarily stopped.

All seem to be avoiding these things.

The attitude shown by the World Security Council now surprised Mark.

Mark knew that Luther had been killed at that time and confirmed his death, so there is no such thing as insisting on insisting on a day and night.

This should be a way for the World Security Council to sell miserably to reduce public opinion.

Although the use of dead people is a bit disgusting, it has to be said that it is really effective.

However, in this world, there is not much to study, but Nick took over Luthor, but Mark was very surprised.

If S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau has not been disbanded, as the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick has indeed been able to be a director after so many years of hard work, but he rejoined after leaving and is now able to be a director. This On the contrary, it feels surprising.

Mark does not know what kind of transaction is in private.

Nick, who had just boarded the board of directors for a short time, immediately mobilized for war.

I think of other people who are very supportive and expand the ranks of the entire World Security Council. Almost everyone wants to be shameless and regain the support of the people through this matter. It seems that they don’t know the enemy or ourselves. How big is the gap between.

They thought that the previous explosion was because their airdrop was successful, and they don't know how much disaster they left behind.

The more radical it is at this time, the more serious it will cause unimaginable consequences.

Mark immediately organized a public press conference.

But now he is also a very influential person. As soon as the news of the press conference came out, a large group of people wanted to come in.


"I know what the purpose of your coming today is? I also want to explain the current situation of humans and insects.

Human beings are actually very pessimistic. Not only technology and reserve forces are not enough to bring us another war. If another war is won, it will be another matter of failure, then it will be broken, and it may even be devastated.

Although Alfheim was successfully conquered by us, it was not a matter of our own race. The gods and protoss of Asgard spared no effort to help us. This allowed us to easily occupy the Elf Kingdom Alfheim.

But now we are fighting alone. The World Security Council simply does not allow us to join this war. They think they can win this war, but they did not expect to push mankind to death step by step. The abyss.

I must not allow such a thing to happen before our eyes. I hope you will keep your eyes open and report all the things I have said today, so that the people can take a closer look at what they are now in. world. Protest is a means, but in the face of foreign enemies, we must always take up the weapons in our hands against the enemy.

The promise I can make is that the history of mankind will never end in this century. As long as I am not dead, it will never disappear for the sake of civilization. "

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